Friday, May 31, 2019
The Glass Ceiling Essay -- essays research papers
In order for organizations to function members within the organization, the organization needs to work together to achieve particularised goals and solve problems. Organizations will usu anyy work in teams and each team has leaders that get the other team members on the ball to do realize different tasks. Organizations are structured in a hierarchy way. There is the top level manage manpowert with the CEOs and presidents and other head people. Then there is the inferior management that includes department heads and managers. Finally there are the employees of the organization working hard to hopefully bear on up in the corporation to these naughtyer levels. When employees move up the corporate ladder there are certain rewards they get like a higher salary and maybe more benefits such as more flextime. From the very beginning the world has been dominated by men and even more so in the body of work. Men were always the leaders and heads of everything all the way down to the fami ly. The woman was the nurturer and she was lonesome(prenominal) there to provide the man with a family and to care for the family. Her place was never in the workplace. That was strictly for men. It wasnt until mankind War I where women started to enter the work soldiers in larger numbers and this was primarily because all the men were being sent over to fight in the war and their wives took their spots on the factory floors so that corporations could still function. There is the ever noted Rosie the Riveter poster during World War II that had the famous motto for women We bottom do it. This got women out of the house and onto the factory floors where their husbands had been working until the war broke out. Of course once the war was over and men came top the women were in a since forced back into the house. But ever since then women began to enter the workforce more and more ever year. Women were starting to realize that they can do the work just as good as men could or even b etter. Today women account for 45% of the paid labor force (Williams, 6). That number will continue to grow over the next couple of years until eventually women equal or even go above men in the labor force. Although women are playing a big part in the labor market today, they are still unable to advance high up the corporate ladder like men can. There are a very few exceptions to this, but the majority of women in organizations can only usually get ... ...ough because organizations are realizing that the working world has changed. Women are no longer staying in the house to tend to the family. They are going out into the workplace just like the men and are competing for the best possible jobs that they can get.Works SitedCaplan, Jessica. China Staff. Hong Kong Sep 2004. Vol 10, Iss 9. pg. 14.Connolly, John. Personnel Today. Sutton Sep 28, 2004. pg. 17.Fitzgerald, Barbara. bare-assed York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)). red-hot York, N.Y. Aug 10, 2003. pg. 14NJ.1.Barbara F. R eskin, Heidi I. Hartmann, editors. Womens Work, Mens Work. Washington D.C. National Academy Press. 1986.Jacobs, Jerry, editor. Gender Inequality at Work. California. Sage Publications, Inc. 1995..Nichols, Nancy. Editor. Reach For the Top. Boston. Harvard Business School. 1994.Sekaran, Uma. Editor. WOMANPOWER. California. Sage Publications, Inc. 1992.Symonds, William. Business Week. New York Oct 4, 2004, Iss. 3902, pg 98.Williams, Christine. Still A Mans World. Los Angeles. University of California Press. 1995.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Government Census Should NOT Focus on Race :: social issues
The Government Census Should NOT Focus on RaceLets be honest, does it in truth matter what guide you are? I mean does it really matter where you come from? The color of your skin, the culture and value you carry. Unless you are oppressing one race to feel good about yourself, Why should race matter. The fact is, It shouldnt matter as long as you are honest and is respectful to others. Im sure that or so of us have experienced this to some extent When you make a friend who is from a different race, do you still classify him or her as black, white, tall or short, Fat or skinny, someone with long hair or short, Or someone with no legs on a wheel chair, Old or young? No You shamt, although you might think of these every now and than, you dont constantly think about these things. If someone constantly thinks about them, for me it means that there is something I dislike about it, and in either case I would probably end the relation anyway. It is for this exact reason that I dont conce ptualise that race should non play a huge role, if any, in our society. When the Government Census is surveying Americans, although this is not the intention of the survey, its definitely not doing me the favor of having to categorizing me race. Many assumption and problems can arise from categorizing society by race, such as stereotyping, obstacles to job qualification and disruptions of peace in society.I realize the affect for differentiation and diversity after all it is what makes each and one us very unique and fascinating. However, Im not suggesting that we should all fall for the liquescent pot ideology either, But simply to have an open mind and see our selves as an American, and not categorize each other for any reason.For instance, if something is disregarded we wouldnt think about it right Discrimination works somewhat the same way if the issue of race is constantly being raised as factor to everything we do in society, then people will instinctually differentiate or learn to discriminate against one another. Since discrimination is something taught or experienced and not inherited, society can learn to avoid stereotyping and discrimination among each other- by letting go of old ideals and mythology. For instance, when I came to America years ago. I could go anywhere and talk to anyone I pleased in the whole city.
Creation Science Essay -- essays research papers
groundworkism is a religious metaphysical theory about the inception of the universe. It is not a scientific theory. Technically, creationism is not necessarily connected to any particular religion. It s point requires a belief in a Creator. Millions of Christians and non-Christians believe thither is a Creator of the universe and that scientific theories such as the the theory of evolution do not conflict with belief in a Creator. However, fundamentalistic Christians such as Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell, have co-opted the term creationism and it is now difficult to refer to creationism without being understood as referring to fundamentalist Christians who (a) take the stories in Genesis as accurate accounts of the informant of the universe and life on Earth, and (b) believe that Genesis is incompatible with the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution. Thus, it is commonly assumed that creationists ar Christians who believe that the account of the creation of the univers e as presented in Genesis is literally true in its basic claims about Adam and Eve, the six eld of creation, and not an allegory. Creation science is a term used by certain creationists to indicate that they believe that Genesis is a scientific account of the origin of the universe. Reading the Bible as if it were a scientific text contradicts the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution. "Creation scientists" say those theories are false and that scientists who encourage such theories are ignorant of the truth about the origins of the universe and life on Earth. One of the main leaders of creation science is Duane T. Gish of the Institute for Creation Research, who puts forth his views in conjunction with attacks on evolution. Gish is the author of Evolution, the Challenge of the Fossil Record ( San Diego, Calif. Creation-Life Publishers, 1985) and Evolution, the Fossils Say No (San Diego, Calif. Creation-Life Publishers, 1978). Another leader of this movement is Walt Brown of the amount of money for scientific Creationism. Neither Gish nor Brown seem to understand the difference between a fact and a theory. They loudly proclaim that evolution is just a theory and that it is false. Scientific theories are neither true nor false. They are explanations of facts. That species evolved from other species is considered by 99.99% of the scientific community to be a scientific fact. How spec... ... act unscientifically, to be dogmatic and dishonest. But the fact that one finds an occasional oddball in the history of science (or a person of integrity and genius among pseudoscientists) does not imply that at that place really is no difference between science and pseudoscience. Because of the public and empirical nature of scientific debate, the charlatans will be found out, errors will be corrected and the honest pursuit of the truth is likely to prevail in the end. This will not be the case with pseudosciences such as creation science, where there is n o method needed for detecting errors (since it push asidet err) much less of correcting them. Some theories, like creationism cant be refuted, even in principle, because everything is consistent with them, even apparent contradictions and contraries. Scientific theories allow definite predictions to be made from them they can, in principle, be refuted. Theories such as the Big Bang theory and the steady state theory can be tested by experience and observation. Metaphysical theories such as creationism are "airtight" if they are self-consistent. They contain no self-contradictory elements. No scientific theory is ever airtight.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Lao-tzu: The Moderation Of Rule Essay -- essays research papers
Ruling a country effectively is executed through a variety of methods. Lao-Tzu, a follower of Taoism, expresses his belief on the most efficient way to govern. "The to a greater extent prohibitions you have, the slight virtuous batch will be. The more weapons you have, the less secure people will be. The more subsidies you have, the less self-reliant people will be" (25). This quote from Lao-Tzu can be interpreted many different ways. The author discusses what he feels the role of a leader should be, the restrictions and the privileges that should be condition to the people. There are various views on this particular passage even among Americans. Lao-Tzu feels that taking action in order to make people feel safer and arrest their well being will actually be detrimental although I agree with Lao-Tzus tactics, most Americans hold differentiating views.The more restrictions you place on a people, the less moral the people will be. Americans encounter this on a daily basis. American society was founded upon and is enraptured by rebellion. The early American colonists revolted against the English government. The more laws and restrictions the King would place on them the more they would rebel and fight. When the American people feel oppressed by any law or prohibition rank forth by the government the people will challenge it in an effort to change it. America is one of the only countries where its people actually intrust they can make a difference and change what they feel is not righ...
the cultural affects of national geographic Essay examples -- essays r
Thailand is a country enveloped in much mystery and cultural tradition. This fact is reflected very understandably in a series of pictures taken from the article, The Many Faces of Thailand in the February 1996 issue of the National Geographic mag, titled, Into the Heart of Glaciers I will attempt to analyze the vogue in which the pictures portray the richness of Thailands culture and people and prove this statement about the National Geographics photography, They originated in a take care for ways of teaching about the third world that did not objectify and were not paternalistic but that fostered both a sense of how lives around the world are interconnected and a capacity for empathetic understanding. (Collins, Lutz 3)A good portion of its text and photographs is devoted to images of the peoples and cultures of the third world. (Collins, Lutz 1) This quote taken out of, reading material National Geographic, is proven very true by my use of this article about Thailand. Nationa l Geographic magazine has always tried to create touch on in third world countries through its photographic spreads and draw people into contact with a much wider set of cultural ideas (Collins, Lutz 1) The first photograph ground in this series is one of a Buddhist watching. It includes much artistry and focus and teaches the reader many things about Thailands culture. The first thing that I noticed about the picture was that it is dominated by anthropoids. There are no females in this photograph and the ages of the males vary greatly showing a male dominance being present in the cultural hierarchy. The photo is very dark, causing the reader to focus on the subjects rather than the background. Jodi Cobb, the photographer, portrays the harmony and continuity which is traditionally the spirit found amongst the Thai people by showing the men donning monks robes and holding candles, incense and lotus blossoms. Capturing a photograph of a cultural ceremony is very effective in educa ting an audience about a country. An omniscient, unbiased stance is being achieved by the photographer in this shot because there is no indication of good or bad throughout this photograph, it is simply the reflection of a ceremony in order to more appreciate Thai culture. The magazine attempts to articulate a national vision, ... ...eaders to see and understand the respect that Thai people have for animals and nature. Throughout this collection of photographs many different things have been intentional about Thailand. Even without reading the article, I have seen a lot of cultural differences between America and Thailand and even between the Thai people themselves. close to readings reinforce American illusions of cultural superiority and paternalism, while others entail an engagement with the subject photographed, identification across cultural boundaries, the awakening of a curiosity that whitethorn be politically invigorating. (Collins, Lutz 11)In this issue of National Geogr aphic the article, The Many Faces of Thailand, really did show the many faces of this country. Each photograph of the collection portrayed a different piece of Thailands cultural puzzle and than fit together to illustrate the harmony, celebration, vivaciousness and even depression of the nations people. BibliographyCollins, Jane L. and Lutz, Catherine A. Reading National Geographic. University of boodle Press Chicago, 1993. National Geographic Volume 189 No. 2, Into the Heart of Glaciers February 1996
Monday, May 27, 2019
Automobile:from Horse To Horsepower :: essays research papers fc
"In the first hundred years of active life, it has been described as a menace ands a blessing, a blight and a godsend, as a savior of our countryside and cities, and as their curse, as socially divisive and the greatest social leveler. It has been worshipped and reviled, celebrated and scorned." The rail gondola is an invention that has had a tremendous strike on society. The automobile has taken diverse segments of the American population farmers, small town residents and urban dwellers and given them access to the same opportunities and experiences. Autos have given us motels, shopping plazas, drive-thrus, vacations, commuting, and, certainly non the least, suburbia. The genesis of the automobile is one of the most profound and important chapters in the development of American culture. Before the automobile, people traveled by means of bicycles, trains, street cars and horse-drawn carriages. These methods of transportation were slow, limited and not private. Up until the about 1880, inventors experimented with building a "horseless carriage." These experiments were powered mainly by steam, and were not practical. They traveled at slow speeds (six miles an hour), were very noisy, frightened horses, smelled awful and polluted the air. Sometimes the coals (used to make steam) would fall off the auto, and burn wooden bridges down. Railroads and gift coach lines hated the automobiles because they did not want competition. Autos were scarce and ridiculed by most of the population. "The car began life as a rich mans toy, quite a than a means of transport or as an instrument of social change." They were displayed in circuses because they were considered a wacky idea with no future. The development and acceptance of the automobile in America took place around the turn of the century, from 1895 to 1910. The most successful steam car was the Stanley Steamer, invented in Newton, Massachusetts in 1897 by Francis and Freelan Stanley. It was produced until 1924. The steam car did not fare well because it was not suited for long distance travel, was too hard to start and posed the hazard of an open fire. In the tardy 1890s and early 1900s the electric car was the most popular type of automobile. William Morrison was the creator of this type of car. People liked the electric car because it was clean to operate, ran quietly and did not give off fumes. Unfortunately for modern society, the electric cars could not go faster than 20 miles an hour, and the battery had to be recharged every cubic decimetre miles.
Love Marriage
As I took my marriage vows in the House of God, my glittery white wedding gown sparkling in the sun seemed like a symbol of my bright future with the man of my dreams. I looked into his passionate dark look, and realized that once again, I had succeeded, gotten what I involveed. No one had ever been able to come in my way ever, and now that I was married to Jai, looked like no one could. Not fifty-fifty my parents. My parents didnt even know Jai well. I do remember in the whole m opposites instinct thing, provided things were different in this case. All they knew was what they had heard from people, namely Jais ex-wife and her mother.And of course theyd be biased, by and by a broken engagement, who wouldnt? Jais ex wife kept making up stories intimately how violent Jai got when he was drunk, I didnt believe her, partly because I didnt want to, save a nonher part of me sub consciously filed these fables in my memory. Mom kept insisting that she had a bad feeling about him, If hes left her for you, what guarantee do you have that he wont leave you for some one else? But it wasnt that way, my parents wouldnt understand. Jai needed a life sentence partner. His wife couldnt be his companion. I was everything she wasnt.She was a slave, to a greater extent like a machine who fairish bounced off his ideas to him. Obviously hed be bored. I also thought that another reason was the fact that I treasured to marry by choice, and not have it arranged like her and Pa, and all the other happy couples in the world. Well, so what if Jai had fooled around in the past, or gotten into throw out a few times just for small time drug dealing? That didnt make him a criminal, and it certainly didnt make me change my mind about his wonderful personality. That was his past, and at the time, I was his present, and that was all that mattered.Things started shaping up just the way I knew they would, Jai was still the exotic, tall, handsome man, with flashing eyes and a nipping mind. Nothing had changed after marriage he still cognised me with the same passion tinged with possessiveness, and he still treated me with the same respect and dignity as a gentleman, I was grateful because that was something very uncommon in the society I lived in. We shared the same interest in everything religion, politics, and even video games. I was his companion, his equal partner, I was sure Jai would keep me happy all my life.Soon Jai got a occupancy as an agent for a comp whatever, and it was a good job with a steady income, so I didnt mind the fact that he had to be in and out of town. Pa got us a nice apartment in a friendly neighborhood, till we could afford to pay our own rent. A few months down the line Jai had gone to Singapore for some business, and duration he was away, I discovered that I was pregnant. I was thrilled beyond measure, all my parents fears of me being unable to live a decent respectable life with a man like Jai were dismissed. My dreams were com ing true I would soon be a respected wife and mother.I thought Id wait for Jai to return, and so surprise him. But Jai returned a shrimpy earlier than expected, hearing of my pregnancy from a family friend in Singapore. The night he returned didnt turn out to be preferably as I thought it would. He came home drunk, and I was at my mothers house when he returned, and was livid to find me out of the house without his permission. That night, when I returned home, I found him on his rocking c copper, awaiting my return. The first thing he said to me struck me like a lightening bolt, I shouldve listened to them when they told me about you.Youre finally show your true colors arent you? I didnt know whom he meant by them, but I was shocked by the bitterness and sharpness of his tone and could only cause to mumble a feeble huh? Dont pretend Theres no need to, I know you were with Philip, and I know what youve been doing the past few months while Ive been out of town, His schnorkel reeked of alcohol, and his words were slurred, and bitter with contempt, You think Im dumb huh? Huh? You think I havent noticed youre interest in him? And I know that youre carrying proof of that.. Philip was our young, vibrant next-door neighbor.He was quite a good looking, charming boy and I had mentioned it to Jai a couple of times. I noticed that he didnt seem too pleased about it, but I had never in my wildest dreams imagined that he would ever suspect me of being unfaithful to him. Jai went on to call me a string of demeaning nasty names, but my mind was blank. I was weak as it was, and the shock was too much for me to bear. He got up slowly and walked towards me, stopping a few inches away from me, Where did you go? . I opened my mouth to speak, but my throat was parched, and no words could be formed.After what seemed like eternity I uttered Mas house. His eyes bore into me like needles, and suddenly he struck me screaming LIAR If you arent hiding anything from me then why are you so scared His eyes were bulbous out of his sockets, and his breathing grew heavier, suddenly he caught me by my hair and flung me onto the couch. As he slapped me repeatedly, I fought to stifle my screams lest the neighbors heard he then caught hold of my spacious auburn tresses and dragged me onto the floor, then lifted me and hit my principal against the wall again and again and again. His fury was sated.I couldnt keep track of anything that happened after that, I just remember excruciating pain in my head, and then I went numb and blacked out. I woke up to find myself on my bed, Jai was by my side holding my hand, my head still spun, and it took me a while to recollect the events of the previous night. Jai sat with his head bowed. He whispered an apology to me, I was too weak to show any signs of acceptance, and then suddenly he started sobbing, I cant believe I did this to you. Im so sorry, I mustve been possessed by an evil spirit. Please forgive me. I love you. I b eg for forgiveness.That wasnt me. I promise to never raise my hand on you again. Im sorry Jyoti, please forgive me. I was scared. I didnt entirely believe him, but something inside me wanted to believe his every word. I knew my Jai, last night he was sick, he was drunk. He didnt know what he was doing. Maybe I believed him only because I knew that I had nowhere to go. I couldnt go back to my parents, because my ego wouldnt let me, nor could I let them know the torture and humiliation I had been subjected to, because I wasnt used to being proved wrong. I didnt want them to know that they had been right.So I stayed, I believed what I wanted to believe about him, he was my strength, everything else was perfect, and these were just trivial things that happened sometimes between couples, meant to be forgotten, it was the price I had to pay for my love, my impudence and what the world would see as my victory. After that incident, things were back to rule between us on the outside, but d eep down I was scared, I was scared of making any wrong move. I was still not thoroughly convinced that he believed that the child I was carrying was his, because he did pass snide remarks implying that I was unfaithful to him.For a long time after that I avoided him when he was drunk, I let fear overtake my pride, and soon I let my ego dissolve in front of him. He was my husband, my master, my provider, my everything. It was the price I paid for my image in society. People admired me for being able to live with a man known by his notoriety. They thought that I had improve him, but that was only in public. At home I slowly began to uncover his darkest secrets. After I gave birth to my thwart, Rahul, I stayed at my parents house as per the customs of our society.One night I had to come back to my house to get a few tablets that I left there before. My father offered to try me there at around 1 in the morning. As I entered the house I heard voices from my bedroom, I decided to go t ake a look, thinking that maybe Jai had a few of his friends over, and as I walked in, I saw him in bed with another woman. I wasnt as shocked as I ought to have been perhaps because deep down inside I knew this was going on, I just hadnt expected to catch him in the act so soon. As soon as he was aware of my presence he ordered the other woman to leave.I grabbed this opportunity to have the upper hand. He was the unfaithful one, not me. I started reprimanding him and he kept quiet. I thought that I was winning, he was ashamed, and had been caught in the act. But I made one little mistake. In my rage, I abused him. A clenched jaw and red, bulging eyes looked up at me. He rose and struck me on my face. I knew that my father was waiting outside for me, and under no circumstances would I let my father know, ever. So I ran out to my father, knowing the fate that await me the next day. The day I went back home with my baby was awful.He was drunk when I arrived, and he waited for my pare nts to leave before he used the events of the other night as a stick to beat me with. Thus the beatings started. Every other night at first, and then everyday for trivial things, like not serving him breakfast on time, not ironing his clothes well, and coming home late, even if I was at my parents house. I began to feel like I could trust no one. I lived a schizophrenic existence. The humiliation of not being able to keep my husband happy and falling short of my parents comment of an ideal marriage seemed more frightening than the beatings.I tried everything I could to keep him in a cheery mood. I eliminated everything that would slightly upset him. I tried to mould my personality to fit him, so that we could live in harmony. Along with my pride there was something else, much more precious to me at stake, my baby Rahul. Even if he never showed much affection towards the baby, Jai had never raised his hand on him, and I tried my best to keep it that way. But it was inevitable. I kne w that Jai had a suspicion that the baby wasnt his.One morning as I woke up to Rahuls cries, Jai was getting dressed for work, and he had not attended to the baby, but I could see that the babys wails were increasingly annoying him. I knew that if I didnt do something to stop Rahul from crying, he too would be subjected to his fathers evil. Jai probably saw my fear for my baby in my eyes, and decided to taunt me with it. He commanded me to leave Rahul alone, and ordered the baby to shut up. At this point, I knew that I had to try and save my most precious asset, and I ignored his command and reached out for my child. Jai caught my hair and dragged me away from him.I was powerless to resist. I could only pray to the Lord. Rahuls wails got louder when he saw the brutality of the scene. Jai left my hair and reached for the babys neck, almost chocking him to death, his eyes bulged with fear and I knew that he would soon turn blue. An eternity passed before me, until I was suddenly overc ome by strength so great, I can now say that it was the strength of the Lord. The strength he had given me, to save my baby. I spotted my heavy rot iron lamp on my bedside I lifted it with all my strength and brought it crashing down at the back of his head. He fell on the floor with a thud.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
What If Exams Were Abolished
Exams are tests held for students to show their progress and knowledge in different subjects. These assessments are kept at regular periods of time every academic year. scarcely should exams be abolished? What are the advantages and disadvantages of exams? This topic is an argumentative one. Lets see what would happen if tests and examinations were abolished by looking at the advantages and the disadvantages. Disadvantages of exams 1 . ) Students are stressed due to the pull of exams.They normally get nervous before the exam itself and end up forgetting everything they studied as soon as they look at the paper due to the tension. 2. ) whatever students are able to rote-learn the content. This is unfair to other students as this gets the rote-learners good marks but they dont actually understand the concept and those who cant rote-learn arent able to score satisfactory marks. 3. ) The pressure of exams has the students cramming the notes and staying up all night to study so that th ey complete the portion on time. ) The students are also pressured with the hope of their parents to get nice marks and they whitethorn fall into depression and sometimes they might even commit suicide. These are some of the arguments supporting the disadvantages of exams. Advantages of exams.Students study harder to achieve better marks than their fellow classmates. Exams may pressurize the students but if they do their work properly and on time, they can try harder and work harder to get good marks. 2. If we be honest, the students wouldnt actually study if exams were abolished. They wouldnt be worried about the tests, marks or grades and hence, they wouldnt study. These are some of the arguments supporting the advantages of exams. According to the disadvantages and advantages of examinations mentioned above, respectively, there would be different effects on the students regarding the abolishment of exams. shew by Florins S. Credit to Different articles on the internet. What If Exams Were Abolished?
Friday, May 24, 2019
How Did Ippy identify her market Essay
Ippy identified her market by realizing a personal need for herself and her family. Muslim women clothing was scarce, and there was limited competition in that particular market, especially where she lived. With a growing Muslim population, she knew this idea could work, especially with limited competition.What knowledge, skills, and abilities did Ippy fetch before starting her company? What startup costs did she have? Being a Muslim woman, Ippy knew that there was a limited market for the clothing. Also, having grown up sewing her own clothing for most of her life, she had the skill call for to offer this as a for profit service to other Muslim women. As far as startup costs, she only had to cover material, as the push back was covered by her. With word of mouth marketing, she spend little on advertising and the market grew on its own accord.Why might Business week have named Ippy as an Americas Best Young Entrepreneurs finalist? They named her this because there was a need for this market that was not being satisfied by anyone at the time. With organization and different styles, she offered a unique product for a niche market.Ippy participated in a program that helped her turn her sewing talent into a business. What character of assistance was it? Who provided it? Ippy used aschool program that was focused on young entrepreneurism. The Springfield Technical College offered this course to help further ideas and put things in play for Ippy.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
henry fayol theory of management Essay
In rhetoric, the places were citizens exchange ideas, information, attitude and opinions. The concept of Habermas usual sphere is a metaphorical term apply to describe the virtual space where people can interact through the world wide web, for instance is non actually a web, cyberspace is not a space, and so with the domain sphere.Its the virtual space where the citizens of a country exchange ideas and discuss issues in order to reach agreement around matters of general interest(Jurgen, Habermas 1997105) HISTORY OF JURGEN HABERMASJurgen Habermas was born in Dusseldorf, Gar creationy in 1929, he had served in the Hilter youth and had been sent to them. The western front during the final months of the war.Habermas entrance onto the knowing scence began in 1950s with an influential critique of Martin Heideggers philosophy.He studied philosophy at universities of Gottingen and Bonn, which he followed with studies in philosophy and sociology at the institute of social look into und er Maz Horkheimer and Theoder Adono. In the 1960s and 70s he target at the university of Heidelberg and Frankfurt am main. He thenaccepted a directorship at the Max Pianck organization in stamberg in 1971. In 1980 he won prize and two years later he took a professorship at the university of Frankfurt, remaining thither until his retirement in 1994.Habermas on the public sphere, he means first at al a dominant of our social life in which something overture out in which public opinion can be formed. The right is guaranteed to all citizen. A position of the public sphere comes in being in every conversation in which private individuals assemble to form a public body.Citizens behave as a public body when they confer in an unrestricted fashion i.e, with the guarantee of freedom of assembly and association and the freedom to express and publish their opinions about matters of general interest. The contemporary publics sphere is characterized according to Habermas. By the weathering of its critical roles and capacities. In the past publicity was used to subject people or the present policy-making decisions to the public. Today the public sphere is recruited for the use of cabalistic policies by interest groups. For Habermas, the principles of the public sphere atomic number 18 weakening in the 20th century. The public is no longer made out of masses of individuals save of organized people that institutionally exerting their influence on the public sphere and debate. Habermas introduces the concepts of communicative position as the key normative resources for countering the norn-free steering media of money and administrative power. Linking communication with power already suggests a mix of the normative resources of communicative action with the impersonal force of power. Is such a conceptual mix persistent? As the source for egalitarian legitimation of the use of state power, communicative power is a central notion in Habermass democratic theory.Although, in the medium of in restricted communication new problem situation can be perceived more than sensitively, discourses aimed at achieving self-understanding can be conducted more widely and expressively, collective identities and need interpretations can be articulated with fewer compulsions then is the case in procedurally regulated public sphere. HOW HABERMAS ANALYSIS PUBLIC talkHabermas analysis public communication in medieval times there existed no separation or distinction between private and public sphere, dure to the trend pyramid of the feudal system. This system for Habermas positioned greater power at every level and to this day conventions regarding the ruler persisted, with political authority retained by the highest level. Rulers power saw the state and not as representatives of the state meaning that they represent their power to the people and not for the people.According to Habermas, by the late 18th century feudal institutions were finally disappearing along wi th churchs rule, making way to public power which was given autonomy. Rulers become public entities and professionalism bore the first signs of the conservative which become autonomous in relation to the government. Representational publicity was pushed over by a public force that formed around national and territorial sentiment and individual struggling with public power found themselves outside its collective power. The term public did not refer to the representation of a man with authority, but rather became the legitimate power of exercising power. The public sphere, according to Habermas, was the final stage of these developments.HOW IMPORTANT HARBERMAS THEORYSolutions can be raised and well-tried for potential objections without the pressure to put opinion immediately in practice. Uncoupling communicated opinions from concrete practical obligations tends to have an intellectualizing effect. Furthermore, a great deal of political communication that does not immediately call for political action is certainly crucial to the political discourse a robust, democratic society. Free sphere plays an essential role in the political process as a cooperative search for truth.We should not be misled into thinking that the public sphere amounts to nothing more than a public arena in which people talk about politics. Nor does the public sphere have merely instrumental value for bringing relevant information into political process. The public sphere is a normativeconcept that plays a key role in the process that culminates in legitimate political decisions. According to Habermas, transfer democratic lawmaking and judicial review alone are insufficient to confer democratic legitimacy. Alone with legislative decisions, judicial and administrative decision are only ensured legitimacy through the normative reasons generated by an un-subverted public sphere. Otherwise, political decisions are dedicated by the power struggles within the political system and not by citizen s themselves who, as the addresses of the law, are the ones affected.Without robust political public sphere, there is little check on the administrative power that dictates the flow of communication and power within the political system and the citizenry. Thus, the public sphere theory is more inanely an arena for talking politics. It is the primary site for detecting problems, for generating radical democratic infuses, and for the deliberation of citizens, all of which are necessary for democratic legitimacy. In the following, I distinguish the important normative aspects of the informal public sphere theory. 1. Its communicative and organizational structure2. The capacities required to meet its deliberate role within a deliberative politics and 3. The qualified out comes or effects generated by the public sphere. This last aspect will lead into the discussion of crucial role of communicative
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Online railway reservation project Essay
Table of Contents1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Project Objective1.2 Product Scope2. computer softw be package REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION2.1 necessity Analysis2.2 Requirement precondition3. SYSTEM REQUIRMENTS SPECIFICATION3.1 impertinent Interface Requirements3.1.1 Hardware Requirements3.1.2 software Requirements3.1.3 Display Mode3.2 Project translation3.2.1 Performance3.2.2 Reliability3.2.3 Availability3.2.4 Security3.2.5 Maintainability3.2.6 Portability4. Design and Technical Specification4.1 Context Diagram4.2 Data Flow Diagrams4.3 Data Dictionary4.4 ER plot4.5 Table Description4.6 Architectural Diagram5. Code Development5.1 Flow chart5.2 Component Level Design(Pseudo Code)6. seeking Document6.1 stark Box Testing with Test case design6.2 White Box Testing6.2.1 Flow graph6.2.2 Independent Paths6.2.3 Cyclomatic Complexity7. Project Management7.1 live on Point and Effort7.2 agendum7.3 Risk Table7.4 Timeline Charts8. Best Practices for Software Development9. ReferencesIntroductionThis project aims at development of an Online rail line booking Utility which facilitates the line clients to manage their reservations online, and the railway line administrators to modify the backend data imbruteds in a User-Friendly manner. The Customers are requisite to register on the server for getting access to the database and query result retrieval. Upon registration, each user has an account which is essentially the learn take aim for the customer. The account contains comprehensive information of the user entered during registration and permits the customer to get access to his past reservations, enquire virtually travel fare and availability of lay, make afresh reservations, update his account details, etc. The Railway Administrator is the second party in the transactions. The administrator is required to login using a master rallying cry, once authenticated as an administrator, one has access and right of modification to all the information ancestryd in the data base at the server. This includes the account information of the customers, attributes and statistics of stations, description of the educate stoppages and physicaldescription of coaches, all the reservations that have been do, etc. The railroad administration administrator has the right to modify any information stored at the server database. The Indian Railways have been described as the best way to travel through India, as it is only a fix journey that nooky truly help you connect with the country and its people.The Indian Railways have been divided into different zones reachly The Central Indian RailwaysEastern Indian RailwaysWestern Indian RailwaysNorthern Indian RailwaysSouthern Indian RailwaysThe Indian Railways were divided under these categories to facilitate management and practicableity and even though the conflict dodge for Indian Railways is centrally computerised, managing such a huge network throne be challenging and hence the Indian Railways decided to int roduce online railway reservation to make booking have slates easier and more convenient.To take advantage of the Indian Railways online railway reservation users need to go to the IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd) website (https//, in extension to making bookings one can check the status of departing and arriving check intos, purpose itineraries, ticket accessibility, postponing and cancelling railway bookings, make tatkal reservations, Indian Railways time table among opposites.The special benefits of using the online railway reservation facility is that passengers can reserve their tickets from the comfort of their home or office without having to stand in long queues at railway stations or having to take the trouble to go to a travel agent. An online railway reservation can be done up to 90 days before your desire date of departure, but it is advised to plan your journey way ahead as the availability of tickets can be difficult, es pecially during vacation and wedding season.An online railway reservation can be made right till the final reservationchart is made, that is usually 6 hours before the train leaves the station. The person in whose name the online booking has been made needs to prove his identity and may need the green goods an identity document during the course of his journey. These identity cards must be issued by a reputed organization in the Central/State Government and include PAN CardVoter ID CardDrivers license disciple ID CardPassengers travelling on tickets that have been booked online need to take a print out of the e-ticket and keep it with themselves during the course of the journey a produce it when required1.1 Project ObjectivesDesigning the application and of Railway Reservation System for the purpose of reserving railway tickets and database maintenance nearly train and passenger details by the railway department only. This database helps railways to retrieve data as and when requ ired in future.1.2 Project ScopeThe scope of project included evaluation of the application and was in the first place concerned with the transactions related to booking of tickets from the terminals operated by the railway personnel.Application controls and simulation were used to evaluate data validation and class logic. The selected data, as made available, for substantive checking of the completeness, integrity and consistency of data using computer assisted applications such as MS Access.The records moderateed in the database of the railways reservation centre were as well as reviewed. Discussions were held with the database users to gain understanding regarding the various functional aspects of the schema.The booking database has passengers details like-Name, Age, Gender, Total Number of Passengers Traveling, Date of Travel and Class of Travel.The train database has train details like-Train Name, Train Number, Route, From, To, Train Time, AC First Class, AC 2 Tier, AC 3 T ier, Sleeper, Second Sitting and Quota Management like General, Takkal.2. RequirementsThe train details consist of train name, train no, destination reached by the train, number of passengers traveling and number of seats available. We can add a new train details.We can delete it in case of his repair.We can modify the train details in case of anyInconvenience the name and number of train can be changed its destination can also be changed. The reservation details consist of passengers name, age, and sex destination they wanted to reach, ticket numbers, and seat number.2.1 Requirement Analysis-Due to this development project it provide be easier for the railway frame to make the customers journey as comfort as possible and so that to maintain the financial crisis of the administration. Internet facilities cant be offer upd within the time schedule. The integration of this software with existing establishment is more complex in the express schedule.2.2 Requirement Specification- The need for railway reservation system is to organize the records of railway system in the computer based software. The main objective of this system is to provide an automated method to organize the files in order for easy observance. This system provide allow adding, removing, modifying and updating the details of the trains and customer to database.3. SYSTEM SPECIFICATION3.1 External Interface Requirements3.1.1 Hardware Requirements1. Processor Pentium 4 2. RAM 1 GB 3. Hard Disk 40GB4. Mouse Standard Mouse 5. Keyboard Logitech Keyboard 6. Processor Speed 2.4GHZ3.1.2 Software Requirements1. Operating System Microsoft Windows XP With Service Pack 2 2. Front-End Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 3. Back-End Microsoft Access 20033.1.3 Display Mode1. Color Quality Highest32 bit 2. Screen Resolution 1024 by 768 PixelsDevelopment and operating environment-This project is developed by,Using WIN 32 platform.Designing of screen shots with VB.Net.Coding by VB.NetSlide representation by MS power point.Documentation by MS word.3.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION3.2.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTSFunctional requirement for this project isFunction 1 Train DetailsThe provide of railway system must be able to view the details of the train (i.e.) name, numbers of the train, destination, etc. of the train.DescriptionWhen a customer approaches they must be able to update the train details for customer convenience. INPUT Details of train ( internecine and external). SOURCE Trains.OUTPUT Number of passengers. DESTINATION Area to be reached. meet To update the train details we require the train name, number, destination, timing, number of seat available. REQUIRES The Database table having the details of the trains. PRECONDITION NoneSIDE EFFECTS NoneFunction 2 Railway Reservation DetailsThe staff of railway system must be able to view the customer details for their reservation (i.e.) customer name, age, sex, seat number, ticket number. DescriptionWhen passenger approaches they must be able to update the train details for passengers reservation in busy train. INPUT Passengers details.SOURCE Trains.OUTPUT Reserved seats for the passengers.DESTINATION Area where the passenger to be reached.ACTION To update the reservation details we require name of the passenger, age, sex etc. REQUIRES The data base having the details of the reservation. PRECONDITION The customers approach a week prior.POSTCONDITION None.SIDE EFFECTS None.3.2.2 NON- FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS3.2.1 Reliability- The system is real numberiable replete as the database permanently stored and backups can be kept easily , as well as the hard copies of various reports also plays major roles here.3.2.2Availability- The system should be available all the time as and when required .The availibility may be complete for administrator or partial for others.3.2.3 Security- The system is secure enough , as limited peivilages are given to other . They cannot make any modification to database.3.2.4Maintainability- The sy stem should be easy to maintain for the administrator .PROCESS deterrent example DESCRIPTION-1. Administrator He is the super user responsible for managing system users, victorious system backup,generating reports, maintaining organization details, Starting Sessions and ending Sessions and alsomanages various requests from different Types of users. Providing UserName, Password and other information required for the users to start an account. Starting Sessions The Administrator creates the system users and will be assigned with the different roles. He is also responsible to start the seance when a particular user wants to use the system every time(It is automatically managed setup). Managing Data Backup The Administrator is responsible for managing entire details by taking the backup periodically. He also takes the Backup of the database in order to prevent loss of data on system crashes or inorder to prevent malfunctioning. He can take a backup of entire database or a particular section. Crash Recovery The Administrator manages the crash recovery at the time of system crash orfailure occurs. Ending session The administrator is responsible for ending the session when the particular user logged out of the system(It is automatically managed setup).2. Train defeatThe Train Master is Admin side module. The Administrator only can Add, modify and Delete the train Details. The Train Master contains the following details.a) Train Nameb) Train Noc) themed) Destinatione) Departure Timef) Arrival Timeg) Total Seatsh) Kilometersi) General Seats (1A, 2A, 3A, 2S, SL, CC)j) Takkal Seats (1A, 2A, 3A, 2S, SL, CC)k) Routes and Timings1.TICKET BOOKINGThe Ticket Booking is user (Employee of Railway Dept.) side module. The user can book the ticket using this module. The user should follow the steps for the ticket booking.a) First you should select the Source and Destination.b) Next, you should select the Date. spot the date textbox got focus, the calendar will display. By cli cking the calendar, the date will be selected. And you cant select the yesterday and before date.c) Select the Quota (General or Takkal).d) chink the Find button to find the trains which are available.Note1. If you select the Takkal Quota and the date is day after tomorrow in the sense, you cant book the ticket for Takkal Quota for that day. The Takkal Quota will enable only today and tomorrow only.e) After clicking the find button, the available train list will be displayed in the deform grid.f) By clicking the train number or train name in the flex grid, the Routebutton enabled. By clicking the route button, the corresponding train route, timings, and kms.g) By clicking the classify column to the corresponding train whichever you want to travel, then Book button will enable.h) Click the Book button to enter the Name, Age, Sex and Berth.i) After present the details, Click the Proceed sacking.j) The frame will display the overall details like Source, Destination, Travel Date, B ooked Date, Total Members, Quota and Total Fare.k) Click the Confirm Button to confirm the details. Then only the Booking details will be stored and PNR Number will be generated.TICKET CANCELINGThe Ticket Canceling is also user (Employee of Railway Dept.) side module. The user can cancel the ticket using this module. The user should follow the steps for the ticket Cancel.a) Enter the PNR Number in the Textbox and Click Find.b) It will show the details like Train No., Train Name, Booked Date, Travel Date, Source, Destination, Class, Quota, Total Fare, Kms in the Frame.c) It also shows the passenger names, Age, Sex, Berth, Class, Fare and status in the flex grid.d) Click the Name in the flex grid which you want to cancel and where the status is Booked.e) Click the Cancel Button to cancel the ticket.REPORTThe address Module is also user (Employee of Railway Dept.) side Module. The user can take two types of reports by giving the PNR Number.a) Booked Ticketsb) Canceled Tickets3. Design and Technical Specification4.1 Context Diagram-DATA FLOW DIAGRAM-Data guide diagram is graphical representation that depicts information flow and the transforms that are applied as data strike from input to output. The basic form of a data flow diagram, also known as a data flow graph or a bubble chart. The data flow diagram may be used to represent a system or software at any level of abstraction. The data flow diagram are mainly classified into two module they are,Level 0 data flow diagramLevel 1 data flow diagram train 0 DFD-The level 0 data flow diagram is also called as a fundamental system model or context model represents the entire software element as a single bubble with input and output data indicated by incoming and out discharge arrows, respectively. Additional Processes and information flow paths are represented. The level 0 data flow diagram of our project consists of module like passengersdetail, train detail, display etc.DFD for getting Display Train details.LOG O NDisplay TRAINDFD Requesting For BookingRequest for BookingGet TicketsResponseLEVEL 1 DFD The level 1 data flow diagram is similar to level 0 diagram, but here the modules where explained in detailed manner. But in this module the clear explanation for the project is represented.Data DictionaryHere the data dictionary is again classified into two important data base they are Train Details.Reservation Details.DATA BASE NAME Railway system.TABLE NAME Train Detail.TRAIN NUMBERNUMBERNUMBER contract FOR A accompaniment TRAINNUMBER OF passengerS TRAVELLINGNUMBERNUMBER OF PASSENGERS TRAVELLINGTICKET NUMBERNUMBERNUMBER SPECIFIED FOR A PARTICULAR TICKETNUMBER OF SEATS AVAILABLENUMBERNUMBER OF SEATS AVAILABLEDATA BASE NAME Railway System.TABLE NAME Reservation Detail.FIELD NAMEDATA TYPEDESCRIPTIONPASSENGER NAMETEXTNAME OF THE PASSENGERPASSENGER AGENUMBERAGE OF THE PASSENGERSEXTEXTSEX(i.e.) MALE/FEMALETRAIN NUMBERNUMBERNUMBER OF THE TRAINDESTINATIONNUMBERDESTINATION REACHED BY THE TRAIN mea sureDATE/TIMETIME OF DEPATUREER-Diagram-The other tool for problem epitome is the Entity-Relationship Diagram, often called as ER Diagram. In other words, a model that represents system data by entity and relationship sets is called E-R (Entity-Relationship) diagram. It is a detailed logical representation of the data for an organization. The entity-relationship (E-R) diagram is based on a perception of a real world which consists of a set of basicobjects. E-R diagram is consists of three main constructs, i.e. Data Entities, Relationships and their Associated Attributes.Entities An entity is a person, place, thing or event of interest to the organization and about which data are captured, stored or processed. For example, an employee is an entity. Relationship An association of several entities in an entity-relationship diagram is called relationship. There are three types of relationship exist among entities. These are one-to-oneOne-to-ManyMany-to-ManyAttributes Each entity typ e has a set of attributes associates with it. An attribute is a property of characteristics of an entity that is of interest to the organization. I use an initial Capital earn, followed by Lowercase Letters in naming an attribute. If an entity is something about which I want to store data, then I need to identify what specific pieces of data I want to store about each instance of a given entity. I call these pieces as data attributes.Code DevelopmentFlowchart-The class flow chart shows how the system proceed from the input from to the outout from of the system. It explain how the system is actually processed step. It represent the flow of control as the system is processed. There are three types of program flow chart1. Input flow chat- This flowchart depicts the basic input operation in the system. In railway reservation system, first of all the password is checked then if the password is valid then we process the input from if the data valid then the entries are updated in the da ta base other than the from id refilled. 2. Output flow chart- This flowchart depicts the basic output operations in the system. The user is required to enter the criteria for output. If it is for the reservation then the availability of seats is checked. If the seats are available then the confirmed ticket is generatedotherwise the user is asked for waiting and if he wants then waiting ticket is generated. If the user wants the seat to be cancelled it is done and the cancelled ticket is generated for the user. The information about all the above transaction is then transferred to the related databases. 3. Report flow Chart- This flow chart depicts the basic operations for the generation of reports. If the entries from basic operations for the generation of reports. If the entries from the processed database are valid the concerned report are generated otherwise the process will have to be repeatedComponent Level Design(Pseudo Code)6.Testing DocumentTesting is basically a process to detect errors in the software product. Before going into the details of exam techniques one should know what errors are. In day-to-day life we say whenever something goes wrong there is an error. This definition is quite vast. When we apply this concept to software products then we say whenever there is difference between what is expected out of software and what is being achieved, there is an error. Software screen outing also provides an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs. Software testing can also be stated as the process of validating and confirming that a software program/application/product 1. meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development 2. works as expected andcan be implemented with the same charac teristics.Software testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented at any time in the development process. However, intimately of the test effort occurs after the requirements have been defined and the coding process has been completed. As such, the methodology of the test is governed by the software development methodology adopted. 6.2 Black Box Testing with Test case design-Black box testing is a method of software testing that tests the functionality of an application as opposed to its upcountry structures or workings . Specific knowledge of the applications code/internal structure and programming knowledge in general is not required. The inspector is only informed of what the software is supposed to do, but not how i.e. when he enters a certain input, he gets a certain output without being aware of how the output was produced in the first place. Test cases are built around specifications and requirements, i.e., what the application is supposed to do. It uses external descriptions of the software, including specifications, requirements, and designs to derive test cases. These tests can be functional or non-functional, though usually functional. The test designer selects valid and invalid inputs and determines the correct output. There is no knowledge of the test objects internal structure.Typical black-box test design techniques include1. Decision table testing2. All-pairs testing3. State transition tables4. Equivalence partitioning5. Boundary value analysisWhite Box Testing-White-box testing (also known as clear box testing, glass box testing, transparent box testing, and structural testing) is a method of testing software that tests internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality (i.e.blackbox testing). In white-box testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills, are used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determin e the appropriate outputs. This is analogous to testing nodes in a circuit, e.g. in-circuit testing (ICT). firearm white-box testing can be applied at the unit, integration and system levels of the software testing process, it is usually done at theunit level. It can test paths within a unit, paths between units during integration, and between subsystems during a systemlevel test. Though this method of test design can uncover many errors or problems, it might not detect unimplemented parts of the specification or missing requirements.White-box test design techniques include1. Control flow testing2. Data flow testing3. Branch testing4. Path testing5. Statement Coverage6. Decision Coverage
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
International Trade and International Logistics
International shell out and transnationalist Logistics The rapid expansion of switch liberalization and the growth of international capital markets and integration, information technology and the progressive breeding of communication technology, making the original messy market countries and regions gradually evolved into a unified global market.Worldwide production and focal point of multinational corporations or unconnected traffic enterprises in order to achieve competitive advantage, increase their profits, so they must adding their power within the scope of the global co-ordination of resources to arrange the logistics of its production activities. However, due to the consumers roughly the foundation have different needs, coupled with the longer distance of transportation and supply chain operations to expand making the mankind fabricate progressively complex logistically activating.So how to solve the contradiction mingled with the global market growth and globa l diversity and global logistics supply and marketing channels, this complexly problem has become an internationalist trading activities of every company to force in solving it. The relation get offs between international logistics and international avocation International logistics ripening together with the development of international wiliness at that place is a very close relationship between them.To achieve international raft, the completion of goods from one surface area to another country and to the customers designated locations, these are the reason why we have to achieve international logistics Therefore, international logistics is not only to ensure the international merchandise, but withal the supply of commodities cross the borders the borders to the needs of States. it is a physical f lowly process in space, in time, and entities The entire process of international logistics, including the exporting countrys export goods pull the country, it has been entered into the importing countrys border (Douglas C. Long 2003, P. 230).Before explaining the relationship between them, first we note by the definition, what is the international trade and modern logistics International trade is technical rally of goods and services between countries or regions, including both imports and exports, from a national occlusion of view, this exchange activity is called the countrys foreign trade, from the international frame of reference , The worlds total foreign trade plus together constituted the international trade About the logistics, according to the definition of Logistics Association American, logistics is a network of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers, spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption.The following will specifically analyze the relationship between them. 1)Int ernational trade elevates the development of modern logistics It is basic prerequisite of survival for modern logistics, also promote its international. And the International trade and modern logistics are two indispensable aspects of the worlds development, international trade make the ownership of goods exchanged, and modern logistics are embodied in goods between countries or entities in the transfer of its domestic. They Promote each other, interdependence and mutual restraint each? Modern logistics is developing based on the modern international trade, Efficient operation of modern logistics also promoting the development of international trade, in this case, the international logistics have emerged, which has brought the logistics industryDevelopment opportunities and challenges 2) International Logistics is a necessary condition for international trade Worldwide community large- get over producing would inevitably lead to the different international division of labor, becaus e of the increasing of the international division of labor getting refinement and specialization, there must be a kind of international cooperation and exchange between countries, thus requires the conduction of international trade to adapted with international logistics, to deliver whatsoever overseas customers Need, transfers the goods to the destination according to the quality and quantity timely and by appropriate manner at low cost, by this way to improve their customers products in the international market even more than competitiveness and expand the foreign trade,While also imported into the country needed equipment, supplies and other goods timely, efficient at low cost, to satisfied the peoples livelihood, production, construction, science and technology and economic development needs in domestic 3)International Trade also promoting the Logistics to International Transnational business and international trade development, promoting the goods and information extensively exchange of a large number of flows in worldwide, international logistics became an Inevitable trend way of develop the international trade and world economic. On another hand, international trade is a prerequisite and infrastructure for the survival of international logistics, the Development of international trade determine the speed and scale of the development of international logistics, and now days international logistics became more scientific and reasonable, its also a beneficial protection of international trade development. International Trade brings reinvigorated demands on logisticsWith the rapid development of world economy and the performance of around new trends and characteristics in international trade, such self-aggrandising steps made the newer and higher demands on logistics. Quality requirements The structure of international trade is undergoing some tremendous changes, Traditional primary products and raw materials and other trade goods gradually giving wa y to those high-value and precision machining products. Due to the high value-added, high-precision flow of goods increased, At the same time the diversity of demand in international trade, resulting in the logistics getting more variety, small batch, which requires international logistics developing To even more quality services and diversification. Efficiency requirementsThe concentrated expression of the international trade is entered into the coerce and to perform it, but the Performance of international trade contract is to complete by the international logistics activities, Therefore it requested the logistics to carry out the contract more efficiency, Hence the management of logistics need to be more strengthen, According to international trade in different commodities, by Corresponding the giant cargo ship? Berths and large professional machinery transport equipment to Improving logistics more efficiency Safety requirements As the international division of labor and profess ional development of social production, or so of the goods are distributed and produced around worldwide, for example, the U. S. brand Ford, a car production needs its raw materials, Spare parts in more than 30 manufacturers in 20 countries, products are sold to more than l00 countries and regions.The logistics involved in dowery of countries, vast territory and in a long time transit, and also Great wallop of climate conditions? Geographical conditions and other natural factors and also Politics, the workers strike events? war and other social, political or economic factors. therefore,we must pay a lot of attention to the climate conditions, geographical conditions even political situation, economic conditions, when organizing and selecting the transport routes and the mode of transport to passing through different regions in international logistics, To forbid the loss of goods caused by human factors and the irresistible forces of nature Economic requirementsThe characteristic s of international trade, Determined the international logistics have lot of procedures and long period for Preparation and transportation. In the field of international logistics lower the transport and vehicle select be is the best cost control solution for those international logistics companies. Improve the logistics economy, reduce logistics costs and guarantee the service quality, is an effective way to enhance competitiveness The efficiency and reliability of international logistics Logistics involved in a wide field, including material management in production areas, transportation, and the distribution and consumer services in Circulation areas.Rapid economic development in todays world is getting faster and faster, the developed countries are all constructing the new world economic structure by using the strategy of economic globalization, information highway and international logistics network, The growth rate of international trade even higher than the rate of world ec onomy growth. Through the development of international trade, international logistics could continuous improving and developing. Truth has proved that international logistics as a tool of international trade, countries must maximize broken down the geographical and national boundaries, in order to maximize the reduction of the cost of international logistics.On the other hand, international trade is a prerequisite for the survival of international logistics and infrastructure, international trade determine the speed and scale of the development of international logistics development, and the international logistics getting scientific and reasonable development is beneficial to secure the international trade? Logistics on the international role in promoting economic development on the expansion of multinational companies have to verify already. there are About 45,000 global multinational companies currently, their production and trade value has about 50% of world trade value, the ten tacles They stretch to the global market is logistics industry. just in-time and zero inventory Became the corporate goal forever, the U. S. ogistics industry had establish an efficient supply chain already, some companies, such as Dell, the order from company confirmation to make the shipment of goods only 2-3 day,As the depth of modern logistics services, process length, the increasing breadth of coverage, to improve the production, supply, marketing, general economic benefits of transport and promote the development of world economy and the role of trade is immeasurable, the Development of modern logistics brings three advantages to the International trade That reduce the boilersuit cost of international trade? Improve its competitiveness on the core business? Reduce investment in trade activities. conclusion he unfreeze trade, except brings benefits to both parties of the trade, also brings additionally positive impact on the existence of multiple Technological innovations of their own,As mankind enters the era of knowledge economy and trade liberalization in the mainstream situation, in a static sense, the level of technological innovation in developing countries will affect their trade pattern, size and interests in the dynamic sense, international trade will affect the overall technological level and economic growth, In fact, only from the terms of the relationship between international trade and technological innovation, they are interacting each other but for most developing countries, International Trade and the impact of its technical innovation should be more specific and profound, Because of international trade-related technical innovation in developing countries shows the way and play its advantages of late launch Strategy and also a important direction of bring them into the growth and take-off stage of economic. ? References http//www. trade. gov/exportamerica/TechnicalAdvice/ta_tradelogist101. pdf TRADE LOGISTICS 101PDF, By William Corley. August 2002 EXPORT AMERICA http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Logistics. International logistics second edition 2006 By Donald F. Wood, ISBN 0-8144-0666-1 Pg. 126 to Pg. 169. International logistics global supply chain management 2003By Douglas C. Long 2003058808 Pg. 225 to Pg. 231
Monday, May 20, 2019
Advertising aimed at children Essay
Nowadays, in the developed countries, the need for regulation of advertising aimed at children is generally acknowledged. And that happens because children be a very specialised target group with special features due to young age. Children do not have the skills to critique advertisements and argon very fooled by them. They cannot recognize if all these things advertised are useful or not. Advertisements influence children in a negative way most of the times. For example, junk food advertisements superstar to obesity. Advertising for toys and clothing products lead to consumer mania or antisocial behavior. Regulations should be imposed on advertising aimed at children should cover common chord areas the amount of advertising, the advertising time and the concept (theme) of advertising. The amount of advertising intended solely for children should be reduced. Children are bombarded daily with ads from all media especially from television which is the most popular means among child ren.This bombardment is equivalent to persuade for a toddler who has no the resistance to cope with a situation like this. Surveys have shown that galore(postnominal) and successive ads cause stress and anxiety in children. Also the time spending on the ads should be reduced. Moreover, timing to run ads must change. To explain myself should avoid viewing commercials that interrupt television series with naughty viewership among children and adolescents. Regarding the concept (theme) of ads, should be banned ads highlighting a product trough social role.To be much detailed, advertisements today are not so much about the products but rather about the image of the consumers and how they should feel when they use or possess the advertised product. Messages to children are all about the happiness, social location or success which accompanies the possession or consumption of a certain toy or event of food. This type of ads that causes mimicry should be banned. All these regulations in conjunction with education in schools, information for parents and children, I believe will significantly reduce the bad influences of ads on children and adolescents.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Clean, Well-Lighted Place tone and style
Hemingway has a distinct writing tendency in a sense that he chooses his words carefully. He is economic in his word choice, so readers must take into consideration the adjectives and adverbs he uses, as he deploys them rarely. His mood is simple and laconic, yet effective. by his use of simple words and short sentences, he delivers the message powerfully and point on rather than employing descriptive, flowery language (as what his Victorian predecessors used).He is also said to be the aster of dialogue, using this mode to characterize and evidence most of the story, as was evident in A Clean Well-Lighted Place. Aside from the style and dialogue, another thing to take note about the story is that his tone is dispassionate and unemotional. The writer himself does not even comment on or Judge his characters at all. In the line You should have killed yourself oddment week, he the waiter said to the deaf man. Hemingway did not add any additional adjectives or adverbs for momentary similar for example instead of writing, he said harshly or he said cruelly he respectable used a simple he said. The tone also adds to the theme of facing breaking wind with dignity. The narrator is talking about oblivion in a detached, apathetic way which gives the reader the force that the nothingness affects the waiter enough for him to mention it, but his tone suggests he is bold enough to formulation the issue in dignified, dismissive way I. E. After all, he said to himself, Its probably only insomnia.
Time Management
An immature(prenominal) technique of personal era focusing is proportioning the sequence in academic life. Proportioning the epoch is holding a m record for seven twenty-four hour periods which is 168 hours (des. Elaine & Leslie, 2006). There argon trine term of period log which atomic number 18 soak up to do, ought to do, and desire to do on activities.The matters that absorb to do atomic number 18 more than is d matchless on individu completelyy workweek in high take aimest priority such as eating, recreationing, attending lectures or tutorials line and others. Next is considering ought to do what is person fill-in to do. These are not a high rarity barely need grooming to contribute the primary(prenominal) goals such as conducting research studies, a prognosticate c entirely to the family, knocked out(p)door naughty like playing footb alto realizeher or playing badminton, and others. Lastly, consider like to do items. These are begin priority but need to contribute the un important(prenominal) goals. The un consequential goals whitethorn be fun and raise and give al intimately relax or others activities.When someone is enabling to escape the while more than effectively, it go forth be reduce stress in academic life (des. Elaine & Leslie, 2006). prison term redundancers are also a technique of personal cartridge clip deliver the goodsment (des. Elaine & Leslie, 2006). There are deuce types of age wasters which is the self- inflicted prison term wasters and extraneous fourth dimension. The self-inflicted cartridge clip wasters hold procrastination, perfectionism, self-discipline, worrying, personal disorientation, all bothplace payload, and pretermit of priorities. When you are a disciple on procrastination, learn authoritative that moldiness be finished your affairs by setting a deadline and then sticking to it.Perfectionism occurs when student is engrossed to do something that not trying to do in other t supplicates. Self- discipline is important to a course of study when doing a crop water whitethorn not be too official. Personal disorientation is to remain focus what are your doing for your t await before starting the new one. Over commitment is telling a student to say no on the lives. A student may said no to someone when require to play or drink something. External clip wasters include telephone, visitors, intrusions, idiot box, traveling, waiting, coffee bean bar conversation, and crises.When telephone is ring, ask someone to answer it or design an answering machine. The meaning visitor on personal while heed is telling your friend that you are busy now and start water you on the other magazine when free. If watching television programmed, measure you are not be fitting to watching another television programmed when watching a favorite programmed (des. Elaine & Leslie, 2006). REDUCE STRESS It is easily to engross the technique of personal meter commis sion on my academics life. Firstly, I will manage my declare reckon for my money when am advent for university life without accompany by parent.Next, I will manage my go throughledge clipping by into cardinal sort outs which is study and recreational activities. When am studying, have to find some information by internet, lecturer and the classmate. It is a weaken modal value to learn when I revising for the examination. A recreational activity such as sport, drama tar bother help me to reduce the stress on my academic life. According to Erin R. wheelwright (n . D. ), cartridge clip management is an essential agentive role to reduce stress. They stinker manage their own time by complete the designation early better rushing to do an denomination or cramming for test. In conclusion, no-hit time management is one of the important in academic life. m centeringThere neer seems to be overflowing of it. Most managers have sex time management problems that are exacerb ated by an increasingly ready pace of life (Heaven, 2010). Throughout my travel, I have always believed that next to personnel office, time is the approximately unprecedented resource. While I consider myself a mostly organized non-procrastinator who tends to prioritise tasks, I know that I am not unlike most managers and leaders who struggle with time management.Therefore, it came as little storm to me that upon receiving die rachis from the beginning of the semester class survey that the results revealed my low ratings were in the area of time management. My challenges with time management were at a time again exposed as a result of the Use-of- clipping Diary grant. Although the denomination entirely tracked three full bloodline years (Jan 23-25) for a total of 72 hours, it indicated that my time was not drilld plentifully. This was however underscored by a general nip of a lack of accomplishment at the end of separately work day.In order to achieve great granul arity of the issues surrounding my time management struggle, I cited to course my use of the time diary assignment for 0 additional work weeks Non 28 -? Feb. 8). At the end of the two week period, I analyzed the time diary in order to identify those areas that presented the greatest challenges in name of time management. An analysis of the diary easily indicated that confluences overwhelmingly absorbed most of my time. The diary establish that on median(a) nearly 40% of my work days were spent in meetings of which over 80% mandatory my attendance.Furthermore, using the assignments 4 bill productivity scale ranging from 4 being most productive o 1 being least(prenominal) productive, the meetings averaged a low score of 2. 1 phases in terms of productivity. More alarming were the notes that I had compiled summarizing the lack of effectiveness of each meeting. Generally speaking, most comments revealed that at the time immediately by-line the meeting I felt frustrated, confus ed about(predicate) the purpose of the meeting and throw by the results or lack of results.I seemed to be suffering from the same(p) symptoms described in an August master Via survey where 37% of the respondents said at least half the time spent in meetings was gaunt (Whisper, pond further analysis, I determine four major problems that were 2013). Causing our meetings to be unproductive. First, some(prenominal) of our meetings did not necessarily support the goals or objectives of our memorial tablet. In essence, we were determine our childbed and nil into meetings that were not important to the conquest of our governance. Second, our meetings lacked organization and building.The lack of an established memorandum with meeting objectives caused the subject of our meetings to wander and to waste inordinate criterions of time. Third, many of the meetings in our organization did not include the chasten participants. As a result, we found ourselves having to reschedule a meeting to accomplish something that could have been achieved had the correct participants been invited. Finally, we failed to conduct pass off ups. Because we failed to follow up with follow up items discussed at meetings we had a tendency to revisit the same windics time and time again in successive meetings.Having identify what I believed to be the greatest contributors to the ineffectualness of our meetings and loss of productive time, I implemented several(prenominal) measures over the following two seeks (11 22 Feb.) in an effort to correct the problems. With the concurrence of my supervisor, the first measure I implemented fall outd any meeting that I felt did not directly or indirectly support the goals and objectives of our organization. In doing so, we were able to eliminate several meetings over the two week period.When conducting calendar reviews, we decided which meetings to eliminate by making an assessment Of which meetings back up our organizations strategic objectives. In order to address the lack of organization and structure, senior management issued audience that all meetings would have a set agenda with defined meeting objectives. In doing so, those responsible for holding meetings were agonistic to think through with(predicate) the out engenders that they call fored to achieve. The advanced preparation allowed the participants to come to meetings prepared to contribute.Over the two week running play period, an established agenda enabled the meetings to stay focused and shortened the average length of our meetings. In addition to adding structure to our meetings, we scrutinized who we required to participate at each meeting. By scrutinizing invited artisans, our organization made great effort in ensuring that we had the right personnel at the right meetings. Not only did our efforts include raiseting the right personnel to meetings, but it also eliminated several managers from meetings where their presence was neither require d nor made the best use of their time.In an effort to reform meeting follow up, the meeting facilitator documented all assigned or unassigned action items. These action items were include in the post-meeting notes or summaries that the meeting facilitator emailed to attendees following a meeting. These action teems were also included as review items on the agendas of any subsequent think meetings. All indications were that use of these follow up measures assisted us in reducing the number of meetings that duplicated topics from formerly held meetings.While these four corrective measures were described in simplistic terms, they are in no way meant to advert that an implementation of better practices over a two week period will correct the abject practices that took many years to develop. However, over the two week period that we implemented these practices, we saw a reducing in the number and duration of meetings. The results over this short implementation period indicate enoug h service to convince us that these changes will draw increasingly effective in the long term.Through senior management emphasis of meeting relevance, meeting preparation, and critical follow-up our organization is well on its way to inculcating a cultural change that will mend time management and increase the effectiveness of the largest consumer of time in our quotidian work day. clipping steeringThere neer seems to be enough of it. Most managers determine time management problems that are exacerbated by an increasingly extravagant pace of life (Heaven, 2010). Throughout my career, I have always believed that next to personnel, time is the most precious resource. While I consider myself a mostly organized non-procrastinator who tends to prioritize tasks, I know that I am not unlike most managers and leaders who struggle with time management.Therefore, it came as little surprise to me that upon receiving dieback from the beginning of the semester class survey that the resu lts revealed my lowest ratings were in the area of time management. My challenges with time management were once again exposed as a result of the Use-of- prison term Diary assignment. Although the assignment only tracked three full traffic days (Jan 23-25) for a total of 72 hours, it indicated that my time was not used productively. This was further underscored by a general feeling of a lack of accomplishment at the end of each work day.In order to achieve greater granularity of the issues surrounding my time management struggle, I cited to extend my use of the time diary assignment for 0 additional work weeks Non 28 -? Feb. 8). At the end of the two week period, I analyzed the time diary in order to identify those areas that presented the greatest challenges in terms of time management. An analysis of the diary easily indicated that meetings overwhelmingly absorbed most of my time. The diary established that on average nearly 40% of my work days were spent in meetings of which ove r 80% required my attendance.Furthermore, using the assignments 4 point productivity scale ranging from 4 being most productive o 1 being least productive, the meetings averaged a low score of 2. 1 points in terms of productivity. More alarming were the notes that I had compiled summarizing the lack of effectiveness of each meeting. Generally speaking, most comments revealed that at the time immediately following the meeting I felt frustrated, confused about the purpose of the meeting and mystified by the results or lack of results.I seemed to be suffering from the same symptoms described in an August Track Via survey where 37% of the respondents said at least half the time spent in meetings was wasted (Whisper, pond further analysis, I identified four major problems that were 2013). Causing our meetings to be unproductive. First, many of our meetings did not necessarily support the goals or objectives of our organization. In essence, we were displace our effort and energy into mee tings that were not important to the success of our organization. Second, our meetings lacked organization and structure.The lack of an established agenda with meeting objectives caused the subject of our meetings to wander and to waste inordinate amounts of time. Third, many of the meetings in our organization did not include the correct participants. As a result, we found ourselves having to reschedule a meeting to accomplish something that could have been achieved had the correct participants been invited. Finally, we failed to conduct follow ups. Because we failed to follow up with action items discussed at meetings we had a tendency to revisit the same topics time and time again in successive meetings.Having identified what I believed to be the greatest contributors to the ineffectiveness of our meetings and loss of productive time, I implemented several measures over the following two seeks (11 22 Feb.) in an effort to correct the problems. With the concurrence of my supervis or, the first measure I implemented eliminated any meeting that I felt did not directly or indirectly support the goals and objectives of our organization. In doing so, we were able to eliminate several meetings over the two week period.When conducting calendar reviews, we decided which meetings to eliminate by making an assessment Of which meetings supported our organizations strategic objectives. In order to address the lack of organization and structure, senior management issued audience that all meetings would have a set agenda with defined meeting objectives. In doing so, those responsible for holding meetings were forced to think through the outcomes that they requireed to achieve. The advanced preparation allowed the participants to come to meetings prepared to contribute.Over the two week trial period, an established agenda enabled the meetings to stay focused and shortened the average length of our meetings. In addition to adding structure to our meetings, we scrutinized w ho we required to participate at each meeting. By scrutinizing invited artisans, our organization made great effort in ensuring that we had the right personnel at the right meetings. Not only did our efforts include liveting the right personnel to meetings, but it also eliminated several managers from meetings where their presence was neither required nor made the best use of their time.In an effort to improve meeting follow up, the meeting facilitator documented all assigned or unassigned action items. These action items were included in the post-meeting notes or summaries that the meeting facilitator emailed to attendees following a meeting. These action teems were also included as review items on the agendas of any subsequent related meetings. All indications were that use of these follow up measures assisted us in reducing the number of meetings that duplicated topics from previously held meetings.While these four corrective measures were described in simplistic terms, they are in no way meant to imply that an implementation of better practices over a two week period will correct the poor practices that took many years to develop. However, over the two week period that we implemented these practices, we saw a reduction in the number and duration of meetings. The results over this short implementation period indicate enough improvement to convince us that these changes will become increasingly effective in the long term.Through senior management emphasis of meeting relevance, meeting preparation, and detailed follow-up our organization is well on its way to inculcating a cultural change that will improve time management and increase the effectiveness of the largest consumer of time in our daily work day.Time heed1. What are the major activities and tasks that conduce up most of your time (family, school, work, etc. )? Explain how much time you spend on each of these major activities. The three major activites that I go through on a day to day basis are w ork, family, and school. My work takes up a big absolute majority of my day, I work from 0500-0600 after that I take time to talk to my wife from 0630-0800 then I into work and dont pee off until 6pm. After work I usually take about two to three hours to work on school. 2. fix Circadian Rhythm in your own words. When is your high-energy time?What activities are you completing during this high-energy time? Is any study time during your high energy time? Circadian Rhythm is basicly a cycle that your mind or body is familiarised to within a real time period. My high energry time would be right as Im coming into work and Im usually making sure e verything is through from the previous day and stir upting up to speed on the current day. I would like to think that I have two high energy times because when I get off of work my energy level is boosted for some reason. 3. Your textbook emphasizes the importance of using To Do Lists. Go to this website www. mindtools. om. Find the sectio n that deals with To Do Lists. Why are To-Do Lists important for success in school and in a career? How do they keep one organized? A To-Do list is a very important tool to use for example you take all the tasks you must do in a day and you set priorities on them starting from your top priorities on the top of your To-Do list. This enables you not to forget about a certain task and it profit your workload not seem so heavy. 4. Select one other tip in the mindtools. com site that would be helpful to you. Name and summarize this tip. Be sure to explain how this tip might apply to you personally.Activity Logs are another good tool to use to manage your time. They enable you to see how much time you waste everyday due to little breaks or conversation with coulages. This helps me to see how much time I actually have everyday to use to my avail to get stuff do and not waste time. 5. What do we mean by top-priority tasks? What criteria do you use to determine top priority tasks? Iden tify a top-priority task in your current work/school week. Explain why it is a top priority. A top priority task is a certain project or job that could possibly be big or take a stage set of time that has a deadline.For example at my job this week I need to reimage my whole companies computers. This eclipse came down from higher up which means it needs to be through with(p) ASAP. 6. The six business practices in the management process are homework, organization, staffing, delegating, directing and motivating, and evaluating. How would poor time management negatively affect business? Assume you own the company. Poor time management could cause a company to lose split of money, if jobs are not done in a descent time frame you might lose a customer or be paying your employees to slack off instead of doing work. . You have perceive the saying, Time is money. Do you agree? Elaborate on this statement. If you owned a company, would this saying be important? How would you watch the bottom line when dealing with your time and your employees time? I totally agree that Time is money, everything in a business is about time frames and deadlines. Making deadline early or on time makes your company sense of smell professional in which case your company tail end grow from this. lacking(p) deadlines can cause you lots of money and shows bad business.I would ripe anazlye project and projected deadlines to make sure they are being finished in a timely manner. 8. A key eventor in time management is having well organized goals with an Action Plan. Create an Action Plan for your educational goals and be sure to include short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. earlier you do this part of the assignment, make sure you have reviewed the Unit 2 Online Lecture (dealing with Action Plans). My Long term goals are to have a bachelors Degree in Network Security and graduating with a 3. 5 GPA.My mid-term goal would be to get as many certification while in school as possible and to work threatening making good grades. My short term goals would be to continue on my path of completing assignments on time, and making my To-Do lists. 9. What causes you to waste time? Explain what you can do to reduce the amount of time in each these areas. A lot of my time wasted is due to me just being drop and lazy. My job has a heavy work load everyday and when Im off I just like to relax. I am going to push myself to get through the weak vagrant and push my lazyness to the side. 10. Take a stand.Write a contract with yourself about how to get organized, to meet deadlines, to chasten procrastination and to balance college and family. Be specific and detailed and explain how youll achieve each of the goals from your contract. I Jordan Galindo am going to maintan my discipline and not procrastinaation on my school work. I will start school work everyday from 6pm-9pm. I will continue to do this throughout my whole time in school. When I finish I will reward myself with a big shopping spree. If I dont complte this I will take away my movies to take a disctration away from myself. Signed Jordan Galindo 20110906Time ManagementAnother technique of personal time management is proportioning the time in academic life. Proportioning the time is keeping a time log for seven days which is 168 hours (des. Elaine & Leslie, 2006). There are three term of time log which are have to do, ought to do, and like to do on activities.The things that have to do are much is done on each week in highest priority such as eating, sleeping, attending lectures or tutorials class and others. Next is considering ought to do what is person support to do. These are not a high rarity but need preparation to contribute the important goals such as conducting research studies, a phone call to the family, outdoor game like playing football or playing badminton, and others. Lastly, consider like to do items. These are lower priority but need to contribute the unimportant goals. The unim portant goals may be fun and exciting and give some relax or others activities.When someone is enabling to manage the time more effectively, it will be reduce stress in academic life (des. Elaine & Leslie, 2006). Time wasters are also a technique of personal time management (des. Elaine & Leslie, 2006). There are two types of time wasters which is the self- inflicted time wasters and external time. The self-inflicted time wasters include procrastination, perfectionism, self-discipline, worrying, personal disorientation, over commitment, and lack of priorities. When you are a student on procrastination, make sure that must be finished your things by setting a deadline and then sticking to it.Perfectionism occurs when student is engrossed to do something that not trying to do in other tasks. Self- discipline is important to a course of study when doing a work may not be too official. Personal disorientation is to remain focus what are your doing for your task before starting the new o ne. Over commitment is telling a student to say no on the lives. A student may said no to someone when invite to play or drink something. External time wasters include telephone, visitors, intrusions, television, traveling, waiting, coffee bar conversation, and crises.When telephone is ring, ask someone to answer it or use an answering machine. The meaning visitor on personal time management is telling your friend that you are busy now and invite you on the other time when free. If watching television programmed, measure you are not be able to watching another television programmed when watching a favorite programmed (des. Elaine & Leslie, 2006). REDUCE STRESS It is easily to use the technique of personal time management on my academics life. Firstly, I will manage my own budget for my money when am coming for university life without accompany by parent.Next, I will manage my own time by into two parts which is study and recreational activities. When am studying, have to find some i nformation by internet, lecturer and the classmate. It is a better way to learn when I revising for the examination. A recreational activity such as sport, drama can help me to reduce the stress on my academic life. According to Erin R. Wheeler (n . D. ), time management is an essential factor to reduce stress. They can manage their own time by complete the assignment early better rushing to do an assignment or cramming for test. In conclusion, successful time management is one of the important in academic life.Time ManagementTime Management is a very important soft acquirement. There are very few mickle in the innovation that would say time isnt valuable. Once that minute, hour, or bit is gone you cannot get it back that why you should value it and use it responsible especially if you have goals or thing that must be accomplish. Time management not only helps you accomplish thing effectively. Before I started IU University most of my time was apply to my job and my daughter. I worked 40-50 hours a week, my daughter and my motherly duties took up the rest. This week assignment has shined a cleared on some good resources and tips to help me with time management.I have erudite that I cant do it all. Creating a to-do list putting the most important task or goal at top help getting things done in due time. Planning each day and scheduling your daily activities helps keep conflicts and the last encourage rush to get things done out your way. My biggest problem I have is I always want to get thing done fast and perfect at the same time and most time when you do things that way is never get done the right way. I learned everything dont have to be perfect. Trying to be perfect can slow down your productivity and put you in the spot can occlude you from completing important goals and tasks.Trying to do thing straightaway can make you over look very important things that can benefit you. Even though I want to get everything done quickly and perfect the cons b ehind it would send me right back to the starting point so I will just take my time and focus on getting it done the right way. composition is a major part of time management. If you time is split all over thing would never get done effectively. Part of be organized is to prioritize your task and goals. Define what task and goals are more important. It will help you know where most of you time need to go.It is turn up fact that the great unwashed who are disorganized are more confused and frantic. The more organized you are the more time you have and opportunity you have to spend just relaxing. This assignment has made me realize with the soft skill time management so much can get done. Time management is like a motivation to achieve your goals or task. Everyone can benefit from time management from sensation mothers to big business owner. If you use your time effectively and work on your top task and goals every day you will get there with massive success.ReferencesSchroeder, J . (2006). Time management takeaways. public Relations Tactics, 13(6), 4-4. Retrieved from http// Tracy, B. (2012). 3 barriers to effective time management. LifeHealthPro, Retrieved from http// Melinte, I. E. (2013). Time management a paradigm of contemporary society. global Journal of talk Research, 3(1), 15-21. Retrieved from http// ManagementTime ManagementJeremy Schultz Time management is essential in the encyclopedism process for many reasons. You can get more done in less time, by externalisening your time you can see the amount of work that needs to be finished. Your work is also of better quality sharp what to work on, when and how much time you have to finish makes you focus harder which makes the quality better. From my experience it also forces me to things I do not like.When I jut out on what I need to do it pops out at me and I am forced to tackle it its like a print and I must complete the challenge. If it is a long term career jut out or just a daily schedule the fact is time management keeps you on track. I learned through this exercise that I manage my time really the best I can. Right now my time is tight and I need to make the best of my time managing. This was a typical day which I considered a week day on my days I need to come up with I plan because I usually waste the day away.I did realize the need to be flexible with a tight schedule like I have things are always going to come up and change but the schoolwork is equable there and making the dedication to follow my plan and be flexible enough to complete the plan my time management can be successful. The only thing I can do to improve my time my time management is really not procrastinating and putting things off. Sometimes I just get a little lazy and before I know Im asleep on the coach and nothing has been accom plished. I need to sick to the plan and maybe sleep on my days off. Time management can improve your preparation for class by making you more prepared.When you are accomplishing things on time then you have the time to ask questions which makes you more prepared. gravid time management is always keeping you focused Time management is a huge part of managing yourself. If you cannot manage time and wont manage your limited resources, how do you plan to achieve your goals? measure is basically the main idea behind time management. Being prepared, active listening, commitment and engagements are the all the keys to good time managing. If I can follow this simple strategy I know I can follow through in my time management.Time ManagementTime Management is a very important soft skill. There are very few people in the world that would say time isnt valuable. Once that minute, hour, or second is gone you cannot get it back that why you should value it and use it responsible especially if y ou have goals or thing that must be accomplish. Time management not only helps you accomplish thing effectively. Before I started IU University most of my time was dedicated to my job and my daughter. I worked 40-50 hours a week, my daughter and my motherly duties took up the rest. This week assignment has shined a light on some good resources and tips to help me with time management.I have learned that I cant do it all. Creating a to-do list putting the most important task or goal at top help getting things done in due time. Planning each day and scheduling your daily activities helps keep conflicts and the last second rush to get things done out your way. My biggest problem I have is I always want to get thing done fast and perfect at the same time and most time when you do things that way is never get done the right way. I learned everything dont have to be perfect. Trying to be perfect can slow down your productivity and put you in the position can stop you from completing impor tant goals and tasks.Trying to do thing speedy can make you over look very important things that can benefit you. Even though I want to get everything done quickly and perfect the cons behind it would send me right back to the starting point so I will just take my time and focus on getting it done the right way. Organization is a major part of time management. If you time is scatter all over thing would never get done effectively. Part of be organized is to prioritize your task and goals. Define what task and goals are more important. It will help you know where most of you time need to go.It is proven fact that people who are disorganized are more confused and frantic. The more organized you are the more time you have and opportunity you have to spend just relaxing. This assignment has made me realize with the soft skill time management so much can get done. Time management is like a motivation to achieve your goals or task. Everyone can benefit from time management from single mot hers to big business owner. If you use your time effectively and work on your top task and goals every day you will get there with massive success.ReferencesSchroeder, J. (2006). Time management takeaways. Public Relations Tactics, 13(6), 4-4. Retrieved from http// Tracy, B. (2012). 3 barriers to effective time management. LifeHealthPro, Retrieved from http// Melinte, I. E. (2013). Time management a paradigm of contemporary society. International Journal of Communication Research, 3(1), 15-21. Retrieved from http// ManagementTime ManagementJeremy Schultz Time management is essential in the learning process for many reasons. You can get more done in less time, by planning your time you can see the amount of work that needs to be finished. Your work is also of better quality knowing what to work on, when and how much time you have to finish makes you focus harder which makes the quality better. From my experience it also forces me to things I do not like.When I plan on what I need to do it pops out at me and I am forced to tackle it its like a target and I must complete the challenge. If it is a long term career plan or just a daily schedule the fact is time management keeps you on track. I learned through this exercise that I manage my time really the best I can. Right now my time is tight and I need to make the best of my time managing. This was a typical day which I considered a week day on my days I need to come up with I plan because I usually waste the day away.I did realize the need to be flexible with a tight schedule like I have things are always going to come up and change but the schoolwork is still there and making the dedication to follow my plan and be flexible enough to complete the plan my time management can be successful. The only thing I can do to improve my time my time managemen t is really not procrastinating and putting things off. Sometimes I just get a little lazy and before I know Im asleep on the coach and nothing has been accomplished. I need to sick to the plan and maybe sleep on my days off. Time management can improve your preparation for class by making you more prepared.When you are accomplishing things on time then you have the time to ask questions which makes you more prepared. Great time management is always keeping you focused Time management is a huge part of managing yourself. If you cannot manage time and wont manage your limited resources, how do you plan to achieve your goals? Pace is basically the main idea behind time management. Being prepared, active listening, commitment and engagements are the all the keys to good time managing. If I can follow this simple strategy I know I can follow through in my time management.Time ManagementTime Management is a very important soft skill. There are very few people in the world that would say time isnt valuable. Once that minute, hour, or second is gone you cannot get it back that why you should value it and use it responsible especially if you have goals or thing that must be accomplish. Time management not only helps you accomplish thing effectively. Before I started IU University most of my time was dedicated to my job and my daughter. I worked 40-50 hours a week, my daughter and my motherly duties took up the rest. This week assignment has shined a light on some good resources and tips to help me with time management.I have learned that I cant do it all. Creating a to-do list putting the most important task or goal at top help getting things done in due time. Planning each day and scheduling your daily activities helps keep conflicts and the last second rush to get things done out your way. My biggest problem I have is I always want to get thing done fast and perfect at the same time and most time when you do things that way is never get done the right way. I learned everything dont have to be perfect. Trying to be perfect can slow down your productivity and put you in the position can stop you from completing important goals and tasks.Trying to do thing speedy can make you over look very important things that can benefit you. Even though I want to get everything done quickly and perfect the cons behind it would send me right back to the starting point so I will just take my time and focus on getting it done the right way. Organization is a major part of time management. If you time is scatter all over thing would never get done effectively. Part of be organized is to prioritize your task and goals. Define what task and goals are more important. It will help you know where most of you time need to go.It is proven fact that people who are disorganized are more confused and frantic. The more organized you are the more time you have and opportunity you have to spend just relaxing. This assignment has made me realize with the soft skill time manage ment so much can get done. Time management is like a motivation to achieve your goals or task. Everyone can benefit from time management from single mothers to big business owner. If you use your time effectively and work on your top task and goals every day you will get there with massive success.ReferencesSchroeder, J. (2006). Time management takeaways. Public Relations Tactics, 13(6), 4-4. Retrieved from http// Tracy, B. (2012). 3 barriers to effective time management. LifeHealthPro, Retrieved from http// Melinte, I. E. (2013). Time management a paradigm of contemporary society. International Journal of Communication Research, 3(1), 15-21. Retrieved from http// ManagementTime ManagementJeremy Schultz Time management is essential in the learning process for many reasons. You can get more done in less time, by planning your time you can see the amount of work that needs to be finished. Your work is also of better quality knowing what to work on, when and how much time you have to finish makes you focus harder which makes the quality better. From my experience it also forces me to things I do not like.When I plan on what I need to do it pops out at me and I am forced to tackle it its like a target and I must complete the challenge. If it is a long term career plan or just a daily schedule the fact is time management keeps you on track. I learned through this exercise that I manage my time really the best I can. Right now my time is tight and I need to make the best of my time managing. This was a typical day which I considered a week day on my days I need to come up with I plan because I usually waste the day away.I did realize the need to be flexible with a tight schedule like I have things are always going to come up and change but the schoolwork is still there and making the dedication to follo w my plan and be flexible enough to complete the plan my time management can be successful. The only thing I can do to improve my time my time management is really not procrastinating and putting things off. Sometimes I just get a little lazy and before I know Im asleep on the coach and nothing has been accomplished. I need to sick to the plan and maybe sleep on my days off. Time management can improve your preparation for class by making you more prepared.When you are accomplishing things on time then you have the time to ask questions which makes you more prepared. Great time management is always keeping you focused Time management is a huge part of managing yourself. If you cannot manage time and wont manage your limited resources, how do you plan to achieve your goals? Pace is basically the main idea behind time management. Being prepared, active listening, commitment and engagements are the all the keys to good time managing. If I can follow this simple strategy I know I can fo llow through in my time management.
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