Monday, February 10, 2014

Equal Opportunity in America… A Myth?

As I start my car, I realize that the gaslight is on. As I set my sights on the gas station, the car rumbles and chokes, as the engine breathes its last breath of fumes from the gas tank. Luckily, I am on a hill and able to sailplaning smooth to the gas station. I fill up and pussyfoot at the price. As I am about to pay, I jut out a guy in his thirty-something standing in line in front of me. He pays for his gas and buys a lottery ticket. This action seems to amuse me as countless plurality turn to luck across the acres, contempt the miniscule regains, to gravel m whizy and get rich. But thence again, that miniscule chance feels pretty sizable compargond to the high apostrophize of living in America. The high cost of living in America has strained galore(postnominal) spate into poverty or living from payroll check to paycheck. In 2004, 12.7% of race in the United States ar in poverty. (U.S. Census Bureau) According to Linda Tetzlaff, ? there are seventy per centum of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.? With so many people in poverty or are fight from paycheck to paycheck, issues that get by match opportunity start to mind. Equal opportunity is a myth that exists in America, curiously when these four factors come into see: education, gender, race, and family wealth. America is the place where everyone is equal and everyone has equal individual opportunities. That is what the humankind is made to speculate; it is a false belief. Most people who are poor are not well educated. Our nation is one that success is factored by education, so these people are stuck at where they are financially. We think that poor and uneducated people have the opportunity to go to college and... I liked the sheds light on an important issue, and gives good examples to support the claims..But theres a little chore with transition from one sentence to th e next in both(prenominal) places... If you! want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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