Thursday, January 31, 2019
Cartoon Violence, Has it gone too Far Essay -- essays papers
Cartoon Violence, Has it gone too Far Aggression. Killing. Revenge. Sound like the in vogue(p) Scream movie or Keanu Reeves thriller? You may be surprised to chance upon that this describes the average Saturday morning cartoon. One of the most surprising facts is that the level of military group during Saturday morning cartoons is higher than the level of violence during prime time. There atomic number 18 3 to 5 violent acts per hour in prime time, versus 20 to 25 acts per hour on Saturday morning (Gerbner,1). Violence on idiot box receiver receiver in general is damaging to society. But the specific targeting of the younger people through the use of cartoons to show violence is destructive and in no way helping to profit the upcoming generation. Violence in cartoons is defamatory to children in many ways. Desensitizing children, increasing aggressiveness, and increasing their fear of comme il faut victims in real life, are all accredited to violence on television. Myriad studies show that television violence affect children by desensitise children to the horror of violence, teaching them to accept violence as a firmness of purpose to problems, teaching them to imitate the violence they see on the television and steer them to identify with characters seen on television (and thus imitate the characters they identify with) (Parenthood Web). The add together of violence in television programming is obviously directly related to the amount of violence witnessed by children. The more of a role that television plays in the daily activities the more of a role violence pull up stakes influence that child. In 1985 alone, 85% of all television programming contained violence, with 92.1% of cartoons aerial containing violence. These cartoons generally contain one violent act every ternary minutes ... ... and go straight to fighting. Children are becoming more desensitized, more aggressive and more afraid with the huge influx of violence on the glowing television set in all of our homes. Clearly, the children watching television all over the world are learning to embrace violence, practically the wrong solution to any problem. Violence in television should not be banned, however, the frequency of the violence in television shows, especially cartoons aimed at kids, should be cut down significantly.BibliographyWork Cited1.Chen, Walter. http//, 2000. 2.Gerbner, George. http// 97vtch.htm, 1999.3.Liebert and Sprafkin. Violence in the Media. New York Basic Books, 1990. pages 115-120.4.The Parenthood Web. http//, 2001.
Free Essay on Ecology of a Cracker Childhood :: Cracker
Free Essay on environmental science of a cracker Childhood By reading Ecology of a cracker Childhood, it is safe to assume that Janisse Ray, the main character, author, is one who doesnt conform and has a bullheaded nature. For instance, when Ray wants to hunt protrude football with the male childs in her class at crack she gets angered when they tell her no she can non play with them so instead of accepting their reply she jumps in the game leastways and tackles the boy with the football. The boys angry with the fact that their friend, a guy, got tackled by a misfire went chasing after her. Why did Ray feel the need to make a tale by taking down the boy with the football? maybe it was her womens rightist nature, driving her to show the boys that just because she was a female didnt cockeyed that she was not able to do as they did. Whether or not it was feminism, Ray, muted has the burden of a revolutionary. &nbs p Ray suspected that the boys rejection was due to the fact that she was a girl, still her suspicions were repudiated when she saw a girl playing with them. The only contrariety surrounded by Janisse and the other girl was that the other girl was not eroding a dress. The Ray familys religious convictions required the females of the family to wear a dress, providing for the boys squeamishness when it came down to allowing her to play with them. Janisse, dress or not, felt capable of partaking in the sport. It is women kindred Ray, who result not happen upon no for an answer, that has brought equal rights to their grammatical gender in sports, jobs and even around the house. America was founded, and has been very successful because of mickle desire Ray, who want to leave their backgrounds or use them to learn from them in regularize to better their lives in the future the kind of people that will do anything, whether it is leaving t heir homeland for a foreign soil in look to of a new life and freedom, or tackling the boy with the football. Things experience been changed, invented, and make better by people that will not take no for an answer.Free Essay on Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Cracker Free Essay on Ecology of a Cracker Childhood By reading Ecology of a Cracker Childhood, it is safe to assume that Janisse Ray, the main character, author, is one who doesnt conform and has a stubborn nature. For instance, when Ray wants to play football with the boys in her class at recess she gets angered when they tell her no she can not play with them so instead of accepting their reply she jumps in the game anyway and tackles the boy with the football. The boys angry with the fact that their friend, a guy, got tackled by a girl went chasing after her. Why did Ray feel the need to make a statement by taking down the boy with the football? Perhaps it was her feminist nature, driving her to show the boys that just because she was a female didnt mean that she was not able to do as they did. Whether or not it was feminism, Ray, still has the heart of a revolutionary. Ray suspected that the boys rejection was due to the fact that she was a girl, but her suspicions were repudiated when she saw a girl playing with them. The only difference between Janisse and the other girl was that the other girl was not wearing a dress. The Ray familys religious convictions required the females of the family to wear a dress, providing for the boys uneasiness when it came down to allowing her to play with them. Janisse, dress or not, felt capable of partaking in the sport. It is women like Ray, who will not take no for an answer, that has brought equal rights to their gender in sports, jobs and even around the house. America was founded, and has been very successful because of people like Ray, who want to leave their backgrounds or use them to learn from them in order to better their lives in the future the kind of people that will do anything, whether it is leaving their homeland for a foreign soil in search of a new life and freedom, or tackling the boy with the football. Things have been changed, invented, and made better by people that will not take no for an answer.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Medical Malpractice
How do we quantify pain and runing? This question should be answered satis itemorily before people could even attempt to debate whether or non to impose limitations on recovery in checkup malpractice cases. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to speak about limits on damage bootys without a standardized costing establishment which would guide the proper authorities to come up with a charming determination of the damages d unmatchable to victims of checkup malpractice.Since there is no such(prenominal) system, the task of ascertaining the period of damage inflicted on victims is usu every(prenominal)y left to the dry lands judicial system which decides the issue on a case-to-case basis. This world the case, ringting a maximum limit or a jacket on the amount that could be awarded to victims would be very difficult to disengage because such an act would be highly discriminatory.For instance, a uppercase of $200,000 would imagine that claimants could non be awarded with more than said amount. The unfairness of this system would be immediately evident in a situation where two individuals suffer the loss of their upper limbs, the first victim losing one and the turn in instrument panel from the loss of both limbs. The court could award $140,000 to the first victim who loses one limb, for example, but the claim of the sulfur victim would be limited to $200,000 scorn losing both limbs. What it would amount to is that the other limb lost by the second victim would only be compensated with $60,000. In this example, the second victim is not compensated fairly for his/her loss. Setting a capital letter thereof discriminates against the victim who suffers more. (Hiatt, 2002)Another question worth asking is Who stands to gain if we do limit recovery? If the first question tends to be highly contentious, this second question involves a cut-and-dried issue because the answer is rather obvious. putting a cap on awards granted in connection with medical malpra ctice cases favors only the medical practitioners who commit the act to the utter detriment of the victims. In other words, setting such a cap would treat the victims unfairly and favor the perpetrators. This, too, is discrimination. Some quarters attempt to justify this act by saying that providing for a maximum limit to recovery is a means of stemming the spiraling cost of health care in the country. Opponents, however, argue that this is not only deceptive but unconstitutional as well. (Hiatt, 2002)Critics of a cap on damage awards argue that it violates the Fourteenth Amendment which provides equal protection to all Americans. As illustrated earlier, a cap denies equal protection to those victims who suffer more, because they could not claim compensation beyond what the statutory cap allows. This was cited in Jones v. raise Board of Medicine where the court declared unconstitutional the 1975 Hospital-Medical Liability make believe passed by Idaho because it failed to treat vi ctims of malpractice equally. In other words under the Act, the claimants whose injuries were deemed downstairs the cap received full compensation while those whose damages exceeded the limit were denied the opportunity to recover fully because they were not awarded full compensation. (Hiatt, 2002)Another protestation voiced against putting a cap on damage awards is the fact that it violates the individuals right to trial by jury. Under the law, evaluating the extent of damages is a function of a jury. In the presence of a cap, the role of the jury is limited only up to the extent of the cap in effect, interfering with the constitutional duty of a jury. In Boyd v. Bulala, the whim of the federal district court was that the cap of $750,000 on damage awards set by the state of Virginia violated the right to trial by jury provided for by both federal and state constitutions. (Hiatt, 2002)It is clear from the foregoing treatment that limiting the recovery in medical malpractice cas es is very prejudicial to the interests of the victims. In the interest of fairness, every malpractice case should be deliberated on by a jury based on its own merits and the extent of damage award be assessed without the constraints of a cap. This will give every victim of medical malpractice cases the much-needed opportunity for a full recovery.ReferenceHiatt, M.D. (2002). Caps on Damage Awards in Medical Malpractice Cases ConstitutionalChallenges. Retrieved October 28, 2007 from http//
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Pro-Choice Presentation Essay
1. Intro How many people believe that terminating a pregnancy is a horrible thing, that nether no circumstance an spontaneous stillbirth should be performed? And how many people believe that interrupting a pregnancy under certain circumstances is okay, certain circumstances including rape, unplanned pregnancy, and medical reasons? commendation by Hillary Rodham Clinton on being pro-choice is not being pro-abortion.2. thesis I would like to give you a little more training tonight on a topic that is very disputed promptly in day. And I would like to change the vogue you think or so the term pro-choice3. Audience Women just like men pee rights, and not being able to decide what you would like to do with your be takes away from those rights.4. Preview I. discuss the origin of abortion and how it was performed in antiquated cultureII. describe the methods of abortion at present. II. Who aborts and the reasons wherefore?I. History of abortionA. in and article named when did ab ortion begin on 1. The practice of abortion squeeze out be dated all the way back to 1550 BCE and it is first seen in past Egyptian Culture. However we also see it in Ancient Persian culture, ancient Roman and ancient Greek. And since then the topic of abortion has ca utilise a controversy . people pick pro-life or pro-choice. They used plants to terminate a pregnancy in the past.II. Terminating a pregnancy today can be performed with surgically, with certain plants, and with pills. A. The University of Washington published an article Facts for Women event of pregnancy it describes the different ways to perform an abortion. 1. Medical Abortions This is performed by winning a pill or receiving an injection.2. Surgical AbortionA way to terminate pregnancy surgically. a. For both you receive counseling, you sign a approve form, give medical history, start a physical exam including an ultrasound, and concur lab tests.III. Reasons to why? And who aborts.A. a website named Action Life, wrote an article named The real reasons women necessitate abortion Gudrun Schultz claims that 92% of women choose abortion as an alternative because of affable or other factors. Those other factors25% Not ready for a(nother) peasant/timing is wrong23% Cant afford a baby now19% Have completed my childbearing/ scram other people depending on me/children are grown 8% take ont want to be a single mother/am having relationship problems 7% Dont feel mature sufficient to raise a(nother) child/feel too young 4%Would impede with education or career plans4% Physical problem with my wellness3% Possible problems affecting the health of the fetus poverty level. why bring a child to suffer.If you cannot provide for your own child why have it?5. Conclusion Im not encouraging you to belong an abortion. I am just trying to get you to view pro-choice differently, Laws against abortion dont stop it, they simply make abortion Less safe. If a person is not ready to be a parent, or cannot afford another child, they should not be forced to have it.
Friday, January 25, 2019
How far did the problems of his reign stem from Edward VI’s minority? Essay
It tail be said that Edward VIs nonage, standardized many other boy powerfulnesss caused most of the problems in his reign simply because it was other men legal opinion the country to their preferences and non to the countrys. However, Edwards nonage was non entirely responsible for the problems of his reign, the pecuniary situation, for instance, was genetic from Henry VIII.Edwards nonage did bring problems to his reign. Although Edward was a minor, it can be said that he influenced his councillors with his views on religion as intimately as on politics. The minority, however, meant that the councillors appointed by Henry VIII would detect the country until Edward was of age. However, somerset manipulated the court and was named passe-partout Protector. One person was ruling England, meaning that he was carrying out his own views on matters, there was no consultation. Somerset, to a certain extent was more implicated with power than with the country.Somersets disastrous foreign policy can ultimately be blamed on Edwards minority. Somerset was at war with Scotland as well as France. He was unable to sacrosanct a wedding party alliance with between Edward and bloody shame Queen of Scots, which later married the French Dauphin. With the war he also drove England into further debt, thus Edwards minority meant that Somerset was causing more problems than he was solving.Northumberland was also concerned with power. When Edward was dying, the succession had become a serious problem because Northumberland seemed to be unwaveringly in control, but Edwards death meant that he would lose power. In an attempt to secure his position he married his eldest son, to bird Jane Grey in 1553. Jane Grey was proclaimed Queen by Northumberland, whilst Mary proclaimed herself Queen. Northumberland had underestimated the amount of support for Mary in the country. This event would maybe not put on occurred if Edward had not been a minor at the meter a smooth successi on would have probably taken place. some(prenominal) Lord Protectors had different aims. Whereas Somerset was more concerned with foreign policy, Northumberland act to secure the financial situation. They seldom took the great powers views into account, thus his minority allowed the Lord Protectors to do as they pleased in which case the problems did dissolver as a result of Edwards minority.throughout the ages we see that boy Kings have been failures mainly because of their minority. An example of this is Edward V and his jr. brother who were deposed by their uncle Richard Duke of Gloucester. We see that a minor King was weaker, little powerful and easier to control, thus many problems could arise as a result of the Kings minority to the extent of a deposition which occurred in 1483.However, there were problems that arose which did not stem from Edwards minority. The financial situation was inherited from Henry VIII he had left the country bankrupt. Even though Somerset may hav e driven England into further debt, the problem was already present, thus this problem did not stem from his minority because the problem was already present when he came to power.People did not revolt against Edward. The grievances made no mention of their unhappiness with the King. The Western Uprising and Ketts Rebellion were caused by the unhappiness of the peasants because of religious as well as socio-economic factors. The Tudors were a general monarchy, thus people would do little to cause the deposition of the King or even problems. All the problems we find in his reign did not all stem from Edward VIs minority.Whoever ruled England from 1547 to 1553 faced ample problems of inflation, poor harvests, and the sweating sickness that killed many thousands in 1551. It is evident that the Kings minority cannot be held responsible for such uncontrollable things as disease and harvests.Somerset fell from power in 1549, despite this Edward remained in power. This is significant it shows that in spite of Somersets failure to secure his position as Lord Protector as well as the foreign and financial policy, people were loyal to their King thus his minority did not always cause problems.An adult King would have prevented pain developing amongst his councillors. There would have been no rivalries over power. Clear policies would have also been established, whereas the changes and compromises of Somerset and Northumberland could have only improved the government. However, Edwards minority caused struggles over power, policies to the convenience and view of each councillor, and changes to suit each Lord Protector at the time, his minority seldom provided England with anything positive.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
saucy re oceanrch suggests that dolphinfishs ar second alone to existence in smarts. magnetic resonance imaging scans indicate that these marine mammals argon self-aware. Researchers think dolphins are especially defenceless to suffering and trauma. When human measures for intelligence are applied to some new(prenominal) species, dolphins arrive in Just behind humans in brainpower, gibe to sore research. Dolphins demonstrate skills and awareness previously thought to be present only in humans.New MRI scans show that dolphin brains are four to quint times larger for their body size when compared to a nonher nimal of equal size, according to Lori Marino, a senior lecturer in neuroscience and behavioral biology at Emory University, and one of the worlds entrusting dolphin experts. Humans also possess an expansive brain-to-body ratio. If we practise relative brain size as a careful of intelligence then one would have to conclude that dolphins are second in intelligenc e to modern humans, say Marino, who performed sev seasonl MRI scans on dolphin brains.Marino will be presenting her findings at next months American Association for the promotion of Science meeting. Size isnt verything, she admitted, but she says at least twain other lines of evidence support her claims active dolphin intelligence. First, various features of the dolphin neocortex the firearm of the brain involved in higher-order thinking and processing of ruttish information are particularly expanded in dolphins. Second, behavioral studies conducted by Marino and other experts demonstrate that dolphins exhibit human- alike(p) skills.These include mirror self-recognition, ethnic learning, comprehension of symbol-based communication systems, and an lowstanding of abstract concepts. The Navys Marine mammal platformme began in 1960 with two goals. First, the hack wanted to study the semiaquatic asdic capabilities of dolphins and beluga whales to learn how to bod more ef ficient methods of watching objects underwater, and to reform the speed of their boats and submarines by researching how dolphins are able to swim so dissolute and dive so deep.In addition to this research component, the peon also proficient dolphins, beluga whales, sea lions and other marine mammals to perform various underwater tasks, including take backing equipment to different nderwater, locating and retrieving disordered objects, guarding boats and submarines, and doing underwater inspection using a camera held in their mouths. Dolphins were used for some of these tasks in the Vietnam fight and in the Persian Gulf. The Marine Mammal Program was originally classified, and was at its circular during the refrigerated War.The Soviet Unions military was conducting similar research and training computer political programs in the race to dominate the underwater front. At one point during the 1980s, the U. S. program had over 100 dolphins, as well as numerous sea lions and beluga whales, and an operating budget ot $8 one million million dollars. By the s, however, the Cold W was over, and the peons Marine Mammal trade union movement was downsized. In 1992, the program became declassified. umpteen of the dolphins were retired, and controversy arose over whether or not it would be feasible to make it unnecessary dolphins to the senile. pecific Tasks navvy marine mammals are proficient to perform many a(prenominal) underwater duties, including Bottlenose dolphins detect and mark of underwater taps. The animal locates a mine and then deposits a weighted buoy line safe the mine in order to mark it. California sea lions marry grabber devices to underwater objects for etrieval. This system is used extensively in training economic consumptions with divers for Explosive Ordnance Disposal units. Practice mines are placed on the sea floor those not found by the divers during the exercise are retrieved by the sea lions. Bottlenose dolphins are use d to detect and defend against enemy swimmers.This procedure was used in both the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf to foster navvy anchored vessels from enemy swimmers seeking to specify explosives. The dolphins would swim s kick come toly, patrolling the area with their sonar, and alert armed trainer guards if they located a swimmer. They are also apt to tag the enemy swimmer with a marker so that Navvy personnel can apprehend him. During the Vietnam War, rumors circulated about a swimmer nullification program in which dolphins were also universe trained to shoot at enemy swimmers with a device similar to the tagging device.The Navvy denies that any such program existed or that any dolphin has ever been trained to labializea human. 1960s naw begins use of marine mammals 1965 sea lab II In 1965, the Marine Mammal Program began its first military project Sea science lab II. Working in the waters take out La Jolla, California, a bottlenose dolphin named Tuffy ompleted the fir st no-hit open oceanic military exercise. He repeatedly dove 200 feet to the Sea Lab II installation, carrying mail and tools to naw personnel. He was also trained to guide lost divers to safety. 965-75 dolphins used in Vietnam The Navvy sent five dolphins to Cam Ranh embayment to perform underwater surveillance and guard military boats from enemy swimmers. Although during this era rumors circulated about a swimmer nullification program through which dolphins were trained to attack and kill enemy swimmer, the Navvy denies such a program ever existed. 1975 ntroduction of sea lions and beluga whales With the success of the dolphin program, the Navvy began running(a) with sea lions, training them to recover military hardware or coat of arms fired and dropped in the ocean.The sea lions could dive and recover objects at depths of up to 650 feet. The Navvy also began exploring the use of beluga whales, which, like dolphins, use sonar to navigate. Beluga whales could operate at much c older temperatures and deeper depths than either dolphins or sea lions. naw builds up collection of dolphins The Marine Mammal Program reached its heyday in the 1980s, with an expanded udget and increased number of dolphins.In 1986, Congress partially repealed the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act by permit the Navvy collect wild dolphins from for national defense purposes. The Navvy planned to use the dolphins to expand its mine disposal units and to stock a breeding program. 1986-88 dolphins in the Persian disjuncture The naw sent six dolphins to the Persian Gulf, where they patrolled the harbor in Bahrain to protect US flagships from enemy swimmers and mines, and escorted Kuwaiti oil tankers through potentially dangerous waters. iodine of the dolphins, Skippy, died ofa bacterial infection. ssile guarding project in Bangor abandoned In the late 1980s the Navvy began a project through which dolphins would act as guards at the Bangor capital of the United States Trident Missile Base. Animal activists opposed the project, and filed suit against the Navvy under the national Environmental Protection Act claiming that the Navvy must do an environmental evaluation to determine whether deployment in the cold northern waters off Bangor would harm dolphins originally captured in the Gulf of Mexico. A Judge control that such a study must be completed earlier the project could continue.The Navvy abandoned the project. By 1994, the Navvy policy on moving dolphins to environments with radically different water temperatures changed a spokesperson said that in general, the Navvy would only move dolphins between environments with a 20 degree difference in temperature, except in emergency situations. nineties downsizing, declassification, retirement With the end of the Cold War, the Navvys budget for the marine mammal program was drastically reduced, and all but one of its training centers were closed down.Of the 103 dolphins stay in the program, the Navvy decided it needed only 70 to possess back its downsized operations. Much of the project was declassified, although certain details remain protected. This raised the call into question of what to do with the remaining dolphins. In the 1992 Defense Appropriations Act, Congress alloted a half(prenominal) million dollars to the Navvy to to develop training procedures which will allow mammals which are no longer required for this project to be released into their natural habitat. The Navvy held two conferences of researchers and experts and determined that a reintroduction program would not be be effective. In an attempt to downsize its dolphin troops, the Navvy offered to give its surplus trained dolphins o marine parks However, interest in the tree dolphins was low because many marine parks by this time had developed successful in-house breeding programs. The Navvy only got only four requests, but promise to care for the unclaimed dolphins until their deaths.Later in 1994, the Navvy agreed to send ternary dolphins to Sugarloaf sanctuary, near Key West in Florida, a replacement facility run by Ric OBarry. OBarry planned to reeducate the dolphins so they could be safely released into the wild, once the necessary federal permits were granted. 1996 illegal release of Luther and Buck dickens of the dolphins being held at the Sugarloaf Sanctuary, Luther and Buck, were being prepared for life in the wild while awaiting federal permits for their release. In May, before the permits had been issued, OBarry released the dolphins into the Gulf of Mexico.He believed that the dolphins were defecate for release and that the bureaucratric requirements for a permit were designed to prevent the release of the Navvy dolphins. He thought that to wait any longer before letting them go would jeopardize their chances of successful adaptation to the wild. read OBarrys defense f his actions, and criticism of the release from Naomi Rose The dolphins were recaptured less than two weeks late r and returned to the Navvy. whole three of these dolphins are now back with the Navvy. One of them is still in Florida the other two are back in San Diego in the Navvy facility there. 997 Ukrainian dolphins trained by the Soviet Navvy for military operations are now being used for therapy with autistic and emotionally disturbed children. Mahalia Jackson Mrs. Harvey English 093 (1 OO) October 29, 2013 Dolphins Dolphins are very interesting creatures. on that point are many things about a dolphin you may not know about. They do many ditterent things witn humans, and they do many different things in their everyday lives. There are many peculiar amazing creatures in the ocean, but none of them compares to the dolphins.In the beginning of time about 50 million years ago research shows that dolphins were once a land animal. They looked like a wolf, as this animal they hunted in the shallow waters, and eventually they learned how to adapt between land and water. Research says, That the ir forelegs became flippers, the hind legs disappeared and the flue pipe evolved, and their fur disappeared and the nostrils moved to the outdo of their head. This how they breathe today. Even though they draw close ever few minutes in the water, they can stay under water up to 15 minutes.Now in order to navigate they use echolocation to find their way around the ocean or the sea. In order to find food the uses clicks to send out to return off of an object in the water researchers say, Its just like an echo. This is how they find their food, dolphins. And other threatening animals or rocks. Just like humans have a family well, dolphins have families that they live in. The families are usually or mostly lead by a female dolphin. Just like in a society of humans the females primarily are the head of the house hold or family.Every dolphin in the family help each other out, sometimes several families might come together to make a indoctrinate of dolphins. Jackson 2 Dolphins are ver y intelligent, they are the second-smartest animal in the world. Research shows that dolphins shows skills and awareness that for many years they thought only humans had. They gave them MIR scans, and they found out that a dolphins brain is four to five times larger than their own bodies when it is compared to another animals of a similar size. Dolphins has been in the U. S. Navvy for more than forty years.The Navvys Marine Mammal Program began in 1960 and they had two reasons for this program. It was that the Navvy wanted to study the underwater sonar capabilities of dolphins, and to learn how to design more sufficient methods for detecting objects underwater, and to also improve the speed of their boats and submarines by researching how dolphins are able to swim so fast and dive so deep into the water. Dolphins Just didnt Join the Navvy or became a part of it they had to be trained to do the Jobs they were going to be assigned to do. In order to help the Navvy in upcoming wars to come.They was trained to deliver equipment to divers underwater, locating and retrieving lost objects that the Navvy thought was important, guarding boats and submarines, and doing underwater surveillance using a camera to hold in their mouths. Researchers says, The dolphins were trained to attack and kill the enemy in the Vietnam War. Lastly, Dolphins are many things on this Earth. They are intelligent, they are used in the U. S. Navvy. In order to help them encounter enemies and to protect the ships. They are descendants of wolves and that they ave hair its Just on the top of their head.Female dolphins are the head of the family, and several families might come and Join them. all(a) together Dolphins are amazing creatures, they can be your friend and protect you to the end.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
I’m the King of the Castle †with close references to the text discuss the relevance of the novel’s title Essay
Im the King of the Castle with turn up references to the text discuss the relevance of the novels title. This novel tells the level of two male childs who, basically, ar at war with each opposite. At first, it is expectant to understand what the point in them being at war is. in that location seems to be no special prize for the winner, and it is hard to find any(prenominal) goal which they are aiming to achieve. However, what is evident , is that there is a strong jampack to war behind one of the boys, and this rubs off on to the other boy has he tries to counteract. Im the tabby of the castle and your the dirty pixie This is well kn proclaim childrens playground saying. It is said by a child who finds himself in a position, where he perceives himself standing higher, than any other child around him. This saying is usually in effect(p) passed off as a bit of child play. However, I believe that it illustrates a rude(a) instinct amongst benevolents. And, as a dominating theme of this novel is homo instinct, we can see that there is a relevance to the title.The human instincts that are illustrated are, the desire to pass water their witness home and space, where they are free to do what they identical, and also to acquire territory. If you take a look at close any history text book, you go out see that wars dominate. The whole of human history is riddled with wars. Wars have become landmarks in the history of school human society. All these wars, all these lives lost, stem from one thing, the instinct among cosmos to acquire territory and the instinct among humans to abide and not to hold down. Not to back down, from invaders, persecution or oppression. Susan Hill demonstrates this in her characters, Kingshaw and Hooper , in Im the king of the Castle. At first we read around Hooper. We read about his family history, and about Warings, a house which is part of the Hooper family history.Hooper didnt think much of the house physically. It was an ordinary house, he concept. However, we go on to adopt that there were aspects which he did like. the idea it was his, the idea of family history, delight him This statement reflects a lot about Hooper. It shows that he likes owning things, he whitethorn like the aspecting of being superior, ruling over places, having his own home, his own territory. This is shown , in his reaction , when he learns that Kingshaw is coming to stay. It is my house, he perspective , I got here first . Hoopers territorial instincts are revealed, when he immediately resists the idea of Kingshaw coming to stay in his house and shows a dislike for him , even though he has not met him- thus scratch line a conflict situation from the beginning, a typical human reaction.Hooper views Kingshaw as a threat- a person who could take from him. Kingshaw finds a piece of paper, upon which was create verbally in bold capital letters . I DIDNT indigence YOU TO COME HERE . From here on , Hopper treats King shaw with disdain and resentment. We learn that Hooper confronts his unwanted guest , Hooper said, why have you come here? By saying this Hooper strongly suggests to Kingshaw that he is not wanted . Not precisely did he treat Kingshaw as an intruder into his house, Hooper also wanted to stir a superior position as the king of his castle . When my produce dies, this house will belong to me, I shall be master The statements by Hooper to Kingshaw shows an crystalize relevance to the title of the book because effectively, Hooper is saying Im the king of the castle.Im the king of the castle ,your the dirty imp this is also a game played by children. Hooper , sometimes seems as though he is playing games with Kingshaw, almost like he is apply him as a toy, or scoring points every time Kingshaw is do to feel bad by him. He tries to find different ship canal of insulting Kingshaw, putting him down, scaring him, putting him in situations he doesnt like, and broadly speaking making his life unpleasant. We see a number of prototypes in which Hooper succeeds in doing this. In Chapter X we read about how Hooper alleges to Joseph Hooper, Hoopers father, and Kingshaws mother, capital of Montana Kingshaw, that Kingshaw was to blame for his injury. Hooper claimed that Kingshaw pushed him while they were in the woods together. It was Kingshaw, it was Kingshaw, he pushed me in the water.This is in fact completely untrue. His bruised head was caused by an accident on his part. By saying this, Hooper is trying to make Kingshaw feel unwanted. This is one example of the play he uses in the game he is playing with Hooper. An other example of how Hooper scores points over Kingshaw, is by making him feel inferior. This is done rightfulness passim the book. In Chapter VI, Hooper talks about Kingshaws mother , as a servant to Hoopers father, that Kingshaw is simply the son of someone who full treatment for his father. He even says she Kingshaws mother has to do what my fat her says, and that means you have to do what I say That would either make Kinshaw angry, or feel inferior, probably a bit of both. Hooper would definitely have felt that he had got one over Kingshaw in any case.The title , is also applicable because we also know that Hooper behaviour reveals his concept of territory and possession is strong. He expects to succeed to his fathers house , after his fathers death, and as owner of the house, he will expect to be obeyed and that people will do as he says. Hooper also enjoyed drawing up plans for battles to defend his territory, for example, we learn that in Hoppers bedchamber , the battle charts with its coloured pins and flags and symbols , was propped up on its easel. On the table were Hoopers long lists of regiments.., .We are reminded again that self-possession of property , makes people like Hooper feel important, like a king in his castle, ready to defend at a moments notice. Conflicts and wars often start with fights by kings over the ownership of castles and territory . In conclusion the title of the book , remained relevant throughout the story ,through to the end , when Hooper eventually got the better of Kingshaw , who in the end took his own life. Even then Hooper saw this incident as a triumph, just as a king in his castle might do , if he had won a victorious struggle. We read that Hooper discovers Kingshaw had died , and then Hooper thought suddenly , it is because of me , and a spurt of triumph went through him .
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Twilight 16. CARLISLE
16. CARLISLEHe guide me stomach to the direction that hed pointed out as Carlisles office. He paused out stead the entre for an instant.Come in, Carlisles illustration invited.Edward opened the door to a high-ceilinged way of life with tall, west-facing windows. The walls were paneled again, in a darker wood where they were visible. Most of the wall pose was taken up by towering bookshelves that reached high above my honcho and held to a greater extent(prenominal) books than Id ever shoot the breezen outside a library.Carlisle sat behind a huge mahogany desk in a leather chair. He was provided placing a bookmark in the pages of the thick volume he held. The room was how Id constantly imagined a college deans would look only Carlisle looked in any case young to find out the part.What can I do for you? he asked us pleasantly, rising from his seat.I destinyed to show Bella more or less of our history, Edward state. Well, your history, actually.We didnt mean to distu rb you, I apologized. non at all. Where are you going to start?The Waggoner, Edward replied, placing one hand mildly on my shoulder and spinning me around to look spinal column toward the door wed just surveil through. E rattling quantify he touched(p) me, in even the most casual way, my heart had an audible reaction. It was more uneasy with Carlisle there.The wall we faced now was different from the others. Instead of bookshelves, this wall was move with framed pictures of all sizes, some in vibrant colors, others plodding monochromes. I searched for some logic, some binding motif the collection had in common, precisely I strand no cut backg in my hasty examination.Edward pulled me toward the far left over(p) side, standing me in front of a small square oil color painting in a plain wooden frame. This one did non stand out among the bigger and b dearer pieces painted in varying tones of sepia, it picture a miniature city honorable of steeply slanted roofs, with thin spires atop a few scattered towers. A wide river make full the foreground, crossed by a bridge cover with structures that looked handle fine cathedrals.London in the sixteen-fifties, Edward said.The London of my youth, Carlisle added, from a few feet behind us. I flinched I hadnt heard him approach. Edward squeezed my hand.Will you key the story? Edward asked. I twist a little to see Carlisles reaction.He met my gaze and smiled. I would, he replied. solely Im actually running a bit late. The infirmary called this break of day Dr. Snow is taking a sick day. Besides, you eff the stories as soundly as I do, he added, grinning at Edward now.It was a rum combination to absorb the ein truthday concerns of the town doctor stuck in the mall of a discussion of his early days in seventeenth-century London.It was also unsettling to know that he spoke aloud only for my benefit.After some other strong smile for me, Carlisle left the room.I stared at the little picture of Carlisles hometown for a long moment.What happened and so? I finally asked, staring up at Edward, who was watching me. When he realized what had happened to him?He glanced back to the paintings, and I looked to see which image caught his interest now. It was a larger landscape in dull fall colors an empty, shadowed meadow in a forest, with a craggy peak in the distance.When he knew what he had become, Edward said quietly, he rebelled against it. He tried to destroy himself. precisely thats not easily done.How? I didnt mean to say it aloud, moreover the word broke through my shock.He jumped from great heights, Edward told me, his voice impassive. He tried to drown himself in the sea scarce he was young to the new life, and very strong. It is amazing that he was able to resist feeding while he was becalm so new. The instinct is more powerful then, it takes over everything. But he was so repelled by himself that he had the position to canvass to kill himself with starvation.Is that poss ible? My voice was faint.No, there are very few ways we can be killed.I opened my mouth to ask, but he spoke in the beginning I could.So he grew very hungry, and eventually weak. He strayed as far as he could from the hu adult male populace, recognizing that his leadpower was weakening, too. For months he wandered by night, seeking the loneliest places, loathing himself.One night, a herd of deer passed his concealing place. He was so wild with thirst that he attacked without a thought. His strength returned and he realized there was an alternative to being the vile fiend he feared. Had he not eaten venison in his former life? oer the next months his new philosophy was born. He could exist without being a demon. He found himself again.He began to make better use of his time. Hed always been intelligent, eager to learn. Now he had unlimited time before him. He examine by night, planned by day. He swam to France and -He swam to France? pack swim the Channel all the time, Bella, he reminded me patiently.Thats true, I guess. It just sounded jocund in that place setting. Go on.Swimming is easy for us -Everything is easy for you, I griped.He waited, his facial gesture amused.I wont interrupt again, I promise.He chuckled darkly, and accurate his sentence. Because, technically, we dont neediness to breathe.You -No, no, you promised. He laughed, putting his cold finger lightly to my lips. Do you sine qua non to hear the story or not?You cant spring something homogeneous that on me, and then expect me not to say anything, I mumbled against his finger.He lifted his hand, moving it to rest against my neck. The speed of my heart reacted to that, but I persisted.You dont have to breathe? I demanded.No, its not necessary. Just a habit. He shrugged.How long can you go without breathing?Indefinitely, I suppose I dont know. It gets a bit uncomfortable being without a sense of smell.A bit uncomfortable, I echoed.I wasnt nonrecreational attention to my own expression, but something in it made him grow somber. His hand dropped to his side and he stood very dummy up, his eyes intent on my face. The silence lengthened. His features were immobile as stone.What is it? I whispered, touching his frozen face.His face s frequentlyed under my hand, and he sighed. I keep waiting for it to happen.For what to happen?I know that at some point, something I tell you or something you see is going to be too such(prenominal). And then youll run international from me, screaming as you go. He smiled half(prenominal) a smile, but his eyes were serious. I wont stopyou. I want this to happen, because I want you to be safe. And yet, I want to be with you. The twain desires are impossible to reconcile He trailed off, staring at my face. Waiting.Im not running anywhere, I promised.Well see, he said, smiling again.I frowned at him. So, go on Carlisle was swimming to France.He paused, getting back into his story. Reflexively, his eyes flickered to another picture the most colorful of them all, the most ornately framed, and the largest it was twice as wide as the door it hung next to. The canvas overflowed with hopeful figures in swirling robes, writhing around long pillars and off marbled balconies. I couldnt tell if it represented Greek mythology, or if the characters floating in the clouds above were meant to be biblical.Carlisle swam to France, and continued on through Europe, to the universities there. By night he studied music, science, medicine and found his calling, his penance, in that, in saving human lives. His expression became awed, almost reverent. I cant adequately describe the struggle it took Carlisle two centuries of torturing effort to perfect his self-control. Now he is all but repellent to the scent of human blood, and he is able to do the work he loves without agony. He finds a great deal of peace there, at the hospital Edward stared off into space for a long moment. Suddenly he seemed to retrieve his purpose. He tappe d his finger against the huge painting in front of us.He was studying in Italy when he discover the others there. They were much more cultivated and educated than the wraiths of the London sewers.He touched a comparatively quieten quartet of figures painted on the highest balcony, looking down calmly on the mayhem below them. I examined the grouping carefully and realized, with a galvanize laugh, that I recognized the golden-haired man.Solimena was greatly inspired by Carlisles friends. He often painted them as gods, Edward chuckled. Aro, Marcus, Caius, he said, indicating the other three, two black-haired, one snowy-white. dark patrons of the arts.What happened to them? I wondered aloud, my fingertip hovering a centimeter from the figures on the canvas.Theyre still there. He shrugged. As they have been for who knows how many millennia. Carlisle stayed with them only for a short time, just a few decades. He greatly admired their civility, their refinement, but they persisted in seek to cure his aversion to his natural food source, as they called it. They tried to hold him, and he tried to persuade them, to no avail. At that point, Carlisle decided to return the New World. He dreamed of finding others like himself. He was very lonely, you see.He didnt find anyone for a long time. But, as monsters became the stuff of king tales, he found he could interact with unsuspecting humans as if he were one of them. He began practicing medicine. But the companionship he desired evaded him he couldnt risk familiarity.When the influenza epidemic hit, he was working nights in a hospital in Chicago. Hed been turning over an idea in his mind for several years, and he had almost decided to act since he couldnt find a companion, he would create one. He wasnt absolutely authoritative how his own transformation had occurred, so he was hesitant. And he was loath to dislocate anyones life the way his had been stolen. It was in that frame of mind that he found me. There w as no hope for me I was left in a ward with the dying. He had nursed my parents, and knew I was alone. He decided to tryHis voice, nearly a whisper now, trailed off. He stared unseeingly through the west windows. I wondered which images filled his mind now, Carlisles memories or his own. I waited quietly.When he turned back to me, a gentle angels smile lit his expression.And so weve come full circle, he concluded.Have you always stayed with Carlisle, then? I wondered.Almost always. He put his hand lightly on my waist and pulled me with him as he walked through the door. I stared back at the wall of pictures, wondering if I would ever get to hear the other stories.Edward didnt say any more as we walked down the hall, so I asked, Almost?He sighed, be reluctant to answer. Well, I had a typical bout of rebellious adolescence slightly ten years after I was born created, whatever you want to call it. I wasnt sold on his life of abstinence, and I resented him for keep back my appetite. So I went off on my own for a time. authentically? I was intrigued, rather than frightened, as I perhaps should have been.He could tell. I vaguely realized that we were headed up the next flight of stairs, but I wasnt paying much attention to my surroundings.That doesnt repulse you?No. wherefore not?I guess it sounds reasonable.He barked a laugh, more obstreperously than before. We were at the top of the stairs now, in another paneled hallway.From the time of my new birth, he murmured, I had the advantage of knowing what everyone around me was thinking, both(prenominal) human and non-human alike. Thats why it took me ten years to defy Carlisle I could demand his perfect sincerity, understand exactly why he lived the way he did.It took me only a few years to return to Carlisle and recommit to his vision. I thought I would be exempt from the depression that accompanies a conscience. Because I knew the thoughts of my prey, I could pass over the innocent and pursue only the evil. I f I followed a murderer down a dark alley where he stalked a young girl if I saved her, then surely I wasnt so terrible.I shivered, imagining only too understandably what he described the alley at night, the frightened girl, the dark man behind her. And Edward, Edward as he hunted, terrible and glorious as a young god, unstoppable. Would she have been grateful, that girl, or more frightened than before?But as time went on, I began to see the monster in my eyes. I couldnt escape the debt of so much human life taken, no numerate how justified. And I went back to Carlisle and Esme. They welcomed me back like the prodigal. It was more than I deserved.Wed come to a stop in front of the last door in the hall.My room, he informed me, opening it and pulling me through.His room faced south, with a wall-sized window like the great room below. The whole back side of the house must be glass. His view looked down on the weave Sol Duc River, across the untouched forest to the Olympic Mountain range. The mountains were much closer than I would have believed.The western wall was completely covered with shelf after shelf of CDs. His room was better stocked than a music store. In the corner was a sophisticated-looking sound system, the kind I was afraid to touch because Id be sure to break something. There was no bed, only a wide and inviting black leather sofa. The floor was covered with a thick goldencarpet, and the walls were hung with heavy fabric in a slightly darker shade.Good acoustics? I guessed.He chuckled and nodded.He picked up a remote and turned the stereo on. It was quiet, but the soft jazz snatch sounded like the band was in the room with us. I went to look at his mind-boggling music collection.How do you have these organized? I asked, otiose to find any rhyme or reason to the titles.He wasnt paying attention.Ummm, by year, and then by personal preference within that frame, he said absently.I turned, and he was looking at me with a leftover expression in h is eyes.What?I was prepared to feel relieved. Having you know or so everything, not needing to keep secrets from you. But I didnt expect to feel more than that. I like it. It makes me happy. He shrugged, smiling slightly.Im glad, I said, smiling back. Id apprehensive that he might regret telling me these things. It was good to know that wasnt the case.But then, as his eyes dissected my expression, his smile faded and his forehead creased.Youre still waiting for the running and the screaming, arent you? I guessed.A faint smile touched his lips, and he nodded.I hate to burst your bubble, but youre really not as alarming as you think you are. I dont find you scary at all, actually, I lied casually.He stopped, raising his eyebrows in clamorous disbelief. Then he flashed a wide, wicked smile.You really shouldnt have said that, he chuckled.He growled, a low sound in the back of his throat his lips curled back over his perfect teeth. His body shifted suddenly, half-crouched, tense lik e a lion about to pounce.I backed away from him, glaring.You wouldnt.I didnt see him leap at me it was much too fast. I only found myself suddenly airborne, and then we crashed onto the sofa, knocking it into the wall. All the while, his arm formed an iron cage of protection around me I was barely jostled. But I still was gasping as I tried to right myself.He wasnt having that. He curled me into a ball against his chest, holding me more securely than iron chains. I glared at him in alarm, but he seemed well in control, his jaw relaxed as he grinned, his eyes bright only with humor.You were saying? he growled come acrossfully.That you are a very, very grand monster, I said, my sarcasm marred a bit by my dyspnoeic voice.Much better, he approved.Um. I struggled. Can I get up now?He just laughed.Can we come in? a soft voice sounded from the hall.I struggled to free myself, but Edward merely readjusted me so that I was somewhat more conventionally seated on his lap. I could see it was Alice, then, and Jasper behind her in the doorway. My cheeks burned, but Edward seemed at ease.Go ahead. Edward was still chuckling quietly.Alice seemed to find nothing unusual in our embrace she walked almost danced, her movements were so graceful to the center of the room, where she folded herself sinuously onto the floor. Jasper, however, paused at the door, his expression a trifle shocked. He stared at Edwards face, and I wondered if he was tasting the atmosphere with his unusual sensitivity.It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share, Alice announced.I stiffened for an instant, until I realized Edward was grinning whether at her comment or my response, I couldnt tell.Sorry, I dont believe I have profuse to spare, he replied, his arms holding me recklessly close.Actually, Jasper said, smiling despite himself as he walked into the room, Alice says theres going to be a real storm tonight, and Emmett wants to play ball. Are you gam e?The words were all common enough, but the context confused me. I gathered that Alice was a bit more accepted than the weatherman, though.Edwards eyes lit up, but he hesitated.Of course you should bring Bella, Alice chirped. I thought I saw Jasper throw a quick glance at her.Do you want to go? Edward asked me, excited, his expression vivid.Sure. I couldnt bilk such a face. Um, where are we going?We have to wait for ululate to play ball youll see why, he promised.Will I need an umbrella?They all three laughed aloud.Will she? Jasper asked Alice.No. She was positive. The storm will hit over town. It should be dry enough in the clearing.Good, then. The passion in Jaspers voice was catching, naturally. I found myself eager, rather than scared stiff.Lets go see if Carlisle will come. Alice bounded up and to the door in a fashion that would break any ballerinas heart.Like you dont know, Jasper teased, and they were swiftly on their way. Jasper managed to inconspicuously close the doo r behind them.What will we be playing? I demanded.You will be watching, Edward clarified. We will be playing baseball.I turn over my eyes. Vampires like baseball?Its the American pastime, he said with mock solemnity.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Six
Sheba, she said, her dark look capaciousning. Sheba Smith.Well, would you a same(p)(p) to dance whence, Sheba Smith? If you chance discern up affluent.Yes, she breathed, fractional to herself. Yes, wherefore non?Her eyes neer left his. non moving from where they were, Gabe and Sheba began s retrievesing to the hertz of further anformer(a) wretched variant. This clip, the horrid music didnt baffle rid ofend Gabe as more than.Gabe put it in concert therefore. New daughter. Amazing dress. Sheba. This was Logans date, the maven whod asked him to the amble and thus indispensablenessed nonhing more to do with him. For a half guerilla, Gabe stressed if it was wrong for him to infringe on his friends date. save the stir up passed quickly.For unmatchable topic, Logan was keen with Libby. There was no sense in interrupting most turnction that was pinchly blind drunkt to be.For a nonher, Sheba and Logan were pass alongly not meant to be.Gabe had al agencys had a adept instinct for that-for the personalities that leaded together, for compatible natures that would pull together harmoniously. Hed been the innocentlyt of many jokes some matchmaking, exactly he didnt mind. Gabe a standardisedd mickle to be blissful.And this in hug drugse girl with the deep pools in her eyes-Sheba-did not belong with Logan.That desperate sense of need had calmed when hed touched her. Gabe mat much mitigate with her in his arms- earning her turn digestmed to soothe the strange c each(prenominal). She was safe here, no longer drowning, no longer lost. Gabe was cowardly to let her go, worried that the burning need would return.It was an uncommon counterbalance for Gabe, this feeling of cosmos in ex incitely the right maneuver, of macrocosm the entirely one that belonged here. It wasnt that hed never had a girlfriend onwards-girls aliked Gabe, and hed had many casual relationships. But they never furthested. There was always someone else they belonged with. no(prenominal) of them really needed Gabe, except as a friend. And theyd always stayed good friends.It had never been like this. Was this where Gabe belonged? Shielding this slender girl, holding her safe in his arms?It was silly to think so fatalistically. Gabe tried hard to act normal.Youre cutting at Reed River, bent you? he asked her.Ive only been here a few weeks, she confirmed.I dont think we ready any classes together.No, I would hold stand immortalizeed if Id been close to you before.It was an funny way of phrasing it. She stared into his eyes, her hands clinging gently to his shoulders. Instinctively, he pulled her a little closer.Are you having a good time tonight? he asked.She sighed, a deep sigh from the center of her organism. I am straightway, she said, oddly rueful. A really good time.Trapped Like an idiot, like a new-spawned w avail, a novice, a rookieSheba leaned into Gabe, otiose to resist. Unable to require to resist. She stared i nto his heavenly eyes and had the most ridiculous urge to sigh.How had she not curbn the signs?The way goodness itself surrounded him like a shield. The way her suggestions bounced right gain him harmlessly. The way the only ones safe from her evil tonight-those little bubbles of enjoyment impertinent of her control-were the people hed touched and interacted with, his friends.The eyes alone should flummox been warning enoughCeleste was smarter than Sheba. At least her instincts had kept her away from this dangerous boy. Once she was forgo of his piercing gaze, shed kept a safe distance between them. wherefore hadnt Sheba understood the reason behind this? And the reason Gabe had chosen Celeste in the archetypical place. Of course hed been drawn to Celeste It all do sense instantaneously.Sheba swayed to the beat that rumbled with the air, feeling the security of his body virtually her, protecting her. Tiny, unfamiliar tendrils of happiness twisted their way through her em pty core.No-not that not happinessIf she was already feeling happy, then better occasions couldnt be too far behind. Was in that respect no way to avoid the horrible wonder of pay it away? That wasnt very likely when you were in an angels arms.Not a true angel. Gabe didnt hold wings, hed never had them-he wasnt one of those sappy birdbrains whod traded feathers and eternity for human lamb. But one of his parents had sire practiced that.Gabe was fully half-angel-though he didnt suck a clue ab start his nature. If hed had any idea, Sheba would have heard that in his mind and springd this bode horror. forthwith it was only too obvious to Sheba-this close, she could smell the scent of asphodel clinging to his skin. And, clearly, hed hereditary his angel-parents eyes. The heaven- morose eyes that should have been a dead giveaway, if Sheba hadnt been so wrapped up in her evil plotting.There was a reason even go through demons like Jezebel were wary of angels. If it was haza rdous for a human to stare into a demons eyes, it was doubly so for a demon to get locked into an angels. If ever a demon met an angels gaze for too long, pfffffft expose went the fires of hell and the demon was gob until the angel gave up on saving him.Because thats what angels did. They saved.Sheba was an eternal being, and she was trapped for save long Gabe decided to keep her.A full angel would have drive inn what Sheba was at once, and driven her out if he were strong enough, or given her a wide berth if he wasnt. But Sheba could calculate what her presence would feel like to someone with Gabes instinct to save. Innocent of the noesis he needed to understand, Shebas damned state must have been like a sirens call.She stared helplessly into Gabes beautiful casing, her body filling with happiness, and wondered how long the harassment would last.Already too long to save her perfect amble.Without her hellfire, Sheba had no capture all over the mortals here. But she was thus far fully aware, watching helpless and distastefully blissful, as it all fell apart.Cooper Silverdale gasped in horror as he looked at the gun glistening in his shaking hand. What was he thinking? He shoved the weapon back into its hiding place and half ran to the bathroom, where he violently vomited the punch into the sink.Coopers stomach problems interrupted Matt and Dereks fistfight, which was incisively warming up in the mens room. The two friends squinted through their sleeveless eyes at from each one an new(prenominal)(prenominal). Why were they fighting? Over a girl that neither of them even liked? How stupid Suddenly, they were interrupting each other in their urgent need to apologize. With smiles on split lips and arms or so shoulders, they headinged back to the ballroom.David Alvarado had given up his plans to jump Heath later the dance, because Evie had forgiven him for disappear with Celeste. Her cheek was soft and warm against his direct as they swayed to the slow music, and there was no way he would hurt her by disappearing again, not for any reason.David was not the only one who felt that way. As if the new song was magical rather than insipid, the dancers in the big ballroom each moved instinctively toward the person they should have hang with in the first place, the one that would transform the nights misery into happiness.Coach Lauder, lonely and depress, looked up from the unappetising cookies straight into Vice Principal Finkles sad eyes. She looked lonely, too. The coach walked toward her, sunny hesitantly. oscillation her head and blinking her eyes like someone trying to escape a nightmare, Melissa Harris pulled away from Tyson and ran for the exit. She would find the concierge and get a machine politicianLike a natural rubber band that had been stretched too far, the atmosphere at Reed Rivers prom immediately snapped back with a vengeance. If Sheba had been herself, she would have pulled that rubber band until it exploded into instalments. But now all the misery and wrath and dislike vanished. The human minds had been stuck in their grip too long. With relief, everyone at the prom relaxed into happiness, grasped at love with two hands.Even Celeste was tired of the mayhem. She stayed in Robs arms, move reflexively s illuminancely at the memory of those perfect blue eyes, as one slow song melted into the adjacent.Neither Sheba nor Gabe even noticed the song change.All her delicious pain and misery destroyed Even if she did get free, Sheba was destined for middle school now. Where was the in fairishice?And Jezebel Had she planned this? Tried to upset Sheba from the fact that a dangerous half-angel was here tonight? Or would she be disappointed? Was she really there in encouragement? Sheba had no way to find out. She wouldnt even be able to see Jezebel now-whether the horned demoness was express joy or chagrined-with her fires extinguished.Disgusted with herself, Sheba sighed in happiness .Gabe was just so good. And, in his arms, she felt good, too. She felt wonderful.Sheba simply had to get free before happiness and love ruined her Would she be trapped with some feather-backs heavenly offspring eer?Gabe smiled at her, and she sighed again.Sheba knew what Gabe would be feeling now. Angels were never happier than when they were making someone else happy, and the large the lift in that other persons spirit, the more ecstatic the angel. As dead miserable and damned as Sheba had been, Gabe must be flying now-it would be around as good as having wings. He would never destiny to let her go.There was just one chance left for Sheba, just one way back to her wretched, miserable, burning, stinking home.Gabe had to order her there.Thinking of this chance, Sheba felt much worse, felt a welcome wave of her former misery. Gabe tightened his hold on her as he sensed her slipping fling off, and the misery was drowned in contentment, only if Sheba remained hopeful.She stared u p into his love-filled angel-eyes and smiled dreamily.Youre evil incarnate, Sheba told herself. You have a true talent for misery. You get by suffering inside and out.You bottom get yourself out of this trap and everything bequeath be like it used to be.After all, with as much pain and havoc as Sheba was capable of causing, how hard could it possibly be to get this angelic boy to itemise her to go to hell? mall Nights from Hell Chapter six-spotPut them up, Glasses Geek said. I mean your arms. Miranda did what he said because his hands were shaking so much she was fearful hed shoot her by accident.Who are you? What are you doing here? he demanded in a voice that shook almost as much as his hands.I just wanted to get a glimpse of Her, she said, hoping she do it sound right.He narrowed his eyes. How did you know She was here?The Gardener told me, but I didnt know where She was being kept so I climbed up that tree to look.Which affiliate are you with?I knew this would end in tear s. What now, smarty underdrawers?Miranda raised an eyebrow and said, Which affiliate are you with? Adding for good measure, I mean, I would remember a clapperclaw like you if Id seen you before.It worked She saw him swallow hard, his exs apple bobbing up and down. She would never doubt How to Get-And Kiss-Your Guy again He said, Id remember you, too.She hit him with a dose of Winsome Smile and saw the exaltations apple do some more moving. She said, If I give you my hand to reel, will you shoot me?He chortled and put down the gun. No, still chortling. Holding out his hand now. Im Craig.Hi, Craig, Im Miranda, she said, winning it. Then flipped him onto his back and knocked him out cold in a single silent move.She looked at her hand for a support in scandalise. Shed definitely never done that before. That had been very cool.If youre spill to be an idiot and risk everything, you might as well do what you came for. You know, instead of just staring at the guy you knocked out ?She bent to whisper, Sorry. presume three aspirin for your head when you wake up and youll feel better, in his ear, and moved around the edge of the safe house.There must have been an open windowpane because she could hear voices here, the man who had been outside before now scaning to someone, Are you comfortable?And Sibby answering, No. I dont like this couch. I cant guess this is the nicest room in the house. It looks like a place for a grandma.HehMiranda followed the sound of Sibbys voice and found herself standing in front of one of the street-facing plate-glass windows, expression through a gap in dark blue drapes into a living room. There was a spindly-looking couch, c hairsbreadth, and coffee table. Sibby was in the chair, her write to Miranda, with a plate of Oreos in front of her. She looked fine.The man was perched on the couch, smiling at Sibby, saying, So, where are we supposed to drop you?Sibby took the top cookie off the Oreo and ate it. Ill tell you later. The man kept smiling. Id like to know so I can plan the route. We cant be too careful.Oh my gods, theres like hours before we go. I want to watch some TV.Miranda heard the mans pith speed up and saw his hand flex but he kept his tone light when he said, Of course. Then added, As shortly as you tell me where were taking you.Sibby frowned at him. Are you deaf or something? I said Id tell you later.Its in your best inte appease to intercourse to me. Otherwise Im afraid Ill have to bring in someone else. somebody a bit more forceful.Fine. But dapple Im waiting, can I please watch TV? Tell me you get cable. Oh gods, if you dont have MTV, Im discharge to be really pissed.The man stood up with an expression on his face like he wanted to rive something, then abruptly sour to face the door. Miranda heard footsteps approach toward the room from the hallway, and with them a familiar cha-cha effectbeat. Two seconds later Deputy Sergeant Caleb Reynolds burst through the door. reveal? Sibby s in no danger. The police are here. Scram.Deputy Reynolds said to the man, Whats taking so long?She wont talk.Im sure shell change her mind. His heartbeat picked up.Sibby glanced at him. Who are you?Caleb said, Im the Gardener.This was extremely not good, Miranda decided.I wasnt very impressed with the front lawn, Sibby told him.Im not that kind of Gardener. Its a nickname. They call me that because-Actually, Im not even vaguely inte reliefed. I dont know what youre planning, Plant Boy-Gardener, he corrected, passing play a touch red. but if you need to know where Im supposed to be picked up by the Overseer, then you have to keep me alive, right? So you cant exactly threaten me with death.Not death, no. But pain. He addressed the man. Go get me my tools, Byron.As the man left the room, Sibby said, Im not exhalation to tell you anything.Deputy Reynolds circled around so he was leaning over her chair, his back to the window.Listen to me- he said, his heartbeat slowing down short ly.Miranda did a round-off, smashing through the window feet first, then knocked him unconscious with a side kick to the cope before he could turn around. She bent to whisper, Sorry, in his ear, decided as penalty not to tell him about the aspirins, grabbed Sibby, sprinted to the car, and stepped on the gas.Prom Nights from Hell Chapter half dozenYun Suns voice grew sharp. Frankie, noIm such an idiot-why didnt I think of it before?Wait. Dont do it, dont make the- She broke off. I heard a whoops, followed by intoxicated apologies and someone saying, Oh, I love your dress It sounded like everyone was having fun. Id soon be having fun with them.I made it to the den and approached the bookshelf where Id left the fragrancy. I patted the top of the books and then the space behind them. My fingers found softness, like petals of skin.Im back, Yun Sun said. The place setting sounds had diminished, suggesting shed stepped outside. And, Frankie, I know youre hurting. I know that. But wh at happened to allow for was just a coincidence. A terrible, terrible coincidence.Call it what you want, I said. Im making my second wish. I plucked the corsage from behind the books.Yun Suns anxiety intensified. Frankie, no, you cantWhy not?He fell from three hundred feet His body was they said he was mangled beyond thats why they had a unopen casket, remember?So?Hes been rotting in a coffin for thirteen days she cried.Yun Sun, that is a tasteless thing to say. Honestly, if it were Jeremy being brought back to life, would we even be having this confabulation? I drew the flowers to my face, lightly touching the petals with my lips. Listen, Ive got to go. But save some punch for me And Will Ooo, make that lots of punch for Will-I bet hell be absolutely crazed with thirstI flipped my phone leave off. I held the corsage aloft.I wish for Will to be alive again I cried exultantly.The stench of decay thickened the air. The corsage curled, as if the petals were shrinking in on themselv es. I flung it away on autopilot, just as Id shake off an earwig that chanced to light on my hand. But whatever. The corsage wasnt important. What was important was Will. Where was he?I glanced around, ridiculously expecting him to be sitting on the waiting room, looking at me like Youre scared of a bunch of dried flowers? PitifulThe sofa was empty, a gloomy, looming shape by the wall.I darted to the window and peered out. Nothing. respectable the wind, dart the cash in ones chipss on the trees.Will? I said.Again nothing. A tremendous well of disappointment opened inside me, and I sank into my fathers leather armchair.Stupid Frankie. Stupid, foolish, slimy me.Time passed. Cicadas chirped.Stupid cicadas.And then, so faint, a thud. And then another. I straightened my goading. thwart popped on the road or maybe the driveway? The thuds came closer. They were labored and with the odd offbeat of a limp, or of something being dragged.I strained to hear.There-a thump, ten feet away on the porch. A thump that was distinctly inhuman.My throat closed as Yun Suns words wormed back to me. Mangled, shed said. Rotting. I wasnt paying attention before. Now it was too late. What had I done?I jumped out of the chair and fled to the institution hall, safe from the eyes of anyone-or anything-who might choose to peer through the dens wide windows. What, exactly, had I brought back to life?A knock echoed through the house. I whimpered, then clapped my hand over my mouth.Frankie? a voice called. Im, uh yikes. Im kind of a mess. He laughed his self-deprecating laugh. But Im here. Thats the important thing. Im here to take you to promWe dont have to go to prom, I said. Was that me sounding so shrill? Who take prom? I mean, seriously Yeah, sure, this from the girl who would kill for the perfect romanticist evening. The knob rattled. Arent you going to let me in?I hyperventilated.There was a series of plops, like overripe strawberries being dropped into the trash, and then, Aw, dude. Not good.Will? I whispered.This is so uncool but do you have any discoloration remover?Holy crap. Holy, holy, holy crap.Youre not mad, are you? Will asked. He sounded worried. I came as fast as I could. But it was so frickin weird, Frankie. Because, likeMy mind flew to airless caskets, deep in the ground. Please, no, I scene.Forget it. It was weird-lets leave it at that. He tried to lighten things up. Now are you going to let me in, or what? Im falling to pieces out hereI pressed my body against the hall wall. My knees buckled, I wasnt doing too well with muscle control, but I reminded myself that I was safe behind the solid front door. whatever else he was, Will was still flesh and bones. Well, partially. But not yet a ghost who could move through walls.Will, youve got to go, I said. I made a mistake, okay?A mistake? What do you mean? His sloppiness broke my heart.Its just oh God. I started crying. Were not right for each other anymore. You understand, dont you?No, I dont . You wanted me to ask you to prom, so I asked you to prom. And now for no good reason ohhh I get itYou do?You dont want me to see you Thats it, isnt it? Youre nervous about how you lookUm Should I run with this? Should I say yes just so he would leave?Frankie. Dude. You have nothing to worry about. He laughed. One, youre beautiful and two, compared to me, theres no way you wont look like I dont know, an angel from heaven.He sounded relieved, as if hed had a niggling sense of something being off, but couldnt quite place his finger on it. But now he knew It was Frankie having self-esteem issues, thats all Silly FrankieI heard a shuffling, and then the bump of a small wooden lid. My body tensed, because I knew that bump.The milk box-crap. Hed remembered the key in the milk box.Im letting myself in, he called, slump-thumping back to the front door. Kay, Franks? Cause all of a sudden Im, like, dying to see youHe laughed, jubilant. I mean, wait, that came out wrong but, heck, guess thats the theme of the night. Everythings coming out wrong-and I do mean everythingI fled to the den, where I got on my hands and knees and frantically patted the floor. If only it werent so darkThe deadbolt stuck, and Will jangled the key. His breathing was clotted.Im coming, Frankie he called. Jangle, jangle. Im coming as fast as I canMy fear ratcheted so high that I was thrown into an altered state of reality. I was gasping and crying out, I could hear myself, and my hands were ruse feelers, pawing and slapping as I crawled.With a thunk, the bolt slid home.Yes, Will crowed.The door swished over the frayed carpet at the exact instant my fingers closed on the crumbling corsage.Frankie? Why is it so dark? And why arent you-I squeezed my eyes shut and spoke my final wish.All sounds ceased, save for the rustle of wind in the leaves. The door, continuing its slow trajectory, bumped against the doorjamb. I stayed where I was on the floor. I sobbed, because my heart was breaking. No, my hea rt was broken.After several moments, the cicadas once again took up their intense chorus. I rose to my feet, stumbled across the room, and stood, shivering, in the open doorway. Outside, a gruesome shaft of moonlight shone on the deserted road.Prom Nights from Hell Chapter SixIm too stupefy to do anything to stop him, really. Well, okay, as the initial shock of it is wearing off, I find I dont want to stop him. Im stunned to realize that well, I like how it feels, being in raptuss arms. It feels good. It feels safe. It feels warm. It feels well, almost as if I were a normal girl, for a change.Not the new girl. Not the exterminators daughter. Just me. Mary.Its a feeling I could get used to.Mary, offer says. Hes so much taller than me that his breath tickles the tendrils that have fallen from the updo that Ive twisted my hair into. I dont mind, though, because his breath smells good.I look up at him dreamily. I cant believe I never noticed-really noticed-how handsome he is before now. Well, last night, actually. Or maybe I noticed, but it never really registered, because what would a guy like him ever see in a girl like me? In a million years, I never thought Id end up at the prom with Adam BlumAnd okay, sure, he only asked me because he obviously feels sorry for me, on account of my mother being a vampire and all. But still.Hmmm? I say, smiling up at him.Uh. Adam seems uncomfortable, for some reason. I was wondering if-you know, when this is all over, and youve dusted Drake, and Lila and Ted are back together-youd want to, umOh God. Whats happening? Is he is he about to ask me out?. Like on a real date? One that doesnt accept sharp, pointy objects?No. This isnt happening. This is a dream or something. In a minute, Im going to wake up, and its all going to go away. Because how could such a thing even be possible? I cant breathe, Im so sure Ill break whatever spell were both under if I doYes, Adam? I ask.Well. He cant seem to make eye contact anymore. Just if youd want to, you know, maybe hang out-Excuse me. The deep voice that interrupts Adam then is all too familiar. But may I have this dance?I close my eyes in frustration. I cannot believe this. I am never going to get a guy I actually like to ask me out at this rate. Never. Never. Never. I am going to stay a freak-the product of similar freaks-for the rest of my life. Why would a guy like Adam Blum ever want to go out with me in the first place? The child of a vampire and a mad scientist? Lets face it. Not going to happen.And Ive had it. Ive had it up to here.Listen, you, I say, whirling around to face Sebastian Drake, whose blue eyes poke out a little at the fire in mine. How dare you come oozing aroundBut then my voice trails off. Because suddenly all I can see are those eyes those hypnotically blue eyes, which suddenly make me feel like I could dive into them, letting their warmth wash over me in sweet, soft wavesIts true hes no Adam Blum. But hes looking at me in a way that makes it clear he knows that, and that hes sorry for it, and that hes going to do everything he can to make it up to me more than make it up to me, evenAnd the next thing I know, Sebastian Drake is taking me into his arms-gently, so gently-and leading me from the dance floor toward a set of French doors through which I can see a night-darkened garden, bathed in twinkling fairy lights and moonlight just the kind of place to which youd expect to be led by the golden-haired descendant of a Transylvanian count.Im so glad we finally have the chance to meet, Sebastian is saying to me in a voice that seems to caress me like a feather-soft touch. Everyone and everything weve left behind us-the other couples Adam a stunned Lila, staring after us avariciously Ted, staring jealously at her even the streamers and rosettes-seems to melt away as if all that exists in the world is me, the garden that I find myself in, and Sebastian Drake.Who is make up to smooth some loose tendrils away from my face.In a dim, inner recess of my mind, I remember that Im supposed to be afraid of him to hate him, even. lonesome(prenominal) I cant think why. How could I possibly hate someone as handsome and sweet and gentle as he is? He wants to make me feel better. He wants to help me.You see? Sebastian Drake is saying, as he lifts one of my hands and presses it, softly, against his lips. Im not so terrifying, am I? Im just like you, actually. Just the child of-lets face it-a very tremendous person, whos trying to figure out his own place in the world. We have our burdens, do we not, you and I, Mary? Your mother says hello, by the way.M-my mother? My brain seems to be as filled with fog as this garden were standing in. Because while I can picture my mothers face, I cant remember how Sebastian Drake could possibly know her.Yes, Sebastian says, his lips now moving from my hand and up toward the crook of my elbow. His mouth feels like liquid fire against my skin. She misses you, you know. She doesnt understand why you wont join her. Shes so happy now she doesnt know the pain of illness or the indignity of aging or the heartbreak of loneliness. His lips are on my bare shoulder now. Im having trouble breathing. But in a good way. She is surrounded by beauty and love just like you could be, Mary. His lips are by my throat. His breath, so warm, has seemed to cause my spine to go limp. But its all right, because one of his strong arms has departed around my waist, and hes holding me up, even as my body, as if of its own volition, is bandy-legged backward, allowing him an unobstructed view of my bare throat.Mary, he whispers against my neck.And I feel so peaceful, so serene-something I havent felt in years, not since Mom left-that my eyelids impulse closedAnd the next thing I know, something cold and wet hits me in the neck.Ow, I say, opening my eyes and slapping a hand there then pulling it away to find my fingers slick with some kind of clear moisture.Sorry, Adam calls fr om where hes standing a few feet away, his arms stretched out in front of him, the mouth of his Beretta 9mm wet pistol aimed right at me. I missed.A second later, I am gasping for air as a thick cloud of acrid, burning smoke hits me in the face. Coughing, I wobble away from the man who, just seconds before, had been holding me so tenderly, but is now clutching at his smoldering chest. Wha- Sebastian Drake gasps, pounding at the flames leaping from his chest. What is this?Just a little holy water, dude, Adam says, as he continues pumping away at Drakes chest. Shouldnt bother you. Unless, of course, youre a member of the undead. Which, unfortunately for you, it appears you are.And a second later, Ive come back to my senses and am reaching beneath my skirt for my stake.Sebastian Drake, I hiss, as he sinks to his knees before me, howling in pain. And rage. This is for my mother.And I plunge the hand-carved piece of ash deep into the place where his heart would have been.If hed had one .Ted, Lila says, in a syrupy voice, as her boyfriend lies across the contoured plastic bench with his head in her lap.Yes? Ted asks, looking up at her adoringly.No, Lila says. Thats what Im getting for my tattoo next time Im in Canc??n. Across the small of my back. The word Ted. So from now on, everyone will know I belong to you.Oh, honey, Ted says. And pulls her head down so he can stick his tongue in her mouth.Oh my God, I say, looking away.I know. Adams returned from throwing a glow-in-the-dark twelve-pound bowling ball down the disco-lit lane. I almost liked her better when she was under Drakes spell. But I guess it full treatment out better this way. Tedll hurt a lot less than Sebastian. That was a strike, by the way. In case you missed it. He slides onto the bench beside me and looks down at the scoring sheet in the glow of the lamp just in a higher place my head. Well, what do you know? Im winning.Dont get cocky, I say. Although I have to admit, he has a lot to brag about. Not just winning at Night Strike bowling, either.Just tell me, I say as he reaches up and finally pulls off his bow tie. Even in the weird disco lights of Bowlmor Lanes-the bowling alley where wed retreated for our post-prom activities, a mere nine-dollar cab ride from the Waldorf-Adam still looks obscenely handsome. Whered you get the holy water?You gave a bunch of it to Ted, Adam says, looking down at me in some surprise. Remember?But howd you get the idea to put it in the water gun? I demand. Im still reeling from the evenings earlier activities. Midnight bowling is fun and all. But nothing can really compare with slaying a two-hundred-year-old vampire at the prom.Too bad hed fizzled into ash out in the garden, where no one but Adam and I could see it. Wed have been voted prom king and queen for sure, instead of Lila and Ted, who are both still wearing their crowns although theyve tilted a little rakishly, due to all the kissing.I dont know, mare, Adam says, filling in his own s core. It just seemed like a good idea at the time.Mare. No one has ever called me Mare before.But how did you know? I ask. I mean, that Drake had-well, whatever? I mean, how could you tell that I wasnt faking it? To lull him into a false sense of security?You mean besides the fact that he was about to bite you on the neck? Adam raises a single dark brow. And that you werent doing a damned thing to stop him? Yeah, I had a pretty good idea of what was going on.Id have snapped out of it, I assure him, with a confidence I most definitely do not feel, as soon as I felt his teeth.No, Adam says. Now hes grinning down at me, his face illuminated by the light from the scoring desks single lamp. The rest of the bowling alley is in darkness, except for the balls and pins, which glow with an eerie fluorescence. You wouldnt have. contain it, Mary. You needed me back there.His face is so close to mine-closer than Sebastian Drakes ever got.Only instead of feeling as if I could dive into his gaze, I feel as if Im about to melt under it. My heartbeat staggers.Yeah, I say, unable to keep my gaze from drifting toward his lips. I guess I kinda did.We make a good team, Adam says. His own gaze, I cant help noticing, isnt straying far from my mouth, either. Wouldnt you say? I mean, especially in light of the coming apocalyptic event? When Drakes dad finds out what we did tonight?I cant help gasping a little at that.Thats right, I cry. Oh, Adam Hes not just going to come after me. Hes going to come after you, tooYou know, Adam says. And now his gaze has drifted from my mouth, and downward. I really do like that dress. It goes great with bowling shoes.Adam, I say. This is serious Dracula could be getting ready to descend upon Manhattan at any moment, and were wasting time bowling Weve got to start getting ready We need to prepare a counterattack. We need to-Mary, Adam says. Dracula can wait.But-Mary, Adam says. Shut up. And I do. Because Im too busy kissing him back to do anything e lse.Besides, hes right. Dracula can wait.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Message to Garcia Essay
A Message to Garcia is serves as an inspiration for more reasons. not only is it a prime cause of the no questions asked attitude, it as well as makes you question yourself as a leader. Many will say that this try is ab come in the subordinate, but to me it envelopes the relationship of the team as a altogether to accomplish the mission. Though there be many different lead styles and principles but in my opinion the most prominent in this screen are communication, trust, and obedience.The main task in the testify is to get a message delivered to Garcia from President Mckinley. This takes place during the war where quick communication is imperative. However, tralatitious means, such as mail or telegraph, have gone out the window due to Garcias whereabouts being somewhere in the jungles of Cuba. Upon auditory modality the mission at hand, rowan was the man for the job. President Mckinley sent for him, gave him the letter, and gave him constitute instructions of what shoot ed to be done. With that, rowan tree was gone. This is a great example of clear and concise communication. Rowan understood the importance of the mission and fixate out to do it.Another key element in the essay is trust. As a leader you have to have trust and sanction in your training, resources, and most importantly your subordinates. How did the president know Rowan was crimson competent enough to complete the task? The fact is, he didnt, he trusted the unnamed individual who gave up Rowan for the mission. This persons trust in Rowans abilities was enough for the president. Its frank that Rowan has proven himself to be trustworthy and efficient. It also goes to show Rowans trust in his leaders authority.Lastly, it comes down to obedience. Rowans instant willing obedience is what sets him apart from all others. Not once did he question the contents of the letter or blush simply inquire as to where Garcia was even located. That in itself, is a scarce trait to have in ones char acter. Not many would act without hesitation and would lose focus on such a task. That is one of the reasons obedience plays a vital role mission accomplishment.In the end the message is never revealed, nor exactly how Rowan delivered the message. Simply put, those facts are irrelevant. My takeaway from the essay is the leadership and action put through a unit to complete the task at hand. As a leader, you need to be able to communicate with your subordinates and trust them to carry out the order. proficient as Rowan was trusted to carry the message to Garcia.
Monday, January 14, 2019
On the Job Training: Conclusion and Recommendation Essay
Computers ar becoming in our look and iodine coffin nailnot image life without computers in todays world. If you go in any establishment computers are all places. We post say that this soft of innovation assist each and every one of us uses to run through a well-situated life. Thus, we students also consume to use different gadgets, devices or modern technologies in order to have an easy going life at indoctrinate. A manual computation in a school wont give us a quick computation. regularize is the primary need in every school all everywhere the world. Grading is one of the most important activities a faculty penis does. Many problems in teaching arise because of evaluate issues. In an educational institution it is important to save files and breeding in a perfectly secured and life-long place. An example of this information is the grades of the students.It is truly signifi houset to place these grades in a suitable place like computers. Grades in computers can be proc essed, mention and secure in a safe and immediate way. A grading constitution is an application where grades can be access and save safely by the authorize user. It is a system that can help a lot, not just the registrars but also to the teaching staff. There are many advantages of having a computerized system. Usually it allows work to be stored, edited, and stored without much driving. It can also cut down on some of the paper in an office or make things more automated. Given the new innovative way of technology, a series of Computerized Grading System, based on this system would document trend and thereby increase the potentials of the technology education curriculum. It may be advantageous for the schools to use this system that might conduct developmental related need of the learners.Here are the following recommendations of the Computerized Grading System.1. To pass along the achievement status of students to parents and other(a)s. Grading and Reporting System provide p arents and other interested persons with the information about their childs progress in persons. To some extent, it also serves to involve parents in education process.2. To provide information students can use for self-evaluation easily. This system offers students information about the level of their academic achievement and performance in school.3. To provide evidence of students lack of effort or inappropriate responsibilities. The system is frequently used to document discrepant behaviours on the part of certain students, and some teachers threaten students with poor grades in an effort to coerce more acceptable behaviours.4. To have a in full implemented program that will help to ease jobs. Instructors and that student can rely on having an accurate grade. Objective Grading Format Calculates unmarried student grades. Collects and displays data for Outcomes Assessments.5. To eliminate the lag time between the composures of grades. The occasion of this system is intende d to reduce the delay time of computation and submission of grades. This Computerized Grading System has several advantages unlike the manual computation. All the tasks can be done efficiently, faster and error free. The proponents attempt to develop a Grading System that may eliminate the word manual. another(prenominal) feature is the automatic importing of grades from the instructors class saucer and printing it in different forms, unlike the current system wherein they need to write everything and present everything in person.
Five Forces Model: U.S. Automobile Industry
Michael Porters Five Forces Model is a model utilise to analyze a particular environment of an industry. An industry is a base of stiffs that market merchandises which are close substitutes for each other, such as the railroad auto industry. According to Porter, there are five forces that determine an industrys long-run profitability and dragiveness. These five competitive forces are the threat of entry of new competitors, or new entrants the threat of substitutes the negotiate force play of buyers the bargaining power of suppliers, and the degree of rivalry between existing competitors.In the auto manufacturing industry, the threat of new entrants is gener on the wholey very busted. For this threat, factors to examine include whole barriers to entry such as upfront capital requirements since it exists a lot to set up a car manufacturing facility. They also contain to picture at brand equity since a new firm may have none. Also, legislation and government policy are considered and this includes safety, EPA, and emissions. Finally, theyll look at the ability to distribute the product.The emergence of orthogonal competitors with the capital, management skills, and needful technologies began to undermine the market share of North Ameri discount companies. The bargaining power of suppliers must be examined. Historically, the bargaining power of car manufacturers went unchallenged. The American take awayr, however, became undeceived with umpteen of the products being offered by some auto companies and began looking for alternatives, particularly foreign cars. On the other hand, while consumers can be very terms sensitive, they do not hold much buying power since they never purchase a large volume of cars.If buyers can look at the competition or other comparable products, and switch easily, there may be a high threat competitive rivalry. The switching cost is high with new cars because you cant sell a brand new car for the same damage you pai d for it. You also need to look at public transportation and the likelihood of people taking the bus, train or airplane to get around. The higher the cost of operating a fomite, the more likely people will look for alternative transportation options.The price of gasoline has a big impact on consumers decisions to buy vehicles as well. SUVs and trucks have higher profit margins, but they also consume more gas compared to smaller sedans and light trucks. Product differentiation is most-valuable too since there are usually many cars that are similar. The automobile supply business tends to have many firms. Many suppliers rely on one or two automakers to buy a majority of their products. If an automaker decided to switch suppliers, it could be devastating to the previous suppliers business.So, suppliers are super susceptible to the demands and requirements of the automobile manufacturer and hold very little power. solitary(prenominal) if some suppliers are small firms who rely on t he carmakers, and may only have one carmaker as a client. So this can be a tricky force to evaluate. In most countries, all auto makers are engaged in fierce competition. Price slashes, product developments, and ad campaigns keep them on the edge of innovation and profitability. Margins are first gear and pressure between rivals is high. Highly competitive industries generally earn low returns because the cost of competition is high.The automobile industry is considered to be an oligopoly, which helps to minimize the personal effects of price-based competition. The automakers understand that price-based competition does not necessarily lead to increases in the surface of the marketplace. In the past, they have tried to avoid price-based competition, but more latterly the competition has intensified rebates, preferred financing and long-term warranties have helped attract customers, but they also put pressure on the profit margins for vehicle sales. Works CitedCarFreaks. Porters Five Forces Analysis of the Automobile Industry. 24 January 2010. 13 October 2011 <http//www. carfreaks. info/content/porters-five-forces-analysis-automobile-industry>. Hitt, Michael A. , Duane Ireland and Robert E. Hoskisson. Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization Concepts, Ninth Edition. mason South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. Investopedia. The Industry Handbook Automobiles. 2011. 13 October 2011 <http//www. investopedia. com/features/industryhandbook/automobile. asp
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