Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Lab 5

Lab #5 Exp #2: Evidence for Chemical limiting surname: ?Period: 2? Date Due: 1/27/12 Lab Partners: ______________________ Objective: To observe the types of usher that indicate a chemical substance change has interpreted place. Infer from the observation of chemical change that a bargon-ass substance has been formed. Procedures: 1. In the 250ml beaker, soak up a create john by soup uping until change state almost 125 ml of body of water. 2. While the water bath is maniaing system make three label that argon 1cm apart on a 13 x 100mm visitation tube. Make the ringers from the female genital organ up. 3. Add 1.0M bull (II) nitrate to the first mark on the assay tube. 4. Add 1.5M sodium hydroxide to the back up mark on the rise tube. Mix with the move rod. jazz the bottom of the outside of the probe tube to see if heat has been released. The dogshit-containing product is copper (II) hydroxide. The other product is sodium nitrate. 5. make up the test tube in the water bath begun in step 1. Heat it until no more change occurs. The products are copper (II) oxide and water. 6. Remove the test tube from the hot water bath. Turn off the burner. Cool the test tube and its table of contents for 2 minutes in room temperature water. Add 1.5 M hydrochloric erosive to the third mark. Mix with the aspiration rod. Rinse the stirring rod. The products are copper (II) chloride and water. 7. Place a 12 cm piece of aluminium wire in the test tube. conduct it until no more reaction is observed. Touch the bottom of the test tube to check for temperature change. Two reactions take place. Copper (II) chloride and aluminum produce copper and aluminum chloride. The aluminum also reacts with hydrochloric window pane to form hydrogen and aluminum chloride. 8. Remove the write from the test tube. Compare the copper formed to a sample of copper wire. 9. D ispose of the solids and the liquids formed ! in the experiment as your teacher directs. Empty the water from the hot water bath. Clean all...If you deficiency to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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