Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Changing Role Of Women And The Family

This essay leave al ace discuss how wo handss fibers work changed in spite of appearance the family. It will analyse these changes and draw conclusion as to whether this has adversely alter the family in Great Britain today. The discussion will equalise how wo men were traditionally placed at bottom the family institution over one c years ago and how liberation and legislation have contend their part in the changing role of women within ultramodern day families. Women were once, social and economic dependants of men. A master copy move was almost impossible, and despite Britains ruler universe feminine for most of the nineteenth century until 1901 when Queen Elizabeth died, women were second phratry citizens. In 1870, Queen Victoria had written, let women be what idol intended, a helpmate for man, plainly with totally several(predicate) duties and vocations. Trint, S. level discipline Site 2010-2011. Womens Rights. [accessed 0712201 1] Womens hyponymy to men meant that their prime duty was domestic. Children were an economic responsibility for women - providing food, admit and clothing until the child was independent and could go out to make up to win for the family themselves. Most working class women worked, as this was an obligation, but this work contrasted hugely to that of their male counterparts, occupying roles of lower skill and less(prenominal) pay. Edward Cadbury in 1909 verbalize that marriage was an escape from work Trint, S. storey Learning Site 2010-2011. Womens Rights. [accessed 07122011]. It was almost essential to make pass support in wedlock as single mothers were stigmatised and trim down to poverty. Functionalist, George Murdock 1949 stated that there were four basic functions of the family. These are sexual, reproductive, educational and economic. He considered these functions to be universal. Talcott Parsons 1955 suggested that there is a congen ital put across division of labour between ! men and women. He said that a man in a husband role is...If you want to get a bounteous essay, order it on our website:

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