Saturday, May 23, 2020
Technology And Its Effect On Information Crimes - 1606 Words
With the widespread growth of technology, application security is increasingly becoming more and more popular. This growth has a direct effect on information crimes, which are being conducted in new and changing ways. Understanding the issues surrounding information crimes and providing simple but effective security models are key. As developers attempt to keep up with this widespread growth, proper security implementation can sometimes slip through the cracks. Insecure applications can cause serious information security and data privacy issues causing severe repercussions on users and organizations alike. To protect against these attacks, IT professionals need to properly understand some of the basics including cross site scripting,†¦show more content†¦The cross site scripting attack on the user could give them access to a user’s cookies, which can be used to impersonate that user; read and make modifications to the browsers document object model (DOM); or access a user’s geolocation, webcam, microphone, and even specific files from the user’s file system. While some of these require user authentication, a combination of cross site scripting and social engineering could bring the attacker a long way (Acunetix). An attacker can take advantage of many different types of cross site scripting. These include persistent cross site scripting, reflected cross site scripting, and DOM based cross site scripting. An attacker can use a combination of the three as well (server/client cross site scripting) (Acunetix). With persistent cross site scripting attacks, the malicious code is submitted to a website where it’s stored for a certain period of time. The user is not required to interact with an additional site or link, just view the website containing the code. Reflected and DOM based cross site scripting attacks required the user to either visit a specific link that contains malicious code, or visit a malicious site containing a web form that performs the attack. The use of a malicious form is often done when the vulnerable site only accepts HTTP POST requests, which allow the form to be
Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Stereotypical Epic Hero - 848 Words
â€Å"Values honor, succeeds in war, excels in skill, accepts challenges, and ultimately achieves a set goal†are all expectations of a stereotypical epic hero (Lombard). Throughout literature, many notable men earned the title of an epic hero, but women remained overlooked and unappreciated. The wife of the great conquer of the Trojan War, Penelope, endures many trials and tribulations as she cares to the kingdom, all the while her husband is presumably deceased. Odysseus faces a tremendously life-changing journey, as he fights the gods for a way home. The entire kingdoms fate lies in the hands and knowledge of Penelope, as the lustful suitors invade her sacred home. Penelope showcased her profound cleverness and wit as she outsmarted the suitors and saved her home until her husband returned. Odysseus sailed from Ithica to fight the Trojan War, but his journey far exceeded the present expectation. Along his fight back to Ithica, he faced many monsters and dangers, but he cont inued to carry on because he longed for the day that would reunite his family. As the years passed, Penelope never once faltered at her oath to love, cherish and remain faithful to her husband (Bastin). â€Å"Do I stay beside my son and keep all things secure †¦or do I follow, at last, the best man who courts me†; Penelope would reach out to her close family to ask for guidance because even a hero knows to seek advice from others (Homer 498). The return of Odysseus would not come for twenty years, but theShow MoreRelatedBeowulf - Profile of an Epic Hero Essay617 Words  | 3 PagesEpic Beowulf A hero, in the traditional sense of the word, is generally a protagonist in a story whose overwhelming power is the only which can defeat the evil of the day. In a classic example of this comes Beowulf, a novel adaptation of the epic Anglo-Saxon poem by Robert Nye. The main character and namesake of the story is Beowulf, an adventurous young hero. When he hears the tales of the monster Grendel that terrorizes the Danish kingdom, he immediately has the urge to lend his assistanceRead Morean analysis of the qualifications of an Epic Hero887 Words  | 4 PagesAn epic hero is someone who goes down in history as being brave, courageous, and obviously heroic. They don’t have to be asked to save the day, and often times, they aren’t even saving their own people. There are several epic poems that come to mind when thinking about European culture and where it came from. These stories are held as sacred to many different people, and will always be studied whenever the topic of government or culture comes up. In these poems, or stories, there is always a heroRead MoreAnalysis Of Grendel And The Epic Of Beowulf 1294 Words  | 6 PagesMerriam Webster defines a hero as a person who is admired for great or brave acts and defines a villain as a character who does bad things. These definitions may not be so indubitable as John Gardner takes a hero and villain to a whole new level in his novel, Grendel. Throughout the years of novels and short stories, heroes and villains have been constructed as strictly good versus evil, but what if there is good in evil and evil in good? Grendel and the epic, Beowulf, revolve around this idea ofRead MoreTheme Of Good And Evil In Beowulf997 Words  | 4 PagesBeowulf is an epic poem that was written in Old English in between the 8th and 11th century. King Hrothgar who rules the Danes, is being tormented by this beast called, Grendel. For some time now, Grendel has been attacking Heorot Hall, a mead-hall, and has been killing off many of the Danish soldiers and sometimes even devouring some. The king didn’t seem able to protect the people in his village from this great demon. Until, one day, Beowulf shows up and actually offers to help King Hrothgar byRead MoreBeowulf : A Medieval Plot Twist867 Words  | 4 Pagesthat modern readers have come to expect of a medieval hero. He is loyal, brave, pious, what stubborn while at the same time he displays traits that represent the anti-hero. He exemplifies both the hero and the anti-hero. Beowulf truly is something for everyone. The epic poem bearing the name of the erstwhile hero is the bellwether for epic poetry; it and Homer?s works are the standards that all epic poems are compared. The epic tale of the hero Beowulf differs for the generic formula taking the medievalRead MoreThe Hero Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh911 Words  | 4 Pagesmodern culture we are used to the stereotypical, sympathetic hero; the Batmans and Supermans who lose their p arents in tragic circumstances and devote their lives to vanquishing evil. That however, is not the way heroes have always been portrayed. When we look at The Epic of Gilgamesh we see the archetype of every hero since, however, we are not overcome with a desire to see Gilgamesh succeed. On the hand, if we fast forward two thousand years and look at a hero from Africa named Sundiata who isRead MoreBeowulf, An Anglo Saxon Epic Poem1316 Words  | 6 PagesBeowulf, an Anglo-Saxon epic poem, contains several rhetorical strategies. The poem follows the life of a noble warrior named Beowulf while he quests to live up to his father’s name. In the poem, Beowulf overcame many obstacles primarily those of which involved battling supernatural creatures. Epic poems were generally written during the Anglo-Saxon era. They are commonly written in an elevated style in order to glorify the deeds of a legendary hero or god. Literary works during the Anglo-Saxon eraRead MoreHeroes : The Green Knight And Oedipus1156 Words  | 5 Pages A hero is seen as a selfless and courageous individual who saves the day. Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, once said â€Å"the hero is the man of self achieved submission.†A hero must also go through the twelve stages which include: call to adventure, assistance/departure, trials, approach, crisis, treasure, result, returning to their ordinary world, new life, resolution and returning to status quo. Heroes such as Beowulf, The Green Knight and Oedipus, are all seen as heroes for different reasonsRead MoreOdyssey Archetype Analysis850 Words  | 4 PagesArchetypes in â€Å"The Odyssey†and Greek culture Homer’s epic poem is one of the most prolific, intriguing adventure stories ever written. His exceptional use of archetypes adds anticipation and excitement throughout the entire poem. This story has a mix of adventure, suspense, love, and loss. All of these features are archetypes that are shown in Homer’s epic poem. Greek culture is also a big part of the archetypes in this poem as well. The 3 archetypes that I chose are some of the most frequently seenRead MoreExamples Of Archetypes In The Odyssey1002 Words  | 5 PagesHomer’s epic poem is one of the most prolific, intriguing adventure stories ever written. His exceptional use of archetypes adds anticipation and excitement throughout the entire poem. This story has a mix of adventure, suspense, love, and loss. All of these features are archetypes that are shown in Homer’s epic poem. Greek culture is a big part of the archetypes in this poem as well. The three archetypes that I chose are some of the most frequently seen archetypes in adventurous stories or poems
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on Frankenstein Analysis of the Book and Play
My definition of romanticism is when nature played a huge part to all the great artists and writers of the time. The Period of romanticism took place during the 1800s when individuals put emotion into their work and cared about education, literature, and natural history. The true romantics wanted to escape the industrial age and move away from urbanization and population in general. The romantic revolution paved the way for many writers and artists because people felt free and it gave inspiration for original ideas. Some of the great novelists surfaced during the Romanic age, one of which was marry shelly who wrote Frankenstein a masterpiece during its time. The book Frankenstein was a magnificent novel touching on many key ideals of†¦show more content†¦Then his creation all suddenly turns on Victor killing everything he is dear too in the name of vengeance. The monster eventually murders three people in cold blood as well as one indirectly. First Williams’s brother who is accidently strangled to death. With the death of William the monster framed the servant Justine by placing a picture of William in her pocket. Justin was then executed for the unjust murder of William. Sadly Elizabeth, Frankenstein’s cousin and new wife on the wedding night. He also kills a good friend of Frankenstein’s Henry Clerval. The deaths of these innocent people were a result of the monsters revenge on Victor. The monster is seeking this revenge on the doctor because he did not want to be brought into this world especially looking like he did. Another key point that this book beings forth is why human beings should not try to play God and artificially create a being in a laboratory. When Victor creates a bride for the monster he decides to kill her before the monster can have a companion. Victor can’t give the monster what he wants not after what the monster did to his family. After watching the Frankenstein performance done in the great London Theater I was blown away in the visuals that the play brought to the tale. I felt that the play really gave me more of an understanding on why marry shelly wrote this book. She wanted to express so many things, the creation of life, the experience of death,Show MoreRelatedWhy Does Frankenstein Begin and End with Waltons Letters?1188 Words  | 5 PagesWhy does Frankenstein begin and end with Walton s letters? Victor Frankenstein is a scientist whose ambition will be fatal. His story is central to Mary Shelley s Frankenstein. Nevertheless, Shelley gave a frame to Victor s tale as Frankenstein begins and ends with Captain Walton s letters. In this analysis, I will show that Shelley did not insert the letters by chance, but that they add a deeper dimension to the novel. Walton s letters play an important role for the reader may find manyRead MoreAnalysis of the Creation Scene from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Kenneth Branagh’s 1994 Film Version912 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of the Creation Scene from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Kenneth Branagh’s 1994 Film Version One of the key themes in Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ is human arrogance. Frankenstein’s curiosity leads him to play the role of God. In a way Frankenstein is responsible for the monster and has ultimately become a father figure to the monster. Frankenstein abandoning the monster leads up to it turning evil and looking for revenge. Therefore, parenting is another themeRead MoreFrankenstein Novel Analysis Essay1664 Words  | 7 PagesMyrjun Angeles Ms. Ammendolia EWC4UI 10/13/17 Frankenstein Novel Analysis Frankenstein is partly an epistolary novel. In what way do the letters at the beginning of the text help frame the story that follows? The series of letters at the beginning of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley are from Robert Walton, and were sent to his sister, Margaret Saville. In each letter, Walton tells his sister of updates while he’s on one of many sea trips and to coincide with that, readers of the novel get a glimpseRead MoreEssay on Frankenstein is Not a Natural Philosopher1238 Words  | 5 PagesSmith’s article ‘Frankenstein and natural magic’ takes a literary approach to the analysis of ‘Frankenstein’ although this is supported by some background scientific knowledge. Through the article, Smith describes the impacts science has made on Frankenstein’s life . Smith plays close attention to Frankenstein’s childhood, where he discovered the ancient philosophers, and his Ingolstadt years. It is in these periods where Smith argues that Frankenstein is not a natural philosopher but a natural magicianRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstei n 976 Words  | 4 Pagesjust a voice, but an entire Volume of the book. However, she does this in an effort to reinforce the â€Å"moral superiority [which] means that [Frankenstein] will rarely question the validity of his own society’s formation and that he will not be inclined to expend any energy in understanding the worthless alterity of the colonized†(JanMohamed, 65). In other words, the creature’s words only reinforce the struggle of power between the creature and Frankenstein. Instead of giving a voice with which theRead MoreThe Mother Of The Novel Frankenstein By Mary Shelley1202 Words  | 5 Pages Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the mother of the novel Frankenstein, was born on August 30, 1797 in London, England, child of Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin. Wollstonecraft wrote about the struggle of women and promoted women’s rights, while Godwin wrote pieces that aimed toward achieving a philosophical goal. Mary Shelley was unfortu nately only to really experience literary expertise through her father, for her mother died due to puerperal fever early within one month of giving birth toRead MoreCritical Analysis of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein974 Words  | 4 PagesThe essay discussed in this document is Said I. Abdelwaheds The Gothic, Frankenstein and the Romanics, which was published in 1997 in An-Najaj N. J. Res. The author is the assistant professor of English literature at Gazas Al-Azhar University. These credentials are fairly impressive considering the international reputation of the university the author was working at during the time of publication. Additionally, the authors status as an assistant professor helps to imbue this work with a degreeRead MoreIsolation Plays A Major Role Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein1519 Words  | 7 PagesIsolation plays a major role in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The central characters of the gothic novel, Robert Walton, Victor Frankenstein, and Frankensteinâ €™s creature, are isolated for the majority of each of their narratives. While Walton and Frankenstein willfully isolated themselves from family and others for exploring uncharted territories and following dreams of grandeur through scientific creation, respectively, the creature is pushed into isolation due to outright rejection from every personRead MorePsychoanalytic Criticism Of Frankenstein883 Words  | 4 PagesBrittany James Mrs.Shelley Wisener ENGL 2321: Frankenstein Analysis Essay 29 September 2017 Title Citations Unsure to keep Better way to word this? ADD INTROOOO In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein there is a strong factor of Psychoanalytic Criticism, specifically the Oedipus Complex. The Oedipus Complex is derived from a child s need for their parents attention, as they mature they realize they are not the absolute focus of their [parent s] attention (Brizee 1995). In the child s mindRead MoreGothic Elements in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley1266 Words  | 6 Pages Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Shelley. Frankenstein is about a man who had a strong urge to finish a scientific project and did not accept his consequences for his own mistakes. Mary Shelley’s work consists of Gothic elements and have great emotion that go along with them. Mary Shelley’s childhood may have affected her writing, she had a tough life growing up and her book shows this. Throughout the novel there are many Gothic elements that all contribute to the events in the book. Victor
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Management And Organizational Behavior Mgmt 501 Essay
Management and Organizational Behavior MGMT 501 Case Assignment Module 2 Laarni Larkin Trident University International Dr. Frank Nolan November 5, 2016 Abstract This paper will discuss the case study of the Strident Property Services as they struggled with the management changes, the internal issues, and the failure to recognize the issues which lead to the selling of the company. The Johari Window model will be utilized to evaluate the communication and lack thereof which contributed to the failure of the company. Johari Model and Strident Property Services The Johari Model is a communication model that is used to improve understanding between individuals, (The Johari Model, 2015). It was developed in 1955. There are two key ideas that structure the tool, 1) You can build trust with others by disclosing information about yourself, 2) With help from feedback from others, you can learn about yourself and come to terms with personal issues. The idea is to share some personal (but not too personal) things about yourself to build a relationship with others. They will in turn do the same. When people build trusting relationships, those relationships become stronger, personal and professional. There are four quadrants in the Johari Window, 1) Open area – this represents the things you know about yourself and the things others know about you, 2) Blind area – this represents what you are not aware of about yourself but others know, 3) Hidden area - this represents what you knowShow MoreRelatedKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk6406 Words  | 26 PagesAutomotive Engineering Advising Document Master of Engineering in Automotive Engineering CURRICULUM Systems Engineering Core Engineering Electives Management and Human Factors Automotive Engineering Seminar and Capstone Project TOTAL PROGRAM: Semester Credit 9 9 6 6 30 The M. Eng. Degree in Automotive Engineering requires a total of 30 creditsâ€â€27 of which must be letter (A-E) graded. A minimum grade point average of 5.0/9.0 (â€Å"B†average) is required for graduation. Of the 30 credit hours, 24Read MoreTeaching Notes Robert Grant - Strategy 4th Edition51665 Words  | 207 Pages21 2 Laura Ashley Holdings plc: The Battle for Survival 26 3 The US Airline Industry in 2002 33 4 DaimlerChrysler and the World Automobile Industry 41 5 Wal-Mart Stores Inc., May 2002 49 6 Eastman Kodak: Meeting the Digital Challenge 62 7 Organizational Restructuring within the Royal Dutch/Shell Group 70 8 Harley-Davidson, Inc., January 2001 77 9 Online Broking Strategies: Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab and E*Trade 83 10 11 12 Emi and the CT Scanner [A] [B] 88 Rivalry in Video Games 98 BirdsRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesCross Reference of Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Concepts to Text Topics Chapter 1 Modern Project Management Chapter 8 Scheduling resources and cost 1.2 Project defined 1.3 Project management defined 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 2.1 The project life cycle (.2.3) App. G.1 The project manager App. G.7 Political and social environments F.1 Integration of project management processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule ResourceRead MoreDarden Mba Resumes16768 Words  | 68 PagesAdministration University of Virginia Candidate for Master of Business Administration, May 2011 ï‚ · Awarded Batten Innovation Scholarship (merit-based full tuition scholarship); ï‚ · GMAT: 730; AWA: 5.5 ï‚ · Member of Finance Club, Energy Club and Darden Capital Management Club Charlottesville, VA Nanyang Technological University Singapore Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) and Minor in Business, June 2006 ï‚ · Awarded full scholarship (among top 50 from over 10,000 candidates) ï‚ · Received First Class Honors
Booting and Question Free Essays
Question 1 Question1 You want to allow users to access the CD-RW device on your machine from any other host on the network via NFS. Further, you only want them to have read-only access to the device. Which line should you add to the /etc/exports file to allow this? a. We will write a custom essay sample on Booting and Question or any similar topic only for you Order Now /mnt /cdrom *(ro) b. /mnt /cdrom *(r) c. /mnt /cdrom * d. /mnt /cdrom Question 2 Which of the following files defines how FTP connection requests are processed by the TCP Wrapper? a. ftpusers b. inetd. conf c. ftpaccess d. xferlog Question 3 Which of the following devices would be the first SCSI hard disk on a Linux system? . /dev/sd0 b. /dev/sd1 c. /dev/sda d. /dev/sdb Question 4 With a umask value of 112, what are the default permissions assigned to newly created files? a. â€â€x–x-wx b. -rw-rw-r– c. -r-xr-x-r– d. -rw-rwâ€â€- Question 5 You are installing Linux on a machine that has had a handful of other operating systems on it previously. During the installation, it becomes apparent that LILO cannot write to the master boot record because another boot loader is already there. What utility should you use to reinstall the MBR and remove what is already there? a. fsck /mbr b. fdisk /mbr . /etc/disktab /mbr d. /sbin/lilo /mbr Question 6 The former adminis trator of Mercury Technical is no longer employed there. You are the new administrator, but do not know the root password. If you boot into single user mode, you can change the root password, but what command must you give at a LILO prompt to be able to do this? a. linux single b. linux passwd c. linux 3 d. linux one Question 7 You wish to find all the three-letter files in the current directory that end with the letter y. What command should you use? a. ls *y b. ls *y* c. ls y d. ls y* Question 8 Karl has been loaned a machine from the lab to use in evaluating a project he is working on. He is told that there is a known problem on this machine with the ATAPI. Which of the following devices will this problem be most likely to affect? a. Modem b. Sound card c. Video display d. CD-ROM Question 9 Leroy must create a boot disk on his Red Hat workstation. Which utility can he use to accomplish this? a. makedisk b. mkbootdisk c. /sbin/lilo -b d. makeroot Question 10 Kristin is the DHCP administrator for her network. She needs to install the DHCP client software on a number of new machines that have arrived. What package should she install? a. pump b. Squid c. Apache d. Swatch Question 11 Which utility is available in many Linux implementations for use in configuring the sound card? a. sndadmin b. sndmin c. sndconfig d. radius Question 12 Which configuration file is used to identify where system messages are recorded? a. logrotate. conf b. syslog. conf c. conf. modules d. modules. conf Question 13 What search criteria would best be used to find the lines within the MERCURY file about â€Å"clients†? a. grep clients MERCURY b. find clients MERCURY c. sed clients MERCURY d. search clients MERCURY Question 14 Which of the files holds configuration information on how to manage terminal devices (respawn them)? a. /etc/initd b. /etc/inetd c. /etc/inittab d. /dev/inetd Question 15 Which of the following types of modems should be avoided for use with the Linux operating system? a. Internal PCI/ISA b. External Serial c. Winmodems d. Cable Question 16 By default, which of the following files would constitute the Apache document root? a. smb. conf b. httpd. conf c. apache. conf d. index. html Question 17 Which command can be used to rearrange the order of jobs in a spooling queue awaiting printing? . lpc b. lpstat c. lpq d. lpr Question 18 Which field of the /etc/passwd file holds the passwords for users? a. first b. second c. third d. fourth Question 19 It is 3:00 and you are late for a meeting. You need to start the qwerty utility before heading to the meeting so it will run for the next few hours and compile weekly system usage results. Currently you are logged in as a regular user, but the qw erty script requires root permission to run. How should you execute the script? a. su ; qwerty b. su qwerty c. su –c qwerty d. su : qwerty Question 20 Which file system can you not use with the mount utility? a. msdos b. coda c. autofs d. swap Question 21 Which of the following will set the variable DAY equal to FRIDAY? a. DAY FRIDAY b. DAY=FRIDAY c. DAY:FRIDAY d. $DAY FRIDAY Question 22 Which utility can be used to list modules, remove modules, and add modules? a. modprobe b. insmod c. rmmod d. depmod Question 23 A process with a PID number of 1777 has entered runaway mode. You have tried to remove it with a standard kill command, but it will not go away. What command can you use to be assured the process will terminate? a. ill –NOW 1777 b. kill –HUP 1777 c. kill –15 1777 d. kill –9 1777 Question 24 Which of the following runlevels will reboot the system? a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6 Question 25 You wish to extract an archive from a tape. The archive was created using tar, and you want to copy all the contents from the tape back to the system. What one option must you use with tar to accomplish this? a. c b. x c . v d. r Answers 1. A. The command needs to mount the CD drive (/mnt /cdrom) and make it available to all users (*) in read-only mode (ro). When combined together, this makes the command: /mnt /cdrom *(ro) . B. The /etc/inetd. conf file defines how FTP connection requests are processed by the TCP Wrapper. The /etc/ftpusers file is used to list users who cannot use FTP, whereas /etc/ftpaccess lists rules for users who can access FTP. The /var/log/xferlog holds information about file transfers that have occurred. 3. C. The first SCSI hard disk would be referenced as /dev/sda, while the second would be /dev/sdb, and so on. 4. C. The default permissions for newly created files are 666 (-rw-rw-rw-). The umask value is subtracted from the default, leaving a permission of 554 (-r-xr-xr–). 5. B. The fdisk utility is used to format the disk, and the /mbr option is used to wipe out and clean the existing master boot record. None of the other utilities listed have a /mbr option, making them all incorrect choices. 6. A. You must boot into single user mode at the LILO prompt, and the command to do such is linux single. 7. C. The question mark (? ) stands for any single character. Since you are looking only for three letter names, and you know the last letter to be a â€Å"y†, you must specify any two characters (by using two question marks), followed by the known letter ( y). 8. D. The ATAPI interface is used for devices such as IDE and EIDE. The most likely device within the choices presented to utilize such an interface is the CD-ROM. 9. B. The mkbootdisk utility (found in /sbin) is used to create the boot disk. 10. A. The pump package provides the DHCP/BOOTP client needed to obtain dynamic addresses from a DHCP server. Squid is a proxy package, whereas Apache is used to provide Web services. Swatch is a Perl script that is used to monitor log files. 11. C. The sndconfig utility is used to install and configure sound cards on Linux. 12. B. The /etc/syslog. onf file holds configuration information for system logging. 13. A. To look within a file for matching text, the grep utility is used. The syntax is: grep {what you are looking for} {where you are looking for it} 14. C. The /etc/inittab file holds the initialization table and states that terminal devices should be respawned when terminated (/etc/getty). 15. C. Winmodems use a portion of the Windows opera ting system to operate properly and are notoriously incompatible with most Linux implementations. 16. B. The default document root under Apache is the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd. conf file. 17. A. The lpc utility can be used to rearrange jobs awaiting printing as well as disable/enable a printer or queue and find the status of printers. 18. B. The first field of the /etc/passwd file is the username, while the second holds the password. The third field holds the unique ID number, and the fourth contains the group ID number. 19. C. The –c option with su will prompt you for the root user’s password. Once given, it will then run the command given as the root user. 20. D. The mount utility can be used with any supported filesystem (viewable from the man page for mount) except swap. 21. B. To set a variable equal to a value, merely type it using the syntax: variable=value 22. A. The modprobe command can be used with options to be able to list (-l) or remove modules (-r). By default, it is used to add modules. 23. D. The –9 signal is the most lethal, and will terminate the process immediately. All other signals are weaker than –9. There is no such signal as NOW (choice A). 24. D. Changing to a runlevel of 6 will take the system down and then bring it back up again – effectively performing a warm boot of the system. 25. B. The x option is used with tar to extract a file. How to cite Booting and Question, Papers
Frankensteins ambition free essay sample
Victor’s driving, obsessive ambition ruined his life and led to his own death and the murder of his loved ones. Illustrate how ambition affects not only Victor and Robert Walton, but also the creature in Frankenstein. Thesis Statement: Ambition and the quest for knowledge is a fatal flaw in the characters of Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton, and the creature. In Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel, ‘Frankenstein’, a recurring motif of ambition and the quest for knowledge is present among the characters of Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton and the creature. Victor’s obsessive ambition is his fatal flaw, ruining his life and leading to the murder of his loved ones and eventually his own death. Robert Walton shares a similar ambition along with the creature with their desire and quest for knowledge. Shelley illustrates the ambitions of these characters through their parallel quests to obtain knowledge at the cost of their own wellbeing and safety. Their obsessive and ambitious nature becomes the fatal flaw of these three characters relating to ideas of Romanticism presented in the novel. Growing up, Victor was overwhelmed by the power of nature with its beauty â€Å"majestic and wondrous scenes which surrounded our Swiss home†and the power of nature â€Å"watching its progress with curiosity and delight†as lighting struck a tree obliterating it. From this event stems the beginning of Victor’s ambition in natural philosophy with the ancient scholars Cornelius Agrippa and Paracelsus fascinating him. Victor had always had a fascination with the natural world shown through his recount of his adolescence ‘The world was to me a secret which I desired to divine’ and further on ‘it was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn’. Both of these quotes have religious allusions of ‘divinity’ and ‘heaven’ emphasising Victor’s obsession and ambition in natural philosophies. Following his quest for knowledge in natural philosophy, Victor attends the University of Ingolstadt where he meets M. Waldman, who greatly influences Victor’s studies where he â€Å"explained to me the uses of his various machines, instructing me what to procure†and lectures Victor on chemistry. Victor begins to possess an unnatural drive in his quest for knowledge where he begins intense study and experimentation, â€Å"These thoughts supported my spirits, while I pursued my undertaking with unremitting ardour. My cheek had grown pale from study, and my person had become emaciated with confinement†eventually isolating himself from his friends and family. As the seasons passed Victor’s obsession with his studies continued to grow, â€Å"And the same feelings which made me neglect the scenes around me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles absent, and whom I had not seen for so long a time†highlighting how his ambition is a fatal flaw, neglecting the outside world and his loved ones. Victor’s ambition to research and attempt to create life drains him of health and sensibility, â€Å"Every night I was oppressed by a slow fever, and I became nervous to a most painful degree†which is ironic to the goal he wishes to achieve. Shelly’s use of irony illuminates how Victor’s obsessive ambition has become a fatal flaw. Victor’s blindness to what his end result will produce is immediately revealed when his final work is a hideous creature. Victor, through repulsion, neglects caring for the creature in its blank slate, gradually fuelling the ambition it feels for revenge. With the monster isolated, he begins to learn, â€Å"I learned to distinguish between the operations of my various senses†becoming inquisitive and wanting to learn more. The monster’s ambition begins when observes the Delacey family, realising that â€Å"†¦knowledge might enable me to make them overlook the deformity of my figure†and gaining momentum with the murder of his first victim, Frankenstein’s younger brother William â€Å"Frankenstein! You belong then to my enemy†¦ you shall be my first victim.†As his murders stay within Frankenstein’s close friends and family , the monster realises his ultimate goal to torture his creator causing him to succumb to insanity. The monster’s ambition becomes a fatal flaw as it blinds him until it is too late and he has killed Frankenstein. Overcome with remorse it is seen how Frankenstein’s creation is more human than him. Before Frankenstein’s death, the monster and his mad chase lead them to the North Pole where Robert Walton picks up the close to death Victor. Robert can be seen as the least ambitious of the three yet is still blinded by his obsession to find the alleged route to the North Pole. This blindness causes him to leave his friends and sister and risk the safety of himself and crew on board. With the arrival of Frankenstein, Robert soon thereafter realises he should abandon his quest and return to safety for the welfare of himself and crew. Robert is able to overcome his fatal flaw of obsessive ambition before it potentially claimed his life as well. Through showing obsessive ambition through the characters of Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton and the creature, Shelley illustrates how their fatal flaw affects the wellbeing of them all, leading to the down fall of all three, the death of Victor and the monster and Robert realising his goal will cost him his life.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Foundations of Research and Evidence Based Practice
Question: Discuss about the Foundations of Research and Evidence Based Practice. Answer: Introduction With the advancement in science and technologies the quality of human lives has been improved significantly and in current scenarios the human beings can easily do there requisite tasks without any hassle. As a result, the human has become lazy and avoid hard work and for reason the modern human tend to be unfit and prone to several diseases. Moreover, among the several dreadful diseases back pain is one of the vital diseases and most common in the modern public. There are many people, who suffer from chronic back pain and few of them usually not shows significant improvement with the regular therapies (Cashin Cook, 2011). Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy, and it is heard that it has significant effect on several different acute diseases as well as for the pain it has substantial effect so that the research is on whether it is a worthwhile treatment for the patients with low back pain or not. Main body The impact that has been arisen currently depicts several stories and myth circulated all over the field of healthcare and wellbeing program, where the physicians and healthcare practitioners greatly discuss on this topic; on the effect of acupuncture on the human body. Acupuncture mainly deal with some important points in human body, those are liable for the functions of several different organ of human body. The chronic back is one of the worst back pain problems with depicting the signs of cancer in some cases. The acupuncture is the best instrument which is used for reducing the back pain and henceforth it is considered for the treatment. Acupuncture helps in the improvement of the digestion system in the body and thereby it helps to get relief from the back pain. For this reason the acupuncture is used for the treatment of chronic back pain. Moreover, according to the perceptions of the acupuncturists systematic pressure on the acupuncture point improve the body function effecti vely so that play important role in curing the patients, who suffers from several different types of acute diseases. In the current situation, there are several patients, who suffers from the acute back pain and the main cause of the disease is laziness of the modern people, with improving life style the human being has become lazy and need more luxury and these lead them into several diseases and back pain is one of them, which is most common in modern human beings. As a healthcare practitioner I have to face several cases, where the patients are suffering from acute back pain and the usual treatments have not any significant effect on them. It relieves them for the time beings but not cure them permanently. Therefore, the necessity of an alternative treatment is emerging and so that the reference of acupuncture therapy is coming as it is heavily discussed in healthcare field among the public related to healthcare such as the physicians, healthcare practitioners and patients (Krali k, Trowbridge, Smith, 2008). Moreover, it is widely discussed that it has no side effect on the human body and it has only positive effect on human body. Conclusion As, I have faced several patients who are suffering from acute back pain and I observed that the usual Allopathic treatments have not significant effect on the these patients as it provide short term relieves to the patients of acute back pain and the problem of the patients remain with them and the usual treatment cannot cure the back pain in permanent basis thus, I have to search for alternative treatment and so I choose acupuncture therapy. Part A, Section 2: Formulate a PICO In order to investigate the effect of the treatment on the patients, PICO is an effective instrument that helps in assessing the condition of the patients as well as the effect of the treatment on the patients. It is one of the most effective as well as popular tools among the people of nursing profession as it provide effective outcome that help in effectively evaluate the condition of the patients and the effect of the treatment on the patients (Polit Beck, 2012). For this undertaken matter a PICO is included and by the PICO the result and understanding will be generated that, whether acupuncture is effective in acute back pain or not. For this reason I have collected the response of the patients of acute back pain to the acupuncture therapy and their responses has been put into the popular and effective tool PICO. The results of PICO has been determined and evaluated about whether acupuncture is an effective intervention for chronic low back pain. In the research study, 58 participants have been selected for examining the effectiveness of acupuncture. Population The age of the participants is above 18 that will help to assess the diagnosis pattern including treatment and concordance within a clinical trial of acupuncture for the low back pain. Intervention In a controlled pragmatic randomized clinical trail, 58 patients with low back pain in between 4 weeks and 11 months duration were offered acupuncture randomly. Treatment and standardized diagnosis were completed by the practitioners. The diagnosis was based on low back pain syndromes. One of the practitionerss then re-examined the patients effectively. The inter rater reliability diagnostic was assessed in terms of congruent classifications. Comparison All groups were involved for comparison. The focus was on physical therapy rather than the structured exercise. Outcome The diagnosed syndrome that was most commonly associated with the low back pain was blood stagnation and Qi followed by Bi syndrome and kidney deficiency being more than one syndrome being determined for 66% of the patients. The practitioner has examined the patients concordance was reasonable which was between 80% and 47 of the classifications while values of Kappa lay between 0 and 0.67. The practitioner has provided 158 treatments in total using 188 different acupuncture methods. The most commonly channels used were gall bladder and bladder and the commonest point was BL-23 ad two points of Huatuojijaji. The practitioners have also used Auxiliary treatments to varying degrees. Therefore, Acupuncture is considered as the most effective treatment for low back pains. The diagnostic concordance among the practitioners was clear and reasonable themes emerged for the treatment. According to the result of PICO it is observed that the acupuncture therapy is effective in the treatment if the acute back pain as it significantly improves the condition of the patients and so that it provides much more relieves to the patients and its effects are for long term and permanent as it completely cure the diseases from the patients. Besides this, it is also observed that it has not any significant side effect on the patients. Therefore, the acupuncture is effective in acute back pain and it could be given to the patients of acute back pain. Part A, Section 3: Advance search in CINAHL The advanced search on the CINAHL is based on the search of the broader database which helps in the creation of focus on the PICO measurements that are taken for the consideration of the study of CINAHL in the context of full text. It includes the following criterias of the assessment that must be completed for the enhancement of the research process and thereby it provides the focus on the undertaken scenario taken for the study. The scenario that is taken for the study focuses on the chronic low back pain which is seemed to be improved with the help of the usage of acupuncture (C. Lawrence, 2016). The treatment is provided in the form of the literature with providing the symbols of the low back pain and thereby the strategies are focused for mitigating the disease low back pain. The CINAHL process of the research is conducted for the achievement of the good source with conducting qualitative process for the collection of the instrument used for curing the disease. With the consideration of the retrospective analysis, the investigation of the CINAHLs potential contribution is identified with the consideration of the research and thereby the studies are created by the unique database with the consideration of the CINAHL database up gradation and preparation. With the consideration of the 58 quantitative reviews, about 43 reviews are selected which thereby helps in the consideration of the successful study for the research. The 43 reviews are found to be ill and thereby the consideration of the study provides the final synthesis of the CINAHL database. With the consideration of the database, the reviews that are notified seemed to be 11 reviews with the identification of the study for the database and thereby the median helps in the identification of about 9.09 % while the lowest value is 5 % to the highest value is about 33% (Lawrence, 2007). The rigorous strategies are included for the acute collection of the index regarding the case scenario and thereby the limited number of reviews is created with the creation of systematic reviews. The CINAHL process provides the step by step process with the creation of enhancement of the study of the scenario mentioned. The instruction provides the appropriate approach for the enhancement of the acupuncture which is used for the chronic low back pain. It provides the approaches that must be covered in the part of the Medline and thereby the focus is created for the development of the database. The CINAHL database provides the appropriate approaches with the conducted research that consists of the process of CINAHL which includes the Embase, Medline and the Database formation of the diseases with the preferred treatments. The studies that are included helps in the consideration of the criteria of PICO which are as follows:- Consideration of the individuals with the CLBP defined with the time duration of 12 weeks or longer. Prescribed exercise and the monitoring of the health care as prescribed and monitored by CLBP and health care practitioner (Wright, Golder, Lewis-Light, 2015). Randomizing the controlled trials. Measuring the clinical outcomes regarding pain and advising the patient regarding the pain reduction and improving function. The determination that is made provides focus with the creation of the enhancement for the controlling of the criteria developed and thereby it also helps in the creation of development criteria for the enhancement and also the systematic review is considered. Henceforth the disability of the outcomes are not identified instead fruitful outcomes are identified with the utilization of the evidence that are created regarding the pain scales. Henceforth the intervention criteria is seemed to be more effective in the case of the back pain and thereby the systematic review is created with the further continuation of the treatment considered for CLBP. The retrospective formation of the physiotherapy is used with the creation of the quality assessment tool with thereby also helps in the creation of internal validity and thereby the increment of statistical value is also seen regarding RCT controlled trials used by the usage of acupuncture. References Cashin, A. Cook, R. (2011).Evidence-based practice in nursing informatics. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference. Kralik, D., Trowbridge, K., Smith, J. (2008).A practice manual for community nursing in Australia. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Polit, D. Beck, C. (2012).Nursing research. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Lawrence, J. (2016).WSU Library - Retrieved 3 September 2016, from!/content/journal/1-s2.0-S0001209207601537 Lawrence, J. (2007). Techniques for Searching the CINAHL Database Using the EBSCO Interface.AORN Journal,85(4), 779-791. Wright, K., Golder, S., Lewis-Light, K. (2015). What value is the CINAHL database when searching for systematic reviews of qualitative studies?.Systematic Reviews,4(1).
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