Due to the high volume newspaper owners received considerable income from advertising and printing ads. Journalism United States from the very beginning has developed a decentralized, there has not arisen any national publication. The local press has always played a key role in it. The main economic, cultural and journalistic center of the country since the beginning of the XIX century. is New York. However, he still was not the sole capital of the press, such as London or Paris for their countries, because of the huge size of the U.S.. The greatest influence of the use of the newspaper that U.S. investigators called the "giants of journalism," and to reflect the phenomenon of "personal journalism." In 1860, "New York Herald" had an average daily circulation of 77 thousand copies. It was the largest circulation in the world, even as the London "Times" had a 25 thousand copies. downward. "New York Tribune" boasted that its daily output was 55 thousand copies., And a weekly edition - 287750 copies. [27]. "New York Sun" was a daily circulation of about 60 thousand copies. "New York Times" - 35 thousand copies. "Ivnin New York Post" - 20 thousand copies. The circulation of the prominent southern newspapers were much smaller, the daily release of "Charleston Mercury" was in 1860 about 10 thousand copies. [28].
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