Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Juvenile Correctional Officers Essay\r'
'When a person is charged for a nuisance that was perpetrate and is sentenced to serve time in a mental quickness, a correctional officer is responsible for the supervision and refuge of the detainee. Correctional officers work in expectant and young detention centers, though in each facility their responsibilities differ pertaining to whether the detainee is an adult or a insubstantial. Because of the ages of the detainees a correctional officer at a insubstantial detention facility ar greater than if they were dealing with adults. To understand what the differences atomic number 18 in regards to a juvenile, one mustiness know, child development, punishment, and deterrence licentiousness a part in the crotchety situations pertaining to a juvenile detainee. Every child that commit’s a offensive has their very own unique situation behind the execration. Some children were taught the law-breakings they commit by a trusted adult, or television. Some whitethorn c orroborate an underlying mental or psychological defect that brought them to commit the crime.\r\nThere are also situations where a child was neglected, abandoned, or abused by an adult they cared about, gum olibanum bringing violence among the child. A child’s development plenty cope with a very important role in corrections. There may be a red child that may command to be smooth or put in separate accommodate to protect themselves as well as different detainees from harm. A child may also need to be medicated because of an underlying condition or disease. on the whole of these factors provoke not only affect how a child is taken care of in a facility, but also before that when they are arrested and seek. all of the above factors domiciliate either help or hurt a child. If there is no trial impression of abuse or an mental condition, the courts may be less lenient on their charge and sentence, hence a troubled child with underlying factors, in which a judge ma y take those factors into love and gives a lesser charge, House them in a mental facility instead, or provide spare programs or services to help the child erst detained.\r\nThrough punishment a court can show the juvenile what happens if they commit a crime and keep them off the street and from the community by taking away their freedom. Most juveniles are penalise by a fine, community service, probation, home electronic monitoring, or incarceration in a juvenile detention center. While there they will be under close supervision of correctional officers and therapists in approximately facilities. There are occasions for honorable crimes that a judge will sentence a juvenile to an adult detention center if they find been tried as an adult. The juveniles that are occasionally tried as adults are ones that commit crimes such as manslaughter, sex crimes, or murder. While a juvenile is in a detention center, they can have visitors as long as it is an immediate family piece and th is is usually on certain days. In some facilities, recreation, religious, and educational programs are given while they are detained as well.\r\nâ€Å"Increased punishment of juveniles reduces the amount of crime they commit in a way confusable to the impact punishment has for adults, according to a smart paper by Steven Levitt, Associate Professor of economics at the University of Chicagoâ€Å". â€Å"The evidence suggests that juvenile crime is responsive to harsher sanctions,†Levitt writes. â€Å"The estimated decrease in crime associated with incarcerating an additive juvenile is at least as bombastic as the corresponding reduction in crime for adult offendersâ€Â, (Levitt, S, 1998). â€Å"In an effort to strengthen the sanctions for real juvenile crimes, a number of states have enacted laws increase the types of offenders and offensives eligible for transfer from the juvenile court to the adult criminal court for trial and potential sentencingâ€Â, (Red ding, R, 2010).\r\nThese laws are created to try and set precedent to deter juveniles from hobby certain crime trends and teach them what is in storage for them if they do offend. Deterrence has became a popular exercising in the criminal justice system. With success of a deterrence, jails and detention centers do not get overcrowded, and more money of the individual states can go to stock therapeutic programs and services to assist troubled individuals. In some instances, a juvenile can be given an opportunity to make heir offense right by attending therapy and psychological meetings, thus helping them cope with whatever issues they may have.\r\nThis can aid in deterring the individual from committing a crime. juveniles are our future and it is the responsibility of us adults to help them stupefy up into fine law abiding individuals and not into a life of crime. To help adults teach juveniles they , must know the juvenile corrections department and naturalize their children. Knowing how a child develops, how punishment can help, and ways to deter the juvenile are better practices for any parent and adult to learn. For us to safely say we raised our kids right, we must keep the manhood free of crime and full of love.\r\nResources\r\nRedding, Richard, Juvenile nicety Bulletin, US Dept of Justice, Juvenile Transfer Laws, 2010, Right security deposit Steven Levitt, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, Juvenile Delinquents, University of Chicago News Office, December 21, 1998, Para. 1.\r\n'
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