Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Should College Students Go Trough - 1498 Words
The Freshman Fifth-teen is a growing issue that many college students go trough. These pounds might seem like harmless weight but research supporting that the weight gained and bad eating habits learned in the first year off college can have negative effects on your life forever.Although it may seem like harmless pounds the freshman fifteen is an on going problems that more than half of the college students experience and suffer from as they grow out of their college career. the first research study Preventing weight gain in first year college students: An online intervention to prevent the freshman fifteen. Eating Behaviors, discusses many topics of first college year weight gain but mainly focuses on eating behaviors. This study†¦show more content†¦Developing these habits can be hard to break as explained by the individuals used in this study. These habits of always relying on eating out can lead to sign of heart disease and obesity. The obesity is at an all time high in the United States.The surroundings in a college life style are set up to learn to live and support your self. Supporting your self and while working on school work can be very time consuming causing you to rely on eating out There is another study by Refinery29 that states that the freshman fifteen is actually not as big of a potential problem. This study states â€Å" on average men gain fourteen pounds from that start of the first semester till graduation ( average of 5 years) . Women who participated in this research study gained an average of 8.3 pounds in the same time average. Both instances were people didn t gain nearly as much weight as the â€Å"freshman fifteen†would lead you to believe. This research study was done by Hannah Tikson, a health a wellness coordinator at Pepperdine university and all of her information about the freshman fifteen is stating this is just a myth and that people gain weight during this age of their life even if the social environment of a college town is or is not having influences. Weight gain in college in the first can be just a few harmless pounds but there is still research studies done to support that even if it isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Article Leaving Home For College 891 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle Leaving Home for College, the authors state that the worrys and excitement when youngsters attend college. Youngsters generally treat attending college as a new start to them. They have more control on their daily life but they have more responsibilities at the same time.According to the authors an anticipatory socialization process characterized by multiple and sometimes contradictory feelings and emotions. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Death in Emily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for...
Death in Emily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died, and I Felt A Funeral In My Brain Emily Dickinsons poems Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died, and I Felt A Funeral In My Brain all deal with one of lifes few certainties, death. Dickinsons intense curiosity towards mortality was present in much of her work, and is her legacy as a poet. Because I could Not Stop for Death is one of Emily Dickinsons most discussed and famous poems due to its ambiguous, and unique view on the popular subject of death. Death in this poem is told as a womans last trip, which is headed toward eternity. This poem helps to characterize and bring death down†¦show more content†¦The poem seems to get faster as life goes through its course. In lines 17 and 18, however, the poem seems to slow down as Dickinson writes, We paused before a House that seemed / A Swelling of the Ground-. The reader is given a feeling of life slowly ending. Another way in which Dickinson uses the form of the poem to convey a message to the reader occurs on line four as she writes, And Immortality. The word Immortality is given a line by its! elf to show its importance. Perhaps the most notable way in which Dickinson uses form is when she ends the poem with a dash, which seems to indicate that the poem is never ending, just as eternity is never ending. I heard a Fly buzz-when I died, points to a disbelief in heaven or any form of afterlife. In this poem, a woman is lying in bed with her family and friends standing all around waiting for her to die. While the family is waiting for her to pass on, she is waiting for ...the King... This symbolizes some sort of god that will take her away. As the woman dies, her eyes, or windows as they are referred to in the poem, fail and then she ...could not see to see-. As she died she saw the light but then her eyes, or windows, failed and she saw nothing. This is the suggestion of there being no afterlife. The womans soul drifted off into nothingness because there was no afterlife for it toShow MoreRelated The Nature of Death in Emily Dickinsons Poems Essay2263 Words  | 10 PagesEmily Dickinson once said, â€Å"Dying is a wild night and a new road.†Some people welcome death with open arms while others cower in fear when confronted in the arms of death. Through the use of ambiguity, metaphors, personification and paradoxes Emily Dickinson still gives readers a sense of vagueness on how she feels about dying. Emily Dickinson inventively expresses the nature of death in the poems, â€Å"I felt a Funeral, in my Brain (280)†, â€Å"I Heard a fly Buzzâ€â€When I Diedâ€â€(465)â€Å" and â€Å"Because I couldRead MoreMortailty and Eternity in Emily Dickinson Poems Essay1541 Words  | 7 PagesEmily Dickinson is the epitome of the modern poet. Her poetry breaks from the traditional style with dashes to separate ideas. Dickinson, also, challenged the religious belief of her time. Growing up as a Puritan in Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson knew the bible, yet as an adult, she questioned that belief. Many of her poems seem focused on death; death of the body, death of the soul, death of the mind. Why was she so intrigued with death? The poems that embody this theme are: â€Å"Success is countedRead MoreThe Concept of Death in Emily Dickinsons Poetry : An Analysis3177 Words  | 13 Pagesï » ¿Death in Emily Dickinsons Poetry Introduction Emily Dickinsons 19th century anti-sentimental death poetry illustrates the awful struggle she faced with her spirituality and the realities of life, death and despair. Her attitudes were compelled by a perplexity regarding the prospect of Immortality and the afterlife. Dickinson almost appears at times to see in Death the personification of Relief. In other poems, she seems to see Death as something frightening and demanding of ones faith. InRead MoreEssay about Death in Dickinson576 Words  | 3 Pages Emily Dickinson is one of the most popular American poets of all time. Her poetry is seen as intense and passionate. Several of her many poems seem to be devoted to death and sadness. No one seems to know the exact connections between actual events in her life and the poetry that she wrote. The reader can see vivid images of Dickinsons ideas of death in several of her poems. Dickinsons use of imagery and symbolism are apparent in several of her death poems, especially in these three: I FeltRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Dickinson s Poem My Life Had Stood- A Loaded Gun 993 Words  | 4 PagesEmily Dickinson is a very famous and accomplished poet with over 1700 published poems. Several of her poems are similar in theme, and also similar in bringing out human emotions that we humans usually try to avoid. The common theme in most of Dickinson s poems is the wonders of nature, and the identity of self, as well as death and life. The five poems with the common theme of death are: â€Å"M y Life had Stood- A Loaded Gun†, â€Å"I Heard A Fly Buzz- When I Died†, â€Å"Behind Me Dips- Eternity†, â€Å"Because IRead MoreDeath Versus Death By Emily Dickinson2970 Words  | 12 PagesMaheen Chranya English HP-E Ratliff April 21, 2015 Term Paper Rough Draft HP: _____________________ Death versus Deathâ€â€but the Points go to Dickinson Emily Dickinson was born in a time when not many women involved themselves in poetry or any form of intellectual capability. Despite this, she was such a wonderful poet that her poetry rivaled Whitman’s. Of course, she was never able to rival him because she chose not to publish her poetry in her lifetime. Once the world saw her poetry, however, it wasRead MoreEmily Dickson Poetic Style Of The Works Of George Eliot, Hawthorne, The Brownings, And Other Earlier959 Words  | 4 PagesKnown as one of America’s best poets, Emily Dickson poetic style sets her apart from all the rest. Every writer has his/her own unique ways based on theme, style, and punctuation special just to him/her; this is the same of Ms. Dickinson. Before peering into her work, lets get a little background information into the lifestyle, literary work that influenced her, and religious change of her time. Dickinson lived as a recluse. According to the experts the â€Å"Dickinson s reading was comparatively wideRead MoreAn Analysis Of Death, By Emily Dickinson1056 Words  | 5 Pages In the course of Emily Dickinson’s poems, she has shed some light on how she views death. Like the jumbled feelings before death. The departing soul’s path to ever after, hysteria, or ending up in a void. Some of her poems may seem contradictory or rather different from the other. However, they are all set in place to showcase Emily’s viewpoint that there are many different types of possible outcomes after death. Through these three poems, she has been able to personify death in vastly differentRead MoreEmily Dickinsons Use of Language Techniques609 Words  | 3 PagesEmily Dickinson, a female poet from Amherst, Massachusetts, was born in the 19th century. But because of the status of women at the time, the originality in her poems were seen as unusual and did not get the praise it should’ve gotten or even had a chance to be seen for its ingenious and original use of language techniques. What is most commonly seen in Dickinson’s work is the use of the dash. She has used the dash in many cases for many different and appropriate reasons. A lot of the time theRead MoreDeath Versus Death By Emily Dickinson2596 Words  | 11 PagesChranya English HP-E Ratliff Term Paper Rough Draft HP: _____________________ Death versus Deathâ€â€but the Points go to Dickinson Emily Dickinson was born in a time when not many women involved themselves in poetry or any form of intellectual capability. Nonetheless, she did, and she was such a wonderful poet that her poetry rivaled Whitman’s. Of course, no one ever saw her poetry at the same time as Whitman because she chose not to publish her poetry in her lifetime. Once she did, however, the world
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Being On A Math Team free essay sample
Fifteen seconds! The proctors words penetrate my concentration like a dull, rusty knife yanking me out of my semi-meditative state. The pencil moves as if of its own accord as the solution to the equation materializes on the page. With the last of my waning mental strength, I move the answer to the space provided at the top of the page, dropping my hand in exhaustion as the proctor yells, Time! Being a member of the Canton High School Math Team has been my most educational experience of the three-years-one-month-twelve-days in which I have been a high-school student. It has presented me with challenges, and with a number of invaluable experiences and insights into life. It is time spent in the classroom both before and after the last bell has sounded, and it is time spent at home practicing all types of math problems long after other family members are asleep. We will write a custom essay sample on Being On A Math Team or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is time spent competing in other towns with students from all over the state, and it is time spent running a concession stand at Foxboro Stadium during football games and concerts. It is the long, monotonous ride to Penn State to compete in the American Regional Math League, and it is relaxing at a luxurious restaurant after once again capturing the New England Champion title. The Canton High School Math Team experience begins in the sophomore year. An elite group of students is hand-picked by Head Coach Martin Badoian for exemplary mathematical ability. From that day until the end of senior year (with the exception of a few weeks in July and August), this select group of students will study literally thousands of math problems, arranged into categories from Advanced Arithmetic and Number Theory to Analytical Geometry and Trigonometry. Each of these categories represents the theme of a particular round at a math meet. Each math meet consists of six rounds during which each student attempts to solve three problems on a given subject with ten minutes to complete all three problems. Those who correct the rounds show no mercy; partial credit is nonexistent. Each student is placed in three of the six rounds, depending on his/her strong points. There is also a team round, during which all students from each team work together to solve a collection of problems covering all of the six areas of mathematics. Following in the tradition of the Canton Math Team, every meet is followed by an all-expenses paid dinner, presenting a social element to complement the intellectual aspect of the math meets. The Math Team has proven to me that there is a great deal of truth to the adage practice makes perfect. It has taught me that the best way to approach any problem, math or otherwise, is to analyze carefully what is asked for and then to work with what is given. It has required me to function both as a member of a team and as an individual. Mr. Badoian has taught me to accept nothing but the best from myself. Samuel Johnson once said: Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified. He was not (of course) referring specifically to the Canton High School Math Team, and the difficulties of which he spoke were probably not the trials and tribulations of having to compute the surface area of a frustum with a cylindrical hole bored through it. What he did speak of was life in general, and the difficulties are those which each of us faces as individuals, as well as those which we all face as a team. I am confident I can surmount each difficulty before me. I follow an ever-ascending path, climbing the steps of success. I move along a trail built entirely of pinnacles; every stride brings me to another mountain-top, and each mountain-top affords a magnificent view.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Economist
Introduction The Economist is a weekly publication that has been in production since 1843. Though its editors refer to it as a newspaper, it is produced in a magazine format and type of paper. It is based in London and is owned by The Economist Group, which is owned by the Financial Times, a subsidiary of Pearson PLC.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The Economist specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It mainly gives information on issues relating to business sectors such as finance and economics, international business, politics, culture, science and technology among other fields. In recent years it has grown outside its traditional base in London where it is printed, so much that in 2009, it is said to have sold more than 1.6 million copies per issue all over the world. Most of these were sold in English speaking countries and even more predominantly Britain and North America. In its initial stages in the proces s of setting it up, back in the 1800s it was termed as a ‘chronicle of economics’ by outsiders, it defines itself in its core mission as a source of progress by fighting ignorance with intelligence. The Economist’s major strengths include Strong Brand The Economist is a strong brand name by itself and this is due to its rich and long history. It has maintained a steady growth over the years as other publications that could not withstand the numerous challenges collapsed along the way. It has not been challenged to execute major changes in their management structures by hard financial times ever since it was started in 1843. In fact, the only times it had to change its strategy was in periods such as the recession of 2008 when, unlike their competitors in the market, they were experiencing a substantial amount of growth. Their strong brand has also been associated with other successful magazines that are owned by the group behind The Economists. This is because as a flagship brand that has survived through time it has led to the establishment of a strong company that is a force to reckon with, in the similar publications industry. The strength of the publication as a brand is also complemented by the strength of the brands that make up its mother companies. With brands such as Pearson PLC and Financial Times, this publication enjoys some form of immunity. This can, however, be dangerous as some stronger brands have been crushed by the fall of their mother companies.Advertising Looking for coursework on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Experienced management The managers at The Economist have somehow always come up with a strategy that keeps them profitable even when other publications are suffering the brunt of financial meltdowns. They have always been able to identify the demands of their customers in time and satisfy those demands. They have also been able to i dentify new markets and fields of interests that have the potential to not only increase their market share, but also boost their customers’ loyalty. Such abilities can only be acquired through experience where managers have had a long time to examine consumer preferences and their changes. They can then deduce informed decisions such as the restructuring of their market structures. Their rich history also serves to build onto this experience as the managers can refer to more than a century of business practices that have served to keep the company afloat. This is because they have adopted internal training systems that ensure that the knowledge of those that leave the publication is transferred to those left. This continuity of knowledge has ensured that they always have a steady supply of credible managers who have the adequate know-how of running such a business as well as those who have already acquired a portfolio of experienced sources for their stories. The fact that t heir employees also own part of the business ensures that they maintain the highest levels of professionalism or else run into losses if the publication looses its market domination. Financial and Marketing excellence This has seen their capacity increase due to the availability of resources which is a result of increased profits. This has meant that they are able to adopt marketing campaigns without having to limit themselves to low budgetary allocations. They have had an increased magazine circulation as new markets grow as well as brand loyalty. This has seen them survive through recessions while still making profits while other publications were incurring loses.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The Economist specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Variety The publication offers information on a variety of topics which include business, politics, science, and arts. It also gives information on different countrie s strewn all over the world which makes it richer in content than its competitors. This has worked to diversify its customer base to not only those interested in business news, as is the case with their competitors, but other professionals as well as travelers in general. The best thing about the variety that they have adopted is that it doesn’t dilute the detailed analysis that they have as is the case in other publications that chose to go with this as a business strategy. They have ensured that they have invested in writers and auditors who have rich backgrounds in all these fields and who are highly recommended. They, however, do not always give the identity of their writers, but it still remains authoritative and rich in content. Market domination due to Market positioning It has been identified that The Economist enjoys a considerable advantage over its competitors as far as their share of the weekly publications market is concerned. This has seen them enjoy stable prof its as their market has not been affected by any of the natural or financial forces that have affected their rival publications. This has been promoted by their wide market penetration as the publication enjoys loyal customers from many countries in the world. These loyal customers are due to the general perception that The Economist signifies intelligence. It specifically dominates the major markets which are composed of the world’s economic hubs which ensure that they maximize on revenues where demand is highest. This has, however, been as a result of hard work over many years, which has led to more people associating themselves with it since they started reading it at a very young age and for long it has been considered a source of intelligence. Long-term strengths Strong Brand due to Market positioning This is a long-term strength since it takes some time before people can adjust to any other brand that may come up to compete with The Economist. It is often realized that the strength of a brand is directly related to the loyalty of its customers.Advertising Looking for coursework on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This means that the strong brand that is The Economist has been building up a portfolio of clients over time as its brand strengthens and these clients have slowly grown fond of the brand to a point where they always buy each copy released. These are the loyal customers are as a result of the fact that The Economist is associated with intelligence. This means that any of the rival publications will have to work hard to win over these customers so as to weaken the strength of the brand, which still would be impossible considering perceptions take long to break. This makes the strong brand long-term strength and The Economist is the brand to reckon with. Superior Content and Style with Emphasis on Commentary and Analysis The publication places more emphasis on giving the readers not only the news as it is reported, but an in-depth analysis of the news which serves to provide the reader with a deeper understanding. The managers have realized that it is not just enough for them to break news or give information on events, they also give background information that helps the reader come up with a better understanding of not only the situation as it is, but also the previous prevailing condition. This has been advantageous in attracting customers who seek to understand other countries in terms of economy, politics and culture. It is reported that their sales have in recent times increased especially in airports where most of their buyers seek to gain in-depth information about the country they are travelling to. This prevailed even during the recession, which goes ahead to prove just how good a tool, emphasis on analysis and commentary, can be in determining the success of a weekly publication. This may be the reason behind its increased sales during tough financial times since it does not only report of the financial crisis, but also on the causes and the possible remedies as provided by their huge team of experienced analysts. The Economists also goes ahead to giv e information on how different parts of the world are affected by the same phenomenon, as well as the different remedies they adopt. This serves to capture readers with a global approach to issues whom they target as they adapt to a new age of Mass Intelligence. Major marketing strategies that managers at The Economist they should consider to strengthen their position in the marketplace Market segmentation The Economist has currently been able to curve out part of the market for itself as far as weekly publications are concerned. It, however, needs to come up with better market segmentation structures for it to stay relevant as there are a lot of renewed interests in the same market, as other publications are now recovering from the effects of the financial recession of 2008. There are also some new entrants into the market with very aggressive market specific strategies. This may lead to The Economist loosing some of its undefined markets, as over the years it has taken a general a pproach to markets. It is worrying to see a publication that has so many loyal customers having very little representation in the young information hungry youth. This may result in the loss of their market domination in the near future if they do not go ahead to service the needs of this young market. Perhaps what will be challenging are the differences in preferences between their traditional customers and the more hip and technology savvy youth. The introduction of an online publication is a step in the right direction, but there is still more to be done (Wang, 2003). This young market has often proven to be tricky to dominate due to its specific needs and it would be of great importance if The Economist identified a young team that can serve this market since they are in a position to understand it better. This will of course be with the guidance of the old experienced staff so as to maintain the same consistency that has kept The Economist on top for many years. An example would be to launch an application that will allow people to access content on their phones without having to surf through the bulky websites that may be heavy for some of the phones used by the young. This is because this generation prefers gadgets rather than paper and it is evident that that the future of media is paperless. Product differentiation With the increasing competition, it has been noted that most of the traditional competitors as well as new market entrants are borrowing a lot from The Economist. This may in future dilute the uniqueness that the managers and the editors have for a long time struggled to create. It is, therefore, advised that the managers employ creative and innovative techniques such as patenting their unique adoptions to ensure that the publication maintains its uniqueness, since this is the reason for its survival where others struggle or even fail. This is meant to reduce competition and also to maintain their loyal customers as well as new customers who may lose touch with their products when given similar alternatives (Books Llc. 2010). They may choose to implement any of the following aspects of differentiating their products: different functional features or the design of The Economist; advertising to increase awareness; differences in availability in terms of the timing of their publication or the location of their markets and differences in quality by increasing the quality of their products. Strategy The Economist Should Adopt I would advise The Economist to adopt product differentiation as this allows them to incorporate any other strategic changes they may want. It is also important to realize that the risk of losing their market is evident and it is closer than any other risk they may be facing because their competitors seem to be gaining on them especially after the effects of the recession receded. The differentiation strategy will be accepted since it will ensure consistency in the performance of The Economist in the l ong run. The resources to implement this strategy are available especially considering the fact that they have been enjoying relatively stable profits for some time. Differentiation will allow them to target more customers especially the smart and curious ones who are mostly the young, who believe that the publication is a source of intelligence (Ranchhod, Gauzente and Tinson, 2004). This will also give them an edge over their competitors as they will be able to maintain their customers by gaining a pioneering status with no competition, which then strengthens the position of reader, hence proving to be effective. With the unique competitive advantage and the superior publication styles, content will be further fortified and utilized to strengthen the brand even further. This ensures sustainability as the strong brand has been identified as one of their long term strengths and also due to the fact that the younger customers will remain loyal for a long time. The emergence of Mass In telligence Effects on The Economist The emergence of mass intelligence was previously viewed as challenging by many weekly publications and most of them went ahead to ignore the phenomenon, and continued with providing headlines supported by shallow explanations. The marketers at The Economists, however, saw this as an opportunity to differentiate themselves from the rest of the industry players by providing their readers with more definitive explanations, as well as background information on their articles. This worked to their advantage as they boosted their sales. The main characteristic of their success is the widespread acceptance by readers who were obviously thirsty for a publication that placed more emphasis on giving the readers not only the news as it is reported, but an in-depth commentary and analysis of the news (Hill, Jones, 2009). This is because the readers that came with the emergence of mass intelligence required a source of deeper understanding on the issues that are happening in the world. This obviously meant that they had to hire a different group of writers, who were not only reporters of the news as it were, but also analysts and professionals in the same fields. They also realized that this group also, had no interest with being confined to only one topic and needed a variety of topics that they could relate together. This is the group that could combine business with travel and holidays, and so they diversified the contents of the publication to include other bodies of knowledge besides economics. Conclusion The Economist enjoys a relatively comfortable position in the publications market due to its varied strengths that its competitors lack. This, however, doesn’t mean that the managers and editors should rest easy, since their competitors seem to be gaining from on them. This means that they have to secure their markets by ensuring that they maintain their uniqueness, which has made them get to where they are now. This is to ensure the sustainability of the brand as well as its leadership in the market. Reference List Books Llc. 2010. News Magazines: The Economist, Life, Newsweek, Harper’s Magazine, Publishers Weekly, Insight on the News, the Pen. London: General Books LLC. Hill, C. and Jones, G. 2009. Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach. Upper Saddle River: Cengage Learning. Ranchhod, A., Gauzente, C. and Tinson, J. 2004. Marketing strategies: a twenty-first century approach. New York: Prentice Hall. Wang, W. 2003. Steal this computer book 3: what they won’t tell you about the Internet. New York: No Starch Press. This coursework on The Economist was written and submitted by user Alia K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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